Red Alerts is Closed

As many of you already know Red Alerts is closing. This will be one of the last posts here and will cover the information advertisers, readers and contributors will need to move forward.

First up Red Alerts will remain online indefinitely while we comb through the archives. Red Alerts has over 3500 articles dating back to early October of 2006 so this will take some time. Some of the articles will be moved to new sites, some recycled and others expanded on elsewhere.

Advertisers can rest assured that we will honor our time commitments, and we will offer them the option of having their ads appear free of charge on the new sites I’m running for the duration of our contracts.

Those new sites are:

Hunter – Trader – Trapper which will be where more survival and preparedness oriented material will be. The site will also cover homesteading, self-sufficiency and traditional skills.

Greenville Dragnet which will continue to cover crime but will be the new home for our border war category. Political stories that involve corruption or fraud will also be moved there so if you have something relevant please send it there.

Financial news will be posted at Palmetto Finance.

Paganism, occultism and other sensational subjects will be posted at Spell and Ritual.

The next two posts will be our last. The first will be answers to more specific questions about this transition and the last will be a list of links to websites that I believe are worthy of your attention.

Thank you all for your loyalty and support these last five years.

Rob Taylor

4 thoughts on “Red Alerts is Closed

  1. Good luck in your transition. I’m glad I found your blog when I did. I’m looking forward to checking out the other sites. Congrats on moving upwards and outwards.

  2. Rob Taylor,

    So why exactly are you going to shut down this site? I’m kind of sad to see it go.

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