Canadian Kristallnacht!

White trash north of the border are staging a Nazi like campaign of intimidation against a Jewish woman who owns some sort of book store chain in Canada. From the National post (h/t Relapsed Catholic):

TORONTO -It was a scene eerily reminiscent of Germany in the 1930s: protestors outside a Jewish-owned store warning anyone attempting to enter and spend their money that the premises were owned by a certain type of person. Seventy years ago, the hysterical zealots were Nazi brown-shirts, and they had no qualms about screaming, “Jews, Jews!” On Saturday the boycotters outside several branches of Chapters-Indigo bookstores were overwhelmingly of the far left and referred to “Zionists, Zionists!” But the message was the same. Don’t buy here. These people are? well, you know.

Actually, these people are Heather Reisman and Gerry Schwartz, who may well be Canada’s most high profile Jewish couple. They also dare to support the Heseg (Achievement) Foundation, which gives scholarships to lone Israeli soldiers. In other words, men and women who’ve lost their families or whose relatives live elsewhere are given financial help and grants to help them attend university. The money does not purchase arms and has no military purpose. It is purely humanitarian and often goes to the least privileged.

In fact, several beneficiaries have become leaders in the field of social services, conducting aid to Israeli Arabs and Palestinians as well as Israeli Jews in need. But facts should never get in the way of a protest. Which is not only daft but extraordinarily lazy, because only a few minutes walk away from various Chapters-Indigo stores (in Toronto, for instance) are embassies and businesses owned by Arab states directly supporting all sorts of lovely policies. Genocide in Darfur in Western Sudan. The arrest and torture of homosexuals, Christians and labour and feminist leaders. The routine persecution and killing of Palestinians.

Here’s a glimpse into the minds of the protesters. Pay close attention to the venom that gets spewed on this forum when someone dares defend Israel. Don’t want to read the thread? Watch the little neo-Nazis in action as they harass Heather Riesman and Ralph Nader at one of Nader’s book store speeches:


Feel the drama! Here’s another boycotter vid:


War criminals! Of course there’s no mention of exactly who these war criminals are. But we know what they are (wink) and we’re not talking gentiles.

How long before these hippies make the jump from “peace protesters” to full on Jew haters? I give it a year.

2 thoughts on “Canadian Kristallnacht!

  1. What the hell? Just when you think that certain awful acts will never be repeated, along comes something to remind you that hate crimes the likes of Kristallnacht do occur still, despite our efforts.

    I had actually done a blog search of a certain term and thus came onto this site. The term is “Jewish Nazi”. Ever heard of it? From my standpoint- I am an atheist with Jewish heritage- this term is just about the worst insult that you can aim at a Jew. To be called a Nazi is bad enough, but a JEWISH Nazi is the equivalent of a traitor.

    I heard someone (a gentile) jokingly aim this joke at a Jewish guy in a school cafeteria. The Jewish guy just laughed and didn’t spak up for himself. Then the bell rang, and I attempted to chase after the two guys and acquaint them with my feelings about that term- however, they were too quick.

    I have never heard of this term, and I was wondering if it is in common use- if so, we need to educate people about how certain words can hurt.

  2. Yeah, it gets thrown around the left side of the blogosphere usually by “palestinian rights” activists. Often these people are either Radical Muslims who, for reasons I’ll never understand, end up respected members of left wing ‘net communities or their like Frank Welner of Jew Watch and David Duke. “White Nationalists” have been riding the coat tails of Radical Muslims to inflitrate the “peace movement” for at least a few years.

    I think they’re the ones who started the “Jewish Nazi” meme because they’ve experienced frist hand how powerful the word Nazi is if you want to demonize someone.

    Check out the archives of the big lefty sites and you’ll see this. The Heathlander on DailyKos is a good start.

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