GOProud on The Democrats Betrayal of Gays in the Health Care Bill

Surprise! Democrats threw gays under the bus for their communist power grab. It’s almost as if Marxists think homosexuality is a product of decadent Capitalism and will disappear in their new utopia.

From GOProud:

(Washington, D.C.) – Late last night, the Democratic controlled House of Representatives passed their healthcare “reform” bill by a razor-thin margin. “All of the Democratic special interests got their pay off in the healthcare bill passed by the House last night,” said Jimmy LaSalvia, Executive Director of GOProud – the only national organization representing gay conservatives and their allies. “While the rest of the Democratic caucus was busy horse-trading for their constituency, gay Democrats in the House do what they do best – sit down, shut up and vote.”

All three of the openly gay House Democrats – Barney Frank (D-MA), Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) and Jared Polis (D-CO) – voted for the Democrats’ healthcare legislation that seeks to expand the scope of government run healthcare. “The Democrats’ dirty little secret is that efforts to expand government-run healthcare will expand discrimination and make quality, affordable healthcare even less available to gay and lesbian families all across the country,” continued LaSalvia. “Instead of making domestic-partner benefits more available, this legislation will make them less available. Instead of empowering gay families to have more control over their healthcare decisions, this legislation will put more power in the hands of a federal government that denies any recognition for gay couples. Instead of supporting tax equity for domestic partners, they supported tax increases on gay families.”

“You would think that openly gay Democrats would have fought for some measure of equality for gay families during the debate, but sadly they did not. It is clear their allegiance is to Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama and the DNC – not to gay and lesbian families,” concluded LaSalvia.

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