Alaskan Obamunists Plotting to Ruin Halloween, Wiccans Silent

You won’t find this story on The Wild Hunt. An emailer tipped me off to this section of the Organizing for America website which suggest that rather than handing some little Trick-or-Treater a handful of goodies you should use the time to propagandize for liberal political positions … and then give them some tofu. Disgusting:

Instead of going door-to-door, simply let the people come to you!

* Give trick-or-treaters a flier about President Obama’s Health Reform Plan and a “Health Reform NOW” sticker.

* Give them a healthy snack too as a way to remind them about how important health reform is!

Let’s make sure that this Halloween the only scary things Alaskans encounter are witches, ghosts, and goblins…and not big insurance companies who promise treats and only give you tricks.

I personally have always endeavored to make Halloween not just a night of revelry for me and my ilk, but have used it to be a good neighbor by helping the local children enjoy the holiday. It would behoove Wiccans to do the same; to make Halloween as fun for everyone as Christians make Christmas. It is in fact, from a pagan perspective, what the holiday is all about. Samhain is the celebration of life in the face of the darkness and hardship of winter and a time when The Veil between worlds is thinnest. For old school Wiccans, it signifies the power shift from the Goddess who ruled over Spring and Summer to the great Horned God, the Lord of Misrule, who rules the Fall and Winter months and leads his wild hunt throughout the land.

Non-pagans don’t need to celebrate Halloween religiously, but they are a part of the festivities, the spirit of Halloween. We can talk politics the other 364 days a year, on the night of the Grand Sabbat we should be ensuring that everyone is enjoying the revelry, not letting killjoys take the fun out of Halloween for some kid.

It’s odd Wiccans complain about Christians attacking Halloween yet will have nothing to say about this nonsense. It’s almost like Wicca is a leftist cheerleading squad…

2 thoughts on “Alaskan Obamunists Plotting to Ruin Halloween, Wiccans Silent

  1. Rob Taylor,

    I heard about some nutritionists and dentists complaining about Holloween before because of all the candy. So in a way, this is nothing new.

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