A Quick Warm Up by Zuzana

Zuzana is the Internet phenomenon who is the star of Body Rock TV. Her claim to fame is filming herself doing workouts 99% couldn’t hack on your best day, and thus shaming us all into getting a little more exercise.

A lot of supposed survivalists are in shockingly bad shape. If you believe the world is about to devolved into total anarchy or that a massive solar flare is going to send us back into the pre-industrial age getting in shape should be one of your primary concerns. To get in shape you have to start with the basics including a good warm up routine so here you go:

3 thoughts on “A Quick Warm Up by Zuzana

  1. Great comments on getting and staying shape. This isn’t exactly my type of workout but it doesn’t matter just get up and do something.

  2. I am always shocked, although by now I really shouldn’t be, at the number of soft bodies I see at any kind of “Survivalist” get together or tactical training class. One guy actually told me, “See you have gym muscles. I on the other hand have table muscles. Table muscles win out every time.” Yeah, ok.

    Man, apparently I have not watched her videos in a long time. When did she go brunette?

  3. Not sure on the hair color but with you on the softies in the survival movement. I’m no buff guy but I maintain the ability to walk at least 10 miles without a break and lift heavy objects. Basic stuff. How many people have you seen who think they’re going to be wearing body armor, carrying 2000 rds of .308 and have a bug out bag on but can’t do 10 push-ups?

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