Radioactive Material Stolen in Minnesota

From the Star Tribune:

On Thursday, Minnesota health officials issued a warning regarding the stolen device, which is used to measure the moisture content in soil and construction materials.

“The radioactive materials are actually encased and encapsulated; they’re inside metal, and they aren’t going to be exposed unless somebody does physically break the unit,” said Buddy Ferguson, a spokesman for the Minnesota Health Department, which regulates use of this kind of device and others similar to it.

The radioactive elements are Cesium 137 and Americium 241, he said.

“You obviously always want to avoid any unnecessary exposure to radiation, and that’s really what we’re dealing with here,” Ferguson said. “In terms of getting a big dose of radiation from this, that’s not going to happen unless you have prolonged close exposure to it … This is really about exercising a reasonable amount of caution.”

Citizens are also urged to keep a lookout for but not handle the box — which is 2½ feet by 17 inches by 14 inches — or the device inside. Instead, call Forest Lake Police at 651-464-5877, the state duty officer at 651-649-5451, or the owner, Asset Management, at 612-272-1376.

“If for any reason the device has been damaged, avoid prolonged exposure to it,” Ferguson said.

The device has no resale value because it can only be used for the intended purpose, and by people who have been properly trained and licensed, he said.

Hmmm. Why steal a radioactive device with no resale value? What could one possibly do with something like that?

h/t Hot Air