Friday Counter Jihad Round-Up

Muslims have Friday prayers, I have my own rituals to attend to on Fridays. So I’ll compress some posts I was planning into one giant link round-up:

The great 1389 blog put together a blog burst detailing the why Islamist activists misled authorities about the terror glorifying Flight 93 memorial. It’s worth a read as are the links.

The Muslim cab driver who ran down a Christian with his cab in Nashville, because the man liked Jews, has pleaded guilty and is awaiting sentecing. A minor victory for us.

Brigitte Gabriel’s Act for America has chapter information on their website, broken down by state. Join Act for America and help in the fight against Islamic imperialism.

Pam Geller from Atlas Shrugs invaded the Ashura festival in NYC. She’s got video and plenty of pics.

Speaking of Pam Geller, did you know she wasn’t God? But she does make some very wise points about the counter Jihad movement and the dishonest attempt by LGF to discredit everyone in it.

That leads me to Lionheart, who’s still in good spirits and getting plenty of support. For all you lizards drinking the LGF-aid, here’s his explicit position on the British National Party. Does that sound like a neo-Nazi to you?

The Center for Vigilant Freedom is drumming up support for Gerard Batten in his run for mayor of London. He’s a counter Jihad friendly politician who’s not in the BNP. LGF should be happy.

Read some excerpts from an email sent to a Conservative Dutch blog by a Labor Party Councilor. It contains explicit threats and a demand to convert. So much for multiculturalism.

The Dutch Labor party also has some interesting thoughts on motivating youth.

Did you know about the Al-Qaeda operative on trial in New York caught with materials related to the drinking water supply? Why isn’t this on the news more? Hmmm.

Diana West has a great article on Western Blindness to the perniciousness of Islamism even in democratic states.

Debbie Schlussel is having a break down over her former boss being a terror supporting scumbag.

Happy Friday?

4 thoughts on “Friday Counter Jihad Round-Up

  1. I’m not the original source of the blogburst about the Flight 93 memorial. I’m just doing whatever I can to spread the information around, as Cao has requested.

    That blogburst is organized by Cao of Cao2’s Blog. To join, email Cao (caoilfhionn1 at gmail dot com) with your blog’s url. Also see Error Theory.

    While I have your attention, please stop by HERE to listen to Lionheart’s webcasts.


    Belarus has jailed the publisher of the Mohammed cartoons. Please stop by for more information, including links to the cartoons themselves and to Michelle Malkin’s blogburst.



  2. Here is the latest piece of enemy propaganda from Charles Johnson at Little Green Footballs: Lionheart Drops the Mask.

    Here, CJ LIES about what Lionheart says in his blog.

    Lionheart clearly said that he does NOT support the BNP, and explains why NOT.

    CJ claims that Lionheart said the opposite of what he actually said.

    The problem is that most people who read LGF won’t bother clicking on the link to Lionheart’s blog to see what Lionheart actually said! And of those who do, all too many of them lack reading comprehension skills, and will accept CJ’s simplistic and false account of Lionheart’s position because that is the first thing they saw.

    What a disgrace!

    Click here for more about LGF.

  3. Charles Johnson’s a typical lefty on a power trip. As soon as someone shows him to be mistaken he attacks rather than correct his mistakes. It’s outrageous.

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