3 thoughts on “With Islam a Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

  1. I have also been “debating” with some trolls on another blog whom accuse me, and anyone else who is pro-Israel to be on the level of the Nazis. Even when they outright ignore something like this.

    Pathetic how these people operate. All they can do on trying to get their point across is to laud the Nazi comparison toward anyone who is pro-Israel. Yet then they happily ignore photos like this.

  2. I am niether Jewish or Muslim nor are any of my friends. I have not made up my mind about the situation in the middle east because it is so complicated but seeing something like this picture goes beyond pathetic. That child has no idea what her sign means but her parents do.If they think this is how to get sympathy for thier cause they are very wrong.

    This is disgusting and all the adults involved should be ashamed of themselves.

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