You Don’t Say: CNN Says Radicalism Fueling Rise in Honor Killings in the U.K.

From the always insightful CNN:

The United Nations estimate there are 5,000 honor killings worldwide every year but the issue was almost unheard of in Britain until a 2004 Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) conference.

Nazir Afzal, the CPS director who organized that conference, said the situation in Britain was worse than they had thought and a growth in religious fundamentalism had helped make it worse.

“Even I had no idea quite frankly how serious a problem it was, how many communities were affected, how many people were affected,” Afzal told Reuters.

“Murder is just the tip of the iceberg. You have a substantial number of kidnappings, false imprisonments, serious assaults, which are also carried out in the name of honor.”

The CPS prosecutes about a dozen “honor” murders a year but Afzal believes the true number of killings is much higher.

“We have cases of murders that take place abroad — people who are taken and killed abroad — so they obviously don’t come into our figures,” he said.

“We also have a substantial number of missing persons.”

In the wake of the 2004 conference, police launched a review of about 120 cases where women had disappeared or appeared to have committed suicide. Afzal said about 20 were now suspected of being honor-related crimes.

So, if you accommodate radical Muslims, they’ll feel comfortable enough to become increasingly more radical. Huh. I never thought about that. Go figure.

Melanie Phillips has a good read on this.