Plan 9 from the West Bank!

Anti-Israeli propagandist aren’t even trying anymore. This is some of the worst anti-Israeli propaganda I’ve ever seen on YouTube, and it’s not even convincingly done. It’s a video posted by someone from anti-Israeli Islamist front group, who is apparently the Ed Wood of Jew hating agi-prop films. Before watching the video keep these questions in mind:

1) If little Mohamed was shot in the stomach and was “in recovery” waiting for a second operation, why’s he so spry? I had an abdominal hernia surgically repaired and was in bed for a week, the pain was indescribable and I certainly couldn’t bounce around on a couch giggling.

2) At the end of the video they show a kid who’s supposedly been shot in the mouth. Yet except for a missing tooth, there’s no evidence of trauma to his face. Even with rubber bullets, is this possible?

3) They present a graphic claiming that “off camera” an AP cameraman admitted to erasing evidence of Jewish atrocities. They weave a little conspiracy theory as to why no evidence ever turns up of these massacres. Why should we believe them? If these occurrences are common, as they claim, why don’t they photograph them themselves, or video tape them? They obviously have access to a video camera.

4) The video I use is a reposting by a Muslim extremist (and is thus unflagged by the YouTube community) If your videos can be used as is by an extremist who retitles it as “Death to Jews”, doesn’t that say something about you?

Here’s the video, there are other mistakes in their as well, so keep your eyes peeled:
