The U.S. Border Patrol are Saints

Or at least they have the patience of saints, because if I had a run in with the poor man’s Alex Jones from Checkpoint USA I’d have shoved his camera up his ass. Observe the dregs of America in action, and remember this is pretty much the way every truther acts all the time:


Wow. I applaud the professionalism of the agents in the face of a man too stupid to understand that a border checkpoint isn’t unconstitutional unless you think non-Americans have the constitutional right to sneak over the border. Even the boys over at Immigration Watchdog, a site known to dabble in Jonesian conspiracy mongering, came down hard on this prick’s behavior:

I’ve been stopped by Border Agents a few times. It’s not a big deal. Just say “I’m an American citizen” when they ask you, and you’re on your way. Instead, this guy acts like an asshole and then whines about being held up. I wonder if he freaks out like this every time he sees a cop car drive down the street?

The guy has a blog as well as a website so drop by and let him know how you feel about cretin who go out of their way to make law enforcement agents’ lives harder while attempting to undermine our control of our own border.