I Told You the Next Ice Age is Coming

Not by Fire but by Ice is book that, although flawed, puts forward the important that true extinction events are caused by ice ages which occur with alarming frequency on planet earth. Now a scientist from Eastern Europe is warning that the next ice age is starting and could be upon us in as little as five years!


A leading scientist has revealed that Europe could be just five years away from the start of a new Ice Age.

While climate change campaigners say global warming is the planet’s biggest danger, renowned physicist Vladimir Paar says most of central Europe will soon be covered in ice.

The freeze will be so complete that people will be able to walk from England to Ireland or across the North Sea from Scotland to northern Europe.

Professor Paar, from Croatia’s Zagreb University, has spent decades analysing previous ice ages in Europe and what caused them.

“Most of Europe will be under ice, including Germany, Poland, France, Austria, Slovakia and a part of Slovenia,” said the professor in an interview with the Index.hr.

“Previous ice ages lasted about 70,000 years. That’s a fact and the new ice age can’t be avoided.


And he added: “The reality is that mankind needs to start preparing for the ice age. We are at the end of the global warming period. The ice age is to follow. The global warming period should have ended a few thousands of years ago, we should have already been in the ice age. Therefore we do not know precisely when it could start – but soon.”

The Zagreb based scientist says it will still be possible for man to survive in the ice age, but the spending on energy will be enormous.

“Food production also might be a problem. It would need to be produced in greenhouses with a lot of energy spent to heat it”, commented the professor, who remains optimistic despite his predictions.

I’m stocking up on blankets.

10 thoughts on “I Told You the Next Ice Age is Coming

  1. Naw, I’m pretty positive the next big hobgoblin will be something like Global Wind Erosion Phenomenon, or maybe something even more horrible, like Global Tectonic Plate Collapse, or possibly a rash of asteroid storms. Or maybe a combination of all of them.

    All caused by man, of course.

  2. The last “little ice age” ended in 1851. A warmer earth has vaster areas of land that can be used for agriculture leading to larger longer lived populations. A warm earth = life. A cold earth = less people and shorter lifespans.

    Sorry Mr. Gore

  3. KnightofPan-

    That’s not necessarily true. A warmer earth with a longer growing season would mean more depletion of ground minerals, more erosion, and more diseases, since diseases, for the most part, thrive in warmer climates. In colder ones, they tend to slow down, almost like a form of hibernation.

    The earth needs winter in order to rest and replenish.

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