Another Ron Paul Supporter Shows his True Colors

Ron Paul is a crank who attracts the dregs of America, including Jew hating conspiracy theorists and racist hillbillies, to his cuase. As evidence I offer this comment left by Ron Paul fan “DrPaul” on this virulently anti-semitic thread on the Politico forum:

I would love to see an equal financial tally of the trillions of dollars Americans have wasted supporting and trying to educate violent, lazy, low IQ blacks since the 1960’s, including financial costs to non-blacks of the millions of vicious crimes committed by blacks yearly, including thievery, shopliftings, muggings, rapes, and murders. Though only 1 out of 8 Americans is black, they commit 85% of all interracial crime, approimately 75% of all robberies in America, and nearly 100% of all violence between Jews and blacks. Considering that blacks as a whole contribute virtually nothing to America’s income tax revenues, with at least half of all blacks leading parasitic lifestyles that have destroyed large parts of every major American city, causing property and rental costs to soar in non-black areas because no Asian Americans, white Americans, Latinos, Italian Americans, Irish Americans or Jews want to live in proximity to violent, abusive blacks. Yes, lets add up the tens of trillions of dollars in direct and indirect costs blacks have levied upon non-blacks in America since the 1960’s, including the weakening of academic standards at every major univeristy in order to admit and cater to blacks whose academic and intellectual achievements/abilities are vastly inferior to hard working non-blacks who were denied admission in their stead.

Wow. Of course there will be those who come here and claim that “DrPaul” is not a Paul supporter, the name is not an homage, and that it just so happens that there are a tremendous number of racists who are doctors named Paul. But that’s crap and they know it.

Read the whole thread, you’ll see that as vile as this is, it is not the vilest moment. That’s when the originator of the thread, a thread largely based on the articles of anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist like Chris Bollyn by the way, asks someone questioning his shaky logic if he’s a “hooked nosed Blood sucking Jew.” The person making that comment lists his party affiliation as Democrat.

Yet another reason I’m with Fred!

h/t LGF

4 thoughts on “Another Ron Paul Supporter Shows his True Colors

  1. So… what’s your evidence that Dr. Paul is a racist, anti-Semite? Oh, wait. Don’t tell me your logic consists of A is B, therefore B is A. Really scraping the bottom of the barrel. Try criticizing Dr. Paul’s ideas and not looking for every fed-hating survivalist who latches onto him.

  2. Rob Taylor is unfortunately a brainwashed sheep. Fred Thompson? Are you all starry eyed cause Thompson is a TV star? What has he done to earn your brown nosing? Fer crissakes, the hack was part of the Nixon Administration, and a lobbyist (lobbyists ain’t much higher on the morality chain than trial lawyers).

    Thompson has earned a reputation of one of the laziest politicians in Washington. He’d leave early and seemed to prefer to easy money of Hollywood (only in Hollywood would a man with the face of deputy dog snag a young blonde bimbo wife who wouldn’t give him the time of day if he was Fred Thompson, Pizza Delivery GuY).

    Don’t forget his flip flops on abortion, and his support of Chimp Bush and his incompetent handling of 911…

    To hate on Dr Paul is to hate the constitution.

  3. Pingback: University Update - Ron Paul - Another Ron Paul Supporter Shows his True Colors

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