Code Pink Commits Treason!

Cindy Sheehan and her Code Pink cohorts are often lumped into the “liberal” category of anti-war politics, although many of us for years have said that Code Pink isn’t anti-war at all, and is far from liberal. These dictator worshiping harlots support for the oppressed is selective at best, and one hardly hears protests from them when Pro-Democracy, Pro-Western or Pro-Liberty countries are being attacked. No, a dedication to Marxist or anti-Western ideologies is what determines how sympathetic Code Pink is toward a country. Baathist, Stalinist and any Jihadist organization can count on support from the “fellow revolutionaries” in Code Pink who will gladly fleece bored, ignorant house fraus and turn the precedes over to any despot that sticks out their blood soaked hands.

Which is why all Americans who feel any sympathy for the plight of the Cuban people living under the thumb of Castro’s Stalinist regime should be outraged at Code Pinks current collection drive which will fund these traitors trip to Cuba to protest the existence of Gitmo. The trip itself is illegal, but never mind that for now. Why couldn’t Code Pink protest Gitmo here? Is there some other reason they need to break American law and travel to country the rest of us aren’t allowed to go to?

How much money have they raised for their little foray? Just enough to cover their expenses? If they’ve raised more, where’s the money go? In their pockets? In Castro’s (Raul’s that is) pocket?

It is entirely possible that these comintern agents are using the anti-war movement to collect money to prop up a failing, evil regime. Code Pink is a popular organization which has the ability to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars per year. It would be the perfect cover for Communist sympathizers like Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin to funnel money illegally into the hands of her Castroite masters.

While American dupes fawn on Sheehan, Benjamin and the rest of these aging armchair radicals, real revolutionaries are fighting for Liberty and Justice on that blood soaked isle. Don’t let Code Pink help the Communist government of Cuba destroy the hope for freedom for the Cuban people. Keep Code Pink, and the money they plan to pump into Cuba, here in America as the law requires.

Contact the Office of Foreign Assets Control and report these traitors to the proper governmental authorities. I already have. Here’s the O.F.A.C. email:

Bablu Blog has a complete list of contacts for Americans to report these treasonous activities of Code Pink. Get to it.