George Lucas Provides Iran with Anti-American Propaganda

In the form of the most childish and puerile Bush bashing of all time, Revenge of the Sith. With dialog that would make Ed Wood cringe and acting so wooden it attracted several colonies of termites, the final installment of the second Star Wars trilogy only saved itself from the most savage movie critic mauling in cinema history by beating audiences over the head with a anti-(U.S.)imperialist message and clear swipes at the Bush administrations war on terror. Lefty critics were obliged to support a movie that “stuck it to the man” no matter how piss poor the acting, dialog or casting was, and Lucas got to go home and count his nerd money.

But in a turn that made aging communist Lucas even more ecstatic, Revenge of the Sith is being used as anti-American propaganda in Iran. MEMRI has video of a critic explaining that Lucas was predicting the “dark” future for America in his film and that turning to the dark side in the Star Wars mythos was a clear metaphor for why Americans join the military and fight in Iraq. I’m sure there will be an explosion of fanboyism in Iran now, at least until they find out Jews were involved in making the film.

h/t Hot Air