Ted Nugent on Leftists

The Nuge read my mind and wrote this op-ed piece about the creeping authoritarianism of the left:

As for the American left: One hears the words of Mao Tse-Tung come broiling out of the mouths of its heroes, when Ted Kennedy and Hillary Clinton et al unflinchingly push for “redistribution of wealth.”

Central Texas’ own Chet Edwards has the audacity to support taxing the after-tax life savings of American families following the death of a loved one.

The unfair, un-American, unconstitutional death tax literally destroys mom-and-pop businesses across the land. Think about it.

The wall that once symbolized communism is down, yet some still want to give it a shot. Dear God in heaven, help us.

Recently, Danny Glover, an otherwise fine actor, embarrassingly abused his uniquely American freedoms by siding with the communist Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez to finance what clearly appears to be an anti-American propaganda film. Nice.

Meanwhile, right there in that communist country, old Hugo is shutting down an entire media network for daring to challenge his heavy handed, corrupt, dictatorial policies.

This is a leader who has proudly sided with terrorist support groups, and Danny Glover gives him a big hug.

If a Venezuelan citizen were to do so with President Bush, I am confident that Chavez would not respect that individual’s right to free expression.

Venezuela gives its citizens no right to free expression. Glover must be blinded by the trees in that forest.

Examine the agendas of the liberal “party of peace.” Its members clearly don’t believe you and I are smart enough or capable of making our own choices in life.

While conservatives “live and let live,” the left arrogantly thinks it knows better than we do and will burden “we the people” with more government control until we are taxed to death.

Read the whole thing and prepare to raise your devil horns in solidarity.