“Lion of the Left” Bernie Ward More Degenerate than Previously Thought

Many of Bernie Ward’s fans defended him by saying they should give him the benefit of the doubt and take his nonsensical story of trading child porn as part of some lofty lefty journalistic endevour at face value. New reports out today prove that Ward is a bottom feeding degenerate who traded child porn on line with a woman while pretending to be her slave. The woman, who is a hero, called the cops on the filthy pervert as soon as he began sending her child porn.

From KGO San Fransisco

It’s Christmas week, three years ago. Ward’s on his home computer using the screen name “Vincentlio.” He begins the chat with “Good afternoon, mistress.” The woman using the name “Sexfairy” answers, “How was your day, slave?” In explicit detail, Ward describes being humiliated sexually. At one point, he asks, “Are you going to make me feel dirty, mistress?” “Sexfairy” answers, “Yes, I am.”

Ward discusses group sex he had at an infamous porn theater in San Mateo. Then, nearly an hour into the conversation, he brings up photographs, “I love trading pictures.” “Sexfairy” answers, “and why haven’t I gotten any pics, slave? Send me some.”

Ward sends several pictures — one of a woman and two children. Ward describes her as a mother in her late thirties, she’s topless. He says the naked boy is 14, that the girl wearing clothes is 12. They’re all touching in a sexual way.

According to the transcript available at The Smoking Gun, the picture above was of a topless woman in her thirties with a naked 14 year old boy and a fully dressed 12 year old. In the photo the woman is making the 12 year old touch the 14 year olds penis. It should be pointed out that at this point Ward was clearly not exposing Republican sexual hypocrisy, but if he was privy to his chat partners politics all he exposed was her moral superiority to him, demonstrated in her next actions:

“Sexfairy” writes, “brb,” (be right back). A half hour later, she’s on the phone with police, reporting Bernie Ward for child porn. They tell her to keep chatting with Ward.

“It would be important to the case to gather as much information as possible in support of bringing charges against the person that’s sending these pornographic messages,” says Chief West.

In the days that follow, “Sexfairy” asks Ward for more pictures — he complies. Then, police get a search warrant for Ward’s AOL account. E-mail sent and received by “Vincentlio” had pictures attached.

An investigator writes, “several of the photographs depicted children engaged in or simulating sexual acts with adults or other children.” The ages of the children in the pictures — four to 17 years old.

He had pictures of four year olds getting raped. Explain that away lefties.

The report obviously fails to mention that Bernie Ward is “The Lion of the Left” who was a major supporter of far left groups like The Center for American Progress and Common Dreams. They do have some video reports available however which are worth viewing.

The Smoking Gun has the complete document drop if you have the stomach for some graphic details.

Gateway Pundit points us to Bernie’s website, where the top commentary is a screed calling American soldier immoral and accusing them of acting less than honorably!

If this war is immoral then the agents of this country who are carrying out this policy are acting immorally. Those who would recruit others to continue this immoral action are also acting immorally and anyone who stands aside and simply watches and does nothing to stop this is complicit in that immorality. You cannot have it both ways. If a war is immoral than, the soldiers who participate in it are immoral. No soldier is forced to fight. Everyone makes his or her own decision as to whether to fight or not. They can try to argue that they have to obey orders but as Sartre would say they are acting on”bad faith”. Every soldier has the ability to refuse to fight but do not want to because they do not like the consequences such a decision would necessitate. Its not that they are not free to make a decision, it is that they do not want to be punished, etc. so instead they choose to fight.


If you oppose the war on moral grounds then you must do everything in your power to stop it including preventing the replenishment of the agents of that war. Imagine for a moment, Germans after the war arguing that while they may have opposed going to war they supported the soldiers who carried out all of Hitler’s policies. It does not make any sense. Just as the soldiers are acting in “bad faith” by pretending, they do not have a choice but have to fight so too the Berkeley City Council and so many other Americans say they have to support the troops even if they think the war is immoral.That too is acting on “bad faith” pretending that you cannot choose both when in fact the council does not want all the criticism such a choice brings down on them.

American soldiers are engaged in an immoral war. They are participating in an immoral occupation of a foreign sovereign nation. They are not acting honorably. We must decide how we are going to deal with this. At the very least, opposing the recruitment of more people to perpetuate this seems to be a logical position to take.

The above was written two days ago! I think ward found a story about hypocrisy closer to home, but it doesn’t feature Republicans.

5 thoughts on ““Lion of the Left” Bernie Ward More Degenerate than Previously Thought

  1. Rob

    I am now throughly disgusted beyond belief. That POS should be locked up and the key thrown away. As with any sub-human filth like him. A grown man or woman knows engaging in child porn is WRONG! In my opinion any like him should be treated like murderers. Make it a capital offense I say. The lives of the children who have been used in such a way has been stolen forever. As if they were murdered. They now face psychological damage that may lead to similar activities when they become adults.

    The animal has the nerve to call our brave military men and women immoral?!
    He is beyond help! He does not have a clue what ‘immorality’ or ‘honor’ is!

  2. There’s a new book out that says liberalism is a form of mental illness, specifically that liberals are infantile in their constant demands that other care for them etc. I wonder if there’s a link between infantile liberalism and the lack of moral boundires Ward displays?

  3. The rogues gallery of the Right is filled with perverts, like Larry “Widestance” Craig and Ted “SexMeth” Haggard. You want to have a contest to see which side has the longer list? Go ahead, indulge yourselves in yet another waste of time.

  4. sorry- rightious indignation. I don’t see any wrong with what Bernard did.do you know the meaning of fun,and escapism,fantasy?

  5. What about the children in the pictures? They were being abused to make child porn and rather than go to authorities Bernie Ward jerked off to the worst moments of their victimization.

    But I assume you think there is nothing wrong with that, and that child molestation and exploitation are OK with you.

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