Hate Crimes in U.S. Mainly Target Jews and Whites

The Sacramento Bee does it’s best to obscure this by dwelling on “anti-Muslim” incidents, but even they can’t hide the truth:

WASHINGTON — Hate crimes  directed against Muslims remain relatively rare, notwithstanding the notoriety gained by incidents such as recent vandalism at the Madera Islamic Center.

Jews, lesbians, gay men and Caucasians, among others, are all more frequently the target of hate crimes, FBI records show. Reported anti-Muslim crimes have declined over recent years, though they still exceed what occurred prior to the 9-11 terrorist attacks.


In 2008, 105 hate crime  incidents against Muslims were reported nationwide. There were 10 times as many incidents that were recorded as anti-Jewish during the same year, the most recent for which figures are available.

I like the way they don’t publish the exact number of anti-Jewish crimes.

It’s time people started taking self defense seriously. The hate crimes don’t include thousands racially motivated rapes, robberies and murders caused by several generations of Americans internalizing race and class warfare rhetoric taught to them in our school.

3 thoughts on “Hate Crimes in U.S. Mainly Target Jews and Whites

  1. The typical people whom have been hyping hate crimes against Muslim-Americans are members within the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations, your run of the mill Leftists and PaulBots.

    The taxi cabi who was stabbed was stabbed by an interfaith Leftist who didn’t like his answer about the Ground Zero mosque…funny…you’re not hearing that from the media.

  2. Here’s JihadWatch.org’s take on the FBI’s records of hate crimes against Muslim-Americans deemed very rare.:


    Here’s a hapless Leftist pushing the claim that Jews are “behind” hate crimes against Muslim-Americans:


    I find it funny and cartoonish that these Leftists believe that Jews, i.e. Zionists are to be blamed for hate crimes against Muslim-Americans…but are too stupid to look at their own hate. Got hate?

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