Milwaukee Alderwoman Milele A. Coggs has seemingly gotten away with attempted murder. She is still on the lose and releasing “rebuttals” to accusations of trying to run down a poll worker even though her own version of the attack shows malice and reckless endangerment at best:
The Milwaukee Police Department confirmed that officers investigated a collision near a poll site Tuesday night at the Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School in which the driver was reported to be Coggs and a person received minor injuries. A police spokesman would not say whether Coggs was issued a ticket, whether any potential charges are being investigated or whether the case has been forwarded to the Milwaukee County district attorney’s office for review.
Milwaukee Election Commission Executive Director Sue Edman told WTMJ-AM (620) radio her understanding of what happened.
Coggs showed up at the north side polling site after it closed and asked for the results in Milwaukee County Supervisor Elizabeth Coggs’ race for a seat in the state Assembly, the station reported. The two are cousins.
Edman said poll workers provided those results, but the alderwoman then asked for other results, and poll workers refused to provide them, telling her they were closing.
“Apparently, she wasn’t happy with that and they got involved in a verbal confrontation and then he told her she needed to leave the polling site and they took the incident outside and he called 911,” Edman told the station.
Coggs tried to back her car out of a parking spot, and she hit the chief inspector with her car, according to the radio station report. He was taken to the hospital.
On Thursday morning, Edman told the Journal Sentinel that a poll worker received minor injuries, but she wanted to talk to investigators before saying more. She later told a Journal Sentinel reporter that she would not have any more comment.
Kind of sounds like a cover up to me. No one is disputing that she argued with a man who was later hit by her, and police are clearly looking at charging her or they would have just denied that there was a crime. And what was said person doing when he was viciously assaulted? Getting ready to call the cops on her:
Investigators are now trying to determine if Milwaukee Alderwoman Milele Coggs hit the inspector with her car after an argument at the polls.
Election workers said the polls had closed, and votes had been counted at the King Elementary polling place, when Coggs and a relative arrived to get results for races involving three of their relatives.
“I was in the room. I saw the madness,” poll worker Jennifer Hunt-Evans said.
“Was it madness?” 12 News reporter Colleen Henry asked.
“It was madness to me. She was out of line,” Hunt-Evans said.
Hunt-Evans said the inspector gave the women some election tallies, but Coggs kept demanding numbers for other races. The inspector told her he’d given her all he could.
“She wasn’t willing to accept no for an answer. It got to the point where he said he’s calling the police. He started leading them out. We stayed in. Next thing we know, he’s on the ground. Nobody can seem to know what happened. It’s his word against theirs,” Evans said.
So a power mad local city official starts treating people like peons, they object and escort her out the building and then someone ends up getting run over just before he calls the cops. But no charges have been filed? This stinks. The Alderwoman comes from a politically connected family so frankly I say that unless there is an independent investigation, it’s a cover up.
Ironically one of the Alderwoman’s committee assignments is the Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Committee. Don’t you feel better knowing people of her quality are working on those issues?