DailyKos Shows True Colors

LGF caught this diary on leftist anti-American website DailyKos, which has recently been attacked even by Liberals for their oddly totalitarian campaign to purge the left of “moderates” and anyone who doesn’t toe the netroot line.

The author of this terrorist supporting screed is The Heathlander, who seems to have the back of any Jihad, any time. It’s no surprise that as the left see itself as wielding more and more influence over American culture, their true intentions and alliances come to the fore. Baathism, the bastard child of National Socialism and Islamic Supremacism, is more palatable to Heathlander then American imposed representative Democracy and freedom. The oppression of women and enslavement of non-Arabs by Islamists is preferable to the liberal values such of racial and gender equality being exported by U.S. intervention abroad. The Heathlander, like many of his fellow “kossacks” are enamored by dictatorial power, and side with it as a knee jerk reaction.

The only surprise here is how long it took for the rest of us to catch on.