Jimmy Carter’s A Jew Hating Commie…And A Plagiarist!

I’m twelve hours behind the news cycle, but that means less mistakes right?

Any way, AllahPundit at Hot Air pointed the way to this post which describes the controversy and has a video interview with the accuser from Fox News. The L.A. Times op-ed by Jimmiah Bin Ladin AllahPundit links to is here, but the most interesting excerpt is:

For the last 30 years, I have witnessed and experienced the severe restraints on any free and balanced discussion of the facts. This reluctance to criticize any policies of the Israeli government is because of the extraordinary lobbying efforts of the American-Israel Political Action Committee and the absence of any significant contrary voices.

Emphasis mine, because it sounds suspiciously close in ideology to this quote:

AIPAC boasts that during the midterm elections campaign, “nearly every viable candidate met with AIPAC professional staff members and submitted a position paper summarizing his or her views on U.S. Middle East policy.” Wanting to reassure Jewish voters leaning Democrat, AIPAC assured America that Congressional support for Israel would remain in force no matter which party was in power.

Whose the author of this report that seems to imply that AIPAC has a strangle hold on Middle East policy in this country? Why none other than seditious Klanner David Duke. Check around his site and you’ll find he’s “ahead of the curve” on many issues espoused by the left. Like many on the left, he’s also fallaciously fawning over effeminate redneck Carter’s “tough talk” on the Israeli Palestine conflict.

By the way, just in case you thought Duke was a “whites only” kind of guy, check out one of his favorite websites. I’ve posted about the convergence of white power groups and jihadis before, so this doesn’t surprise me but I wasn’t aware that Duke and Carter were hot to revive the the Hanzar divisions.

I wonder how much coverage this’ll get on the MSM?