Filthy Degenerate “Benoliwal” Puts Red Alerts on a List of “Hate” Sites … For Being Against Child Sexual Exploitation

That’s right, taking a strong stand on the sexual exploitation of children will get you on a list of “hate sites” by a degenerate who lurks around the Internet defending pedophilia who calls himself “Benoliwal” on his Sex Offender Advocacy site. Read this and try not to weep.

With laughter:

Known hate groups that target people stigmatized with the label of sex offender:

A. Perverted Justice
B. Absolute Zero United
C. Stitches 77
D. Red Alerts
F. Wikisposure
G. Pagans Against Child Abuse

Brief description of hate groups to follow:

There are 926 known hate groups in the United States since 2008. Each of these groups are called a hate group because they share the same identifying characteristics that even the FBI look for, as well as lawmakers when they are making a hate crimes Bill. These common characteristics are shown below

All hate groups have beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people, typically for their own immutable characteristics.
Psychopathology of hate groups

According to a report published in 2003 in the FBI Law Enforcement bulletin, a hate group, if unimpeded, passes through seven successive stages.3 In the first four stages, hate groups vocalize their beliefs and in the last three stages, they act on their beliefs. The report points to a transition period that exists between verbal violence and acting that violence out, separating hardcore haters from rhetorical haters. Thus, hate speech is seen as prerequisites of hate crimes and as a condition of their possibility. Similar stages have been proposed for genocide.

Hate sites, which often blame the groups they target for any number of social, economic or political problems. Such theories rely on their readers’ ignorance, plus invented “evidence,” to back up their claims. Many hate-mongers use pseudo-scientific intellectualized language and incorporate the work of university-based academics to make their views seem more credible.


A number of hate groups seek to embed their messages in sites that purport to exist for non-hateful purposes. There are hate groups that purport to exist for the safety of children, or the abuse of children, and that for the safety of children anything goes to achieve that false belief. Although the major forms of child abuse are parental/guardian neglect, and child murder by parents/guardians, the particular hate groups that focus on people labeled as sex offender dismiss on their websites the major causes of child abuse and child deaths that can be easily construed as extremist views since the major casuses are ignored and overshadowed by their focus on sex offenders.

When my friend Dodiafae (of Pagans Against Child Abuse) emailed me this I laughed for an hour. You’ll notice P.A.C.A. makes the list twice and Absolute Zero United writer Stitches77 is apparently a group unto her self. Why is P.A.C.A a “hate” site? Because they exposed child exploitation on PaganSpace of course. Otherwise P.A.C.A. is simply a site that supports the victims of abuse, which is hardly hateful.

Absolute Zero United keeps track of these “low recidivism rate” sex offenders who frequent online pro-pedophile chat rooms (and have high level of recidivism, likely because of the encouragement of other pedophiles) and Stitche77 is one of the bloggers there, who is the frequent target of online abuse by pedophiles.

Wikisposure is simply a compilation of the results of Perverted Justice’s online investigations. None of this is “hateful” unless you consider exposing child exploitation and online sexual predation hateful.

Which “Benoliwal” does. He in fact thinks sex offenders are treated very unfairly and has even blamed the news media for their crimes.The corpus of his work on the web consists of nothing more than ham-fisted sex offender advocacy mixed in with doctrinaire progressivism, which is the driving force behind their belief that one day they will convince the world people who prey on children are oppressed just like Black people.

As an aside, sorry Obama supporters, he’s one of yours.

You can find him on any number of forums claiming people who are angered by child rape and express that anger verbally are “hate mongers” or that we Americans are “vigilantes” but never once will you see him express anger over the abuse of victims. I wonder why that is?

It’s interesting that my first contact with “Benoliwal” was when he showed up to this post about his fellow degenerate “ZMan” slandering me, and proceeded to accuse me of being a pedophile amongst other things. But I haven’t slapped together a list calling him a hate group. It’s an interesting distinction between us. I tell the truth, he makes up lies.

It’s almost like he doesn’t have a real argument to make.

Update: Stitiches77 blogged about Benoliwal, aka Bennie Walton, last year where it was exposed he was a blame the victim kind of guy. Here’s what Bennie has to say about molestation victims:

Who cares about balanced laws and equity, surely not the vigilante, nor the parents who want to blame everyone else for their lack of control over their children? If children, under the age of 13 are propositioned on the Internet by strangers, then the question bares asking, what are these young children doing in places on the Internet where they do not belong? It isn’t the fault of the sex offender, or the pedophile, it is the fault of clueless and weak parents and guardians.

Sounds hateful to me. But Stitches has a screen shot of his whole hateful screed where he blames parents for all molestation. He’s sick.

He’s also a fascist as his proposal for government intervention in the markets “to save American workers” proves. Surprise! It was posted to his blog on anti-American hot bed Organizing for America. I’m just shocked that Bennie Walton, a man who advocates for hug-a-thug policies for child rapists, is a “progressive” who supports various leftist causes that undermine America.

Like all perverts he’s got a Bebo profile. Facebook is my line in the sand. If you aren’t promoting something you have no business on social networking sites that are aimed at young people. And Bebo is nothing but children and perverts. Odd that by his logic, if he molested a child he met on the Internet it’d basically be the parents fault, not his. But we should feel safe, it’s not like Bebo is known for child exploitation and criminality, right?

15 thoughts on “Filthy Degenerate “Benoliwal” Puts Red Alerts on a List of “Hate” Sites … For Being Against Child Sexual Exploitation

  1. “people stigmatized with the label of sex offender”

    What a bunch of crap. How dare we “label” sex offenders. Oh the injustice! /sarc

    You must be doing something right Rob to piss these sick f**ks off.

    I hate that our culture has become so PC that there actually are people who defend the poor, poor, stigmatized sex offender (I mean besides the sex offenders that is).

  2. Mah29001,

    Also this is typical of pedophiles, because many of them, instead of just hiding what they do in shame, try to legitimize their criminal behavior by equating people who look a pone it, with outrage and disgust, with people who are homophobic. Well there’s a huge difference between what two mature, consenting adults do privacy, and pedophilia. All practicing pedophiles are child rapists, even if the act is not particularly violent, because children are not yet rational enough to consent, and all non consensual sex is rape.

  3. Rob Taylor,

    Isn’t that all that NAMBLA is, an attempt to demonize people who see the evil of pedophilia and legitimize child rapists?

  4. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if, Benoliwal is a member of NAMBLA. Would it surprise you?

  5. Jenn Q. Public,

    Citizen Warrior, ( ) and many others in the Anti Jihad movement, probably feel the same way whenever a bunch of stealth Jidahists label their websites as hate sites. Speaking of which, the anti Jihad and anti Child abuse movements have something in common.

    Did you hear about this sickening story?

    Child bride turned over to 80-year-old husband

  6. You know that whole thing Bennie said about “it’s not the pedos fault why were children someplace they don’t belong” sounds so much like Zman. Who has said multiple ties that if the internet is a dangerous place for children then they shouldn’t be allowed on it.

    Yet when we say that sex offenders can’t handle the freedom of the internet and shouldn’t be allowed on it……….OHHHHHHH there is wailing and gnashing of teeth.

    The truth is that they should not be allowed to congregate. At least not without a non-distorted non-pro-child sexual abuse person there to supervise their activities. They endanger children alone………put them together and the effects become widespread. You might could help ONE of them alone understand that his thinking is impaired. But once they get together and feed off each others distorted ideas they become hopeless.

    And they are – hopeless. If they ever learned anything in treatment it’s all completely undermined once they meet up with this group of radicals. Every single thing they say goes against what treatment was meant to provide them. The best thing we can do is make sure everyone is aware of them, of the things they’ve done, of the things they say and promote and justify and blame others for. Until of course we can get a law passed that says they don’t get a second chance. Once we accomplish that there will be no need for a registry. Since they all want the registry abolished I’m sure they’ll support our plan for a ‘one strike you’re out’ law. After all, their propaganda is pushing us towards that already.

    Also, yes I agree, him labeling us this way is a badge of honor. Considering how screwed up his thinking is, it would be a mighty sad day if we were doing things in a way that he approved of don’t you think? The only thing I can’t figure out is why he keeps referring to me as an organization and a group. They must be more terrified of me than I realized.

    That makes me smile.

  7. I didn’t realize Bennie had commented on your article about Zman. I found this statement of his very interesting.

    “Stereo-types must be fought, and organizations such as Absolute Zero, Stitches 77, Perverted Justice, and other so-called child protection groups must not go unchallenged because unreasoning vigilantism is very strong in these groups, and some are considered quite dangerous. A person would be a fool not recognize how these groups operate, and to be aware of their existence”

    What does he mean by “unreasoning vigilantism”? Writing our opinions? — The same way HE does? THAT is vigilantism?? OH, I forgot he says people who write their opinions about baby rapers PROGRESS to violence. I’d like an example of that please. Furthermore, if his proposition is true, then it would be fair to say that people who claim it’s not a sex offenders fault for exploiting a child because the child was in the wrong place at the wrong time………..would definitely PROGRESS wouldn’t you?

    The only people who believe I’m dangerous, are people who know I can see right through them and I won’t hesitate to expose them for exactly what they are. They aren’t afraid I’ll commit violence against them, they’re terrified of having their deceptive propaganda exposed, their victim-hating mocking and bashing exposed, their attempts to legalize baby raping etc. Fear of exposure is why they don’t want to be on a registry where people can be aware of them and know to keep their children away. Is exposing how dangerous they are vigilantism? Taking the law into your own hands? Well, consider that they call the government a vigilante organization for making sex offender laws. As if that wasn’t their job……….to make laws. LMAO think about that one for a minute.

    And again:

    “A person would be a fool not recognize how these groups operate, and to be aware of their existence”

    Yes indeed, a person would be a fool not to know how the group “Stitches77” operates. They would absolutely have to be a fool not to know that I have every right to do what I do, not only do I have the right – I have the authority. And most of all a person would have to be a fool if they thought I would ever stop. I won’t. I will not stop. One day they’ll understand that, but by then it will be too late.

  8. As I said to Stitches when she alerted me to this…

    I find this bit very interesting:

    “The report points to a transition period that exists between verbal violence and acting that violence out, separating hardcore haters from rhetorical haters. Thus, hate speech is seen as prerequisites of hate crimes and as a condition of their possibility.”

    Erm… isn’t that exactly what the RSOL groups, the BC, GC, BL, GL, and CL groups, et al do? They talk their shit, read their “erotica”, encourage one another, then act out. Hello?

    This is also entertaining:

    “A number of hate groups seek to embed their messages in sites that purport to exist for non-hateful purposes.”

    And they’d like us to believe they don’t do this?

    And just… wow…

    “Although the major forms of child abuse are parental/guardian neglect, and child murder by parents/guardians, the particular hate groups that focus on people labeled as sex offender dismiss on their websites the major causes of child abuse and child deaths that can be easily construed as extremist views since the major casuses are ignored and overshadowed by their focus on sex offenders.”

    One in 3 girls and one in 6 boys is *not* murdered by their parents or anyone else. WFT? These people are reaching… reaching their heads as far up their own asses as they can possibly get them. Just… wow.

    And by his own definition, he admits that the groups to which he belongs are actually hate groups. They talk about it then act upon it, violent acts against children.

    Great post, Rob. I’m glad you posted, I don’t think I could have done it justice at the moment. 🙂 And I’m glad you got the good belly laugh out of it… one good belly laugh a day will help you live longer!

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