Planned Parenthood Covers Up Child Rape

Planned Parenthood has been covering up the sexual abuse of young girls for years. In this video we see workers at a Planned Parenthood smirk, look dumbfounded then do absolutely nothing as reporters masquerading as 14-year-olds tell them they’ve been impregnated by men in their 30s. The reporters then check with police to see if the incident of statutory rape was reported. It wasn’t:

I personally think that in theory a Planned Parenthood like organization would be a great idea. But having worked in the liberal “non-profit” world I know that running programs the right way largely depends on who you can attract. In this case it seems that the North Carolina Planned Parenthood attracted either heartless dimwits unaware of how serious the problem they were looking at was or ideologues who could care less about the children as long as they “stood for choice” which seems to mean abdicating their moral responsibility to protect children.

Via Michelle Malkin here’s yet anther video of Planned Parenthood workers covering up child rape. This video, courtesy of Live Action Films, is even more shocking and disgusting:

Indiana Planned Parenthood Covers Up Sexual Abuse of 13-year Old – video powered by Metacafe

I happen to be pro-Choice (for first term) and a Federalist when it comes to these issues. I’ve always said that the Pro-life movement should take their energy and start trying to give alternatives to abortions like opening orphanages or parental help centers and should be spreading the message that children aren’t mistakes. Those things would stop more abortions than a thousand marches or protests. But here the Pro-life advocates have done a great service for people of all political persuasions, by exposing the harm Planned parenthood is causing the vulnerable children that come to them for help.

2 thoughts on “Planned Parenthood Covers Up Child Rape

  1. Rob Taylor,

    I never liked planned parenthood. They are far less benign then their supporters make them out to be, and personally I have a problem with abortion.

  2. Had to laugh when Planned Parenthood called Sarah Palin “heartless”-typical leftist projection.

    Before I knew better, after succumbing to a lifetime of Orwellian brainwashing, aka “choice,” I actually worked at a Planned Parenthood. Never met nastier, scarier, more heartless bitches in my life. It’s hard to believe any of them are even human. They see humans and life as a horrible dysgenic burden to be destroyed asap, all with a dmv type beaureacrat’s put upon chip on their shoulder. Didn’t know such nastiness existed before that.

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