The Death of Manliness: Pennsylvania Mass Murderer Was a Whiney Effeminate Liberal who Voted for Obama

When I heard that Hells-bound degenerate George Sodini was angry with women for not dating him I originally assumed he was one of those Men’s Movement sissies who sit around crying because they aren’t treated “fairly” by women, which in most cases means they want to be treated exactly like women by both women and other men. After all, there’s only so many drum circles a “man” can participate in before he’s completely neutered, and since Sodini hadn’t had sexual relations in in 19 years I simply envisioned him sitting around thumbing through his copy of Iron John while some fat, hairy hippies dance around him chanting “embrace the power of your inner man!” while badly hiding their lisps.

But Sodini was worse. Sodini was typical of the modern “liberal” in his belief that he deserved happiness he couldn’t create for himself. He wrote weblogs and made videos that claimed it was “unfair” for him to not have a woman in his life.The 48-year-old read books on how to date young women, rather than meet women his own age. He joined gyms to meet women who weren’t interested in him, rather than trying to find women with common interests and pursue friendships first with potential mates. In other words he sat back and hoped some fantasy he had of sweeping a 20-year-old off her feet would come true. This is childish, unrealistic and completely typical of the modern progressive mindset. Sodini thought the minor efforts he put into to finding a woman (working out, getting a tan) should have been rewarded with women falling into his bed. He didn’t take personal responsibility for his happiness, but decided his happiness was reliant on something which wasn’t possible.

Is it a surprise that he was ecstatic over Obama’s victory even though he was still planning a murder/suicide? Is he so different from people who claim they “deserve” health care or that it’s “unfair” that they aren’t as rich as someone who works harder? Was George Sodini different from the ACORN protesters who thought people who were unable to pay the mortgages they couldn’t afford should stay in their houses? Is he different from the leftists who howl in outrage whenever someone disagrees with them?

Not at all. George Sodini could have just as easily been a coordinator for MoveOn, or worked for Media Matters. He’s no different than Ezra Klein or Amanda Marcotte who has her own take on the mass murder that would do Sodini proud. When people believe their personal happiness comes from external sources, whether it be a woman, a political movement or anything else that is not designed specifically to satisfy your inner spiritual or emotional needs, the end result is unhappiness, disillusionment and madness.

4 thoughts on “The Death of Manliness: Pennsylvania Mass Murderer Was a Whiney Effeminate Liberal who Voted for Obama

  1. You know, one sentence in particular sort of hit home:

    “He didn’t take personal responsibility for his happiness, but decided his happiness was reliant on something which wasn’t possible.”

    This is something that a lot of women of my generation were taught from early childhood, that their happiness was dependent upon “finding a man”. This sort of programming is very difficult to get over, but it’s not usually something that men have to contend with (IME, anyway).

    I have met a few men who are like this (or living in some sort of self-induced fantasy world involving their view of women) and it’s always a huge turn-off. Makes them seem somehow half-a-man (and not the right half), half-woman. It makes them seem desperate. (FYI to the men out there, desperation is not a sexy trait.)

    Strangely enough, most of the women who’ve had to deal with this sort of upbringing were able to get past it and seek their own happiness, while very few of the men were able to figure that out and became very bitter. Some even became abusive (verbally, emotionally, even physically) when they did find a mate and she didn’t live up to his fantasy.

    That being said, this story doesn’t surprise me in the least.

  2. I agree and it makes men like this seem even more pathetic. They need to learn to find their own way through life just as many women have. Instead they blame those same women for not leading them into happiness.

    This anger at others is the hallmark of a person who is stunted, like Sodini.

  3. As a man who has faced rejection. Just because you are rejected from a woman doesn’t give you the right to go shoot somebody over it.

  4. I don’t believe that there is an adult alive who hasn’t faced rejection. Unfortunately, some people never grew up enough to deal with it.

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