Leaked Home Office Memo Predicts “Anarchy” in England in the Coming Months

Why can’t we be more like England? From The Daily Express:


BRITAIN is facing an explosion of violent crime and illegal immigration sparked by Labour’s economic crisis, a leaked Home Office memo to Gordon Brown revealed last night.

Violent attacks are set to soar by up to a fifth in a growing climate of disorder on the streets, the Prime Minister has been warned.

Smuggling is tipped to rise significantly and unscrupulous employers are expected to turn increasingly to illegal foreign workers to cut costs.

Ministers are also being warned of potential inter-racial strife, an upsurge in racist extremism and even terrorism as community relations come under strain in difficult economic times.

Budgets for policing and border control are expected to be slashed by falling tax revenues, potentially leading to cuts in police officers and border guards.

The disturbing portrait of spiralling social anarchy is set out in a document prepared by staff in Home Secretary Jacqui Smith’s office specifically for Mr Brown’s eyes.

Read the rest. Don’t you want some of those enlightened European policies here in America?

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