Andrew Weiner is The Real Reason to Avoid Gold

There is little more irresponsible, asinine and just plain wicked than Congressman Andrew Weiner’s recent declarations about gold. In his much lauded attack on Goldline, which is clearly a Center for American Progress run campaign to destroy Glen Beck’s largest advertiser, Weiner makes bizarre and dangerous claims like gold collector’s coins “could be found much cheaper on similar precious coin seller’s websites” which is basically telling people they should shop around on the Internet for the cheapest sellers.You should simply look for the lowest prices on gold on the web and go from there.

Because there are no Internet scams apparently.

Weiner also implies that gold is a bad investment being marketed by fear. A sentiment echoed by other C.A.P. lapdogs like MSNBC’s Dylan Ratigan. Interesting considering C.A.P. funder George Soros is himself hoarding gold while running a anti-gold campaign. It’s almost as if Soros’ lackeys are attempting to drive down the price of gold by claiming it’s overvalued so that there financial master can continue to accumulate gold.

Look, my survival preps don’t include hoarding gold and I explained why in an essay called Gold: A Sucker’s Bet for Long Term Survival. However in that same article (where I do talk about the fear based marketing of gold) I point out that gold is actually a good investment for non-TEOTWAWKI scenarios. If America simply putters along like it has been for years, gold bugs will see great payoffs. Crazed survivalist that I am I think it’s likely we hit third world status fairly soon, and I guarantee you no one is getting a good return on gold coins in Somalia which is what we’ll look after the government starts handing out IOUs to the 40,000,000 Americans on food stamps.

But Weiner is saying something completely different. He’s claiming that gold isn’t a good investment which is just a lie and I’d put forward that he knows it’s a lie. If you are rich, and have settled your debts, the best protection of your wealth is to take physical delivery of gold, silver and platinum. Hell, if you have some free time and live in an area known for gold veins you should buy yourself a gold panning kit and take up prospecting.

Gold will always be worth something, however I personally think people who are on any type of budget are better off paying off their debts, hoarding food, ammunition, seeds and barter goods and moving out of the cities. Andrew Weiner is one of the reasons why.

Make no mistake, now Weiner is using dishonest tactics (like basing his reports slamming Goldline on anonymous postings on message boards) to keep you from investing in gold. His next step, when our currency starts to really collapse, will be to attempt to seize the gold you have. You know, the way FDR did in the 30s.

Sorry goldbugs, but the left has shown you their hand. We’re one bad crash away from a new Executive Order demanding you turn over all you gold to our financially bankrupt government. After that you might be able to sell the gold dust you pull out of a river to some bureaucrat who pays you in food stamps and I’m sure there will be a thriving black market for wedding rings but unless Americans vote out the Weiner’s of the world, and finally stop allowing George Soros to control the American left, your gold hoard is never going to be safe.

Beans and bullets kids. That’s where we are really at now.