Muslim Honor Killing … in Atlanta!


Feminists silent on this one? Of course! Luckily agent of the patriarchy Gateway Pundit took time out from oppressing women to bring us this awful story from Georgia where a 54-year-old Pakistani Muslim strangled his daughter because she wanted out of her bad marriage.

Her arranged bad marriage:

CLAYTON COUNTY, Ga. (MyFOX Atlanta) – A Clayton County man was behind bars Sunday, accused of killing his own daughter. Police said the father was angry because he felt his daughter was disgracing the family.

Investigators said 54-year-old Chaudhry Rashad was so outraged at his daughter, Sandela Kanwal, and her plans for divorce that he killed her after a heated argument at the family’s home. Investigators said Rashad confessed to strangling the 25-year-old woman.

“The family is very upset and stressed,” said Shahid Malik of the Pakistani American Community of Atlanta.


Police said the victim had been in an arranged marriage and hadn’t seen her husband, who lives in Chicago, for months.

Malik said arranged marriages are not uncommon for Pakistanis. He said the marriages are usually accepted and successful, although young people living in American might develop problems with them.

“Their minds are changed when the live here due to this system,” said Malik.

Shaheed Malik sounds as if he’s minimizing Rasheed’s actions and putting the blame for this crime on the dead woman and we Americans who are “corrupting” Pakistani women by giving them the idea that they are free to live their own life as they see fit. The Pakistani American Community of Atlanta has a website but no contact information for Malik so we could ask him to clarify his comments.

Another example of a woman failed by the west and our impotence. When will we decide to finally stand up for our values and demand that people wanting the freedom and prosperity we provide assimilate into our culture?

12 thoughts on “Muslim Honor Killing … in Atlanta!

  1. Its not Islamic honor .This is the criminal act by an ugly father who violated his daughters right to divorce.I am an American Pakistani.There is a big difference between arranged marriage and forced marriage.That sure was criminal act anyone who knows Islam can tell you this is no honor.That father was controling,crazy,disgusting criminal,should be punished for his actions and his place is hell for killing his daughter.Islam gives woman right to divorce.That father was not practising Islam.His actions were ugly like his face.

  2. Hina: Isn’t the difference between an arranged marriage and a forced on academic? The when involved get no say in who they end up spending the rest of their lives with?

    And while all Muslim communities don’t practice arranged marriage it is a Pakistani Muslim tradition, correct? And honor killings are not an uncommon occurrence in Pakistan. Isn’t it fair to say that Pakistani Muslims, a great deal of them at least, think this is just fine?

    Killing a woman to restore honor is an Islamic tradition going back to Mohammed murdering the poetess Asma Bint Marwan whose crime was writing a poem condemning pagans who didn’t stand up to Mohammad.

    The stories of the blind-man’s slave wife (See Abdullah ibn Abbas) and the unnamed Jewess (Ali ibn Abu Talib) both illustrate the Prophet approving of men murdering women when they dishonored the Prophet. If Mohammad is the perfect man, then killing women who dishonor a man must be acceptable, right?

  3. Read the story of the texas mother who killed her 4 children because she thought that was the order of God or read the story of this father who killed his 2 years old boy.. that child kicked like a soccer ball.. go to the following link and read the story of this mother who believed she was the twin of Jesus..
    and this is the story of this father who raped his own daughter..
    And here is another story of this man who raped his two daughters..,2933,311646,00.html
    Why no one mentioned the religion of all these people in news???
    I am a Pakistani Muslim female raised by my father like a princess and now living happily with my loving husband who was the choice of my family and i never saw him before my marriage. The act of that guy who killed his daughter has nothing to do with Islam. Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said “Whoever Allaah has given two daughters and is kind towards them, will have them as a reason for him to be admitted into Paradise.” And: “Whoever Allaah has given three daughters and he perseveres through raising them, will have them as a shield for him from the Hellfire on the Day of Resurrection.”
    Read this article on daughters in islam so may be you can find out what does real islam says.

  4. You’re assuming the rapists in those stories are Christians or even religious. Isn’t it more likely a man who rapes his daughter is an Atheist?

    The mother in the BBC story wasn’t religious, she was Psychotic. Her religion didn’t drive her to kill her children, insanity did.

    Are you saying this murder had nothing to do with Pakistani Muslim customs and social mores? Then what caused it?

    Your happiness in your arranged marriage does not mitigate the suffering of other women who are married off to people who beat them, rape them etc. I’m glad you have a happy marriage and find solace in your religion, now tell your fellow Muslims from Pakistan to stop killing women and accept American law if they want to live here. If they don’t move to Saudi Arabia where killing women is de rigour

  5. Reason behind the killing of that girl is not based on religion either, that guy was not following Islam because Islam gives the right of divorce to women. Islam doesn’t tell anyone to kill his daughter.
    And you are trying to say that in USA husbands don’t beat their wives or their is no history of child or spouse killing.. or in ur society noone ever got raped.. ???
    In the Rape in America study, 60% of the women who reported being raped were under 18 years old:

    29.3% were less than 11 years old
    32.3% were between 11 and 17
    22.2% were between 18 and 24
    7.1% were between 25 and 29
    6.1% were older than 29
    3.0% age was not available
    And what abt the

    is their any place on earth where you don’t find these evil acts?? Why blaming only few places and one religion?? You know that guy was muslim and from Pakistan so automatically headline goes like “Muslim Honor Killing … in Atlanta!”
    And yes don’t forget the Racism Killings in usa.. how many people got killed because of the color of their skin?? Should i start blaming america or the religion of those killers??
    If you don’t understand religion then don’t talk abt that, we give respect to the Jesus, we know not all americans are evil and we don’t drag religion and nationality when we give news abt the trials like O. J. Simpson.
    And by the way America doesn’t belong to you, it’s very strange that we hardly see any native americans these days.. i wonder what happened to all those red indians???
    I agree with Hina, All of this would not have happened only if father was really practicing islam.

  6. Oh Saadia, you’re so silly.

    Honor killings are a part of Pakistani Muslim culture. Pakistani Christians don’t partake in it (although some Hindus do I understand) and the only group I’ve heard of that still today kills women for disgracing the family name are besides Muslims are some Sikh sects and the Yazidis.

    I in fact have a degree in Comparative Religion and a Master’s. So I do no much about religion and care little for how much you venerate Jesus. I’m not a Christian (or Jew or Muslim) so playing that card doesn’t fill me with sympathy.

    You’re harping a lot on rape, when the story is about honor killing. But yes we do have rapes and child molestations here. Many of which are committed by immigrants from misogynist cultures. Liberal “blue” states have much higher rates of rape and assault, which in my mind shows that there is a direct correlation between crime and Liberal “hug-a-thug” policies that make criminals feel as if they can get away with their crimes.

    I grew up in an all Black family so yes I know of the racism in America. I also know of the racism of Arab Muslims toward Blacks and having worked with Pakistanis I know how racist they are to. Lots of folks are racists, and lots of people are killed in Pakistan. What’s all this have to do with honor killings?

    If you think race wasn’t a big part of the O.J. Simpson story I think you’re quite naive.

    America does belong to Americans. We have treaties to prove it. And it so happens that my ancestors came here as slaves in the 1700s. Is that not enough of a claim? How long has there been a Pakistan? Hey, where’d all the Christians, Hindus and Jews go in Pakistan? There used to be a lot more. Hmmm.

    So you’re point about this story is that the father was an angry Atheist who killed his daughter? As I’ve asked before, tell me this alternate theory of honor killings where assimilated immigrants learn it from Americans.

  7. “You’re assuming the rapists in those stories are Christians or even religious. Isn’t it more likely a man who rapes his daughter is an Atheist?”

    WHATE FUCK??? For totally retarded fucked up statements this one takes the cake. Tell us (Rob Taylor) why would atheists be more likely to rape their daughters?
    Right now (and this is statistically verifiable) there are 10 times more religious convicts serving time than atheists.

  8. Well Joe Atheists by definition believe in subjective morality. Since there is no objective right and wrong morality is a social construct without any consequences for breaking aside from jail time. The problem with that is that all criminals think they can out smart law enforcement.

    I’d like to see this stat about religion, but you’re looking at post-lock up behavior as evidence of pre-lock up religiosity. People with time on their hands, and parole boards to impress, often “find” religion and drop it on the outside.

    Islam however is a fast growing religion in prison,mainly because Muslims offer protection without demand for sexual favors or gang activity. I’d think there may be a correlation between long prison sentences and conversion, but you and I both know criminality isn’t specifically driven by religion in general.

    Atheism (and I include Marxism in this term) does produce a profound disregard for people (specifically the religious) and just as you made up a lie in the comments it produces a flexible morality that appeals to people given to doing taboo things, like lie, or rape children.

    Visit Absolute Zero on my blog role, they profile child molesters and see how your views on religion are similar to degenerates, then tell me Atheism didn’t produce both.

  9. “Atheists by definition believe in subjective morality”, — by whose definition, yours?

    What you are advocating is the barbarism of getting morality as a matter of commandment. When theists like yourself speak of an “objective morality” – what you really mean are standards that are not to be defined or understood by man. You want only that we accept blindly, and comply obediently to a series of revelations handed out unintelligibly by an unproven, invisible dictator in the sky. And this is supposed to be “objective”? This is something that has to be rejected before you can enter the field of morality.

    Your ignorance of atheism is most profound especially in your equivocation with Marxism. As an atheist I have virtually nothing in common with that collectivist ideology. Marx had little to say about organized religion other than it being an “opiate for the masses”.
    And your equating atheism with child molesters is so ignorant that it doesn’t merit a response.

    Truth of the matter historically, it is organized religion and it’s most ardent zealots who have committed some of the most violent and depraved acts. Throughout history some of the most unimaginable slaughter, torture, bloodshed, and suffering were caused by man-kinds religions. The almighty church was one of the worst offenders especially during the middle ages… the crusades, inquisitions, mass murder, religious wars, burning of witches, and others. The persecution and murder of scientists as heretics is also historical fact. The church has much to atone for. Even in recent times the threatening of children with HELL if they dare to question any or deviate from the rigid dogma is some of the most depraved form of child abuse.
    Many religions are guilty of this. Islam is especially reactionary today and many will kill or endorse killing “infidels” with pleasure.

    When a ideological/religious system of belief becomes so entrenched, so dogmatic and rigid, the end result is it’s practitioners no longer tolerate dissent or disbelieve. The history of humanity is stained with the blood of this kind of intolerance.

    The bible and Koran are some of the most violent pieces of literature ever written. Lets see what the bible says about the god of Abraham. What has he/she done to set the moral example? Let’s see… murder of entire tribes and nations, infanticide, genocide (Noah and the great flood), plagues, cataclysmic weather, torture, sacrifice, untold suffering, and let’s not forget hell… all inflicted on those who piss god off or believed the wrong religion. And let’s not forget Revelations and the rapture where he/she plans to violently inflict unspeakable suffering and death on most of the human race except for his chosen ones. Yeh, that’s real moral!!

    The twisted and macabre things described in the biblical scriptures are among the reasons why I am an atheist. No supreme, loving and just god could advocate such horror. Only the minds of psychotic men from primitive and desperate times with a perverse desire for power over the masses could pen such diabolical prose.

    This is what we get when we use faith and religious doctrine to determine human morality. A morality appropriate for human life is incompatible with faith just as faith is incompatible with reason.

  10. ““Atheists by definition believe in subjective morality”, — by whose definition, yours?”

    By the definition of Atheism. If we live in a random and meaningless universe then the morals and ethics we have are at best pretensions because the reality is that there is no real reason to have in morality at all except to stay on the right side of your countries laws. But every country is different. In England they have programs that set children under 12 loose on their neighbors to spy on them to ensure compliance with environmental laws; in China women having a second pregnancy were required to have abortions. These laws are immoral I would argue, but as an Atheist your objection to them (if you had any) would always be a subjective dislike of those practices. You would have to admit that in the scheme of things in a rational materialist universe the suffering of people is unimportant, which is the point of Lovecraft’s mythos.

    “What you are advocating is the barbarism of getting morality as a matter of commandment. When theists like yourself speak of an “objective morality” – what you really mean are standards that are not to be defined or understood by man. You want only that we accept blindly, and comply obediently to a series of revelations handed out unintelligibly by an unproven, invisible dictator in the sky. And this is supposed to be “objective”? This is something that has to be rejected before you can enter the field of morality.”

    This is simply bigotry. I don’t “blindly follow a series of revelations by an invisible dictator in the sky.” As a Pagan I believe in experiential religion. As a (nowadays armchair) occultist I seek to understand the nature of my existence through experiencing the unseen. Your criticism of me is based on (a rather juvenile) understanding of Abrahamic faith. You’re judging all religions using Christianity, Islam and Judaism as an example, which is hardly rational.

    Does the Diamond Sutra ask Buddhists to blindly follow a dictator in the sky? Do the Baka of Africa? You no so little of the thousands of faiths that exist but you have no desire to learn anything about them. This isn’t being moral its stubborn prejudice.

    “Your ignorance of atheism is most profound especially in your equivocation with Marxism. As an atheist I have virtually nothing in common with that collectivist ideology.”
    But you do. You are demanding that people accept as true your take on religion, you’re making the claim (a false one I might add) that religion leads to mass murder etc. Your entire reason for coming to these comments is to attempt to enforce your belief on others. The irony is that as an Atheist I’d think you’d be too busy trying to make the most of your short and soon to be ending life, but you and all other Atheist spend an inordinate amount of time preaching anti-Religion instead of enjoying yourself.

    “Truth of the matter historically, it is organized religion and it’s most ardent zealots who have committed some of the most violent and depraved acts. Throughout history some of the most unimaginable slaughter, torture, bloodshed, and suffering were caused by man-kinds religions. The almighty church was one of the worst offenders especially during the middle ages…”

    Is the Church the representation on earth of all Religious experience? I’m not a Christian so I have little interest in defending the “crimes” you list that either happened in the middle ages or are simply hysterical nonsense (you claim telling children they’ll go to Hell if they disobey the church is abuse, yet telling children they will die in about 60 years and their lives will be essentially meaningless isn’t) but I should point out that the civilization you enjoy is founded on the principles of that church. There are no prisons in Pagan times for example, murderers were either killed by the victims families or required to pay a blood price. It is the Christians that created a code where the taking of a life required imprisonment, or that stealing was wrong. Abolitionism was a religious movement, as was the Civil Rights movement led by MLK.

    I won’t go into your criticism of the Bible and Koran because A) I don’t care and B) as a person who academically studies comparative religion to the Master’s level it’s pretty clear you haven’t read either. To claim Noah’s flood was unprovoked genocide is too ignore the entire point of that story. To claim Hell, a place where the wicked are punished, is in some way proof of barbarism is to claim criminality shouldn’t be punished at all.

    Would you like Christians more if they claimed even Hitler or John Wayne Gacy automatically went to heaven?

    “The twisted and macabre things described in the biblical scriptures are among the reasons why I am an atheist. No supreme, loving and just god could advocate such horror. Only the minds of psychotic men from primitive and desperate times with a perverse desire for power over the masses could pen such diabolical prose.”

    Exactly my point. You’ve decided that Christianity is wrong thus NO religion can be right. That’s like saying my ex-girlfriend had (X) color hair so all people women with hair aren’t for me. Your understanding of religious experience comes from your personal distaste of one holy book. Does this seem rational to you?

    “This is what we get when we use faith and religious doctrine to determine human morality. A morality appropriate for human life is incompatible with faith just as faith is incompatible with reason.”

    So Wiccans, as an example, have a morality incompatible with human life? Taoists? The Amish? That’s just a silly point.

    You’re disdain for religion is based on the fact that in Christian theology God isn’t a cosmic pez dispenser throwing his head back and spewing out chalky candy flavored goodness. But life is full of suffering and all religions deal with that. There is no god that will act as your fairy godmother, nor is there any man or state that will do that. At its best religion gives us a blueprint for how to navigate an infinite and sometimes hostile cosmos.

    Are there “bad” religions? Sure. I vacillate o medieval Christianity only because it was necessary to lead up to our Western Civilization now. But certainly Salafist Islam, the FDLS, the blood thirsty Aztec religion, these and dozens of others are basically evil. But should I, or some Amish guy or the millions of faithful who do good works that benefit us all be attacked by people who often enough live off the bones of our society?

    Should we disband the Salvation Army and Y.M.C.A.’s that serve our communities asking for nothing in return? Should we close the soup kitchens and homeless shelters in the basements of churches? Can you really not see the good religious people do in this world? And would you really rather it not be done at all simply because you didn’t like the stories in the King James Bible?

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