Note to Glenn Beck: Men Don’t Read Cosmo or Want Their Adult Daughters Unmarried

Because Glenn Beck is a strident anti-Communist I watch his program and tolerate his pretentious “Republicans are just like Democrats” nonsense which is frankly designed to make him king of some illusionary third party that believes in Liberty, Free Markets and a total ban on implied male nudity. I actually like the Beck show and think he’s done great work exposing the Marxism that infests the Democrats (though his analysis that leftists aren’t really Progressives is laughable) but like Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs Beck’s good works are overshadowed by his sanctimony and unseemly cattiness.

Via Gateway Pundit here’s Beck from yesterday bashing Scott Brown:

First let me deal with the nudity issue. I’m going to go out on a limb here because as a straight man I haven’t bothered to check out Scott Brown’s “sexiest bachelor” pictorial, but I guarantee you Scott Brown was not “nude” in Cosmopolitan. Maybe there was what we call an “implied” nude shot but I will eat my lucky hat if Scott Brown’s junk was dangling in the wind for all to see. But even if he did so what?

Sorry kids, but men who have it, they flaunt it. I tired of doughy, testosteroneless, male haus-fraus telling everyone else how to dress and act. I’ve got good genes so in college when I hit the weight bench  I became quite hulking which I showed off by buying mostly sleeveless shirt for two years since my arms then were bigger than most men’s legs now. Being a longtime hiker I have huge legs, my calves are so big I have trouble finding boots that will fit me. I’m proud of being a big guy (except for the middle which is expanding these days at an alarming rate) and though all this rugged eye candy is reserved for the wife (sorry ladies) I would strip down in a hot minute for a couple of grand. Am I not to the right of Pinochet anymore because of that? Silly me, I thought freedom meant being free to make your own decisions.

I thought Beck was a “free market, free people” kind of guy but he seems to be saying that men shouldn’t be free to look like they might be naked in a magazine made for middle aged women who get so few thrills in life that an old Scott Brown pictorial is all that stands between them and a lethal dose of cooking sherry. Brown was proud of his body, which is good, so he went out and showed it off. Also good. Even better is that he made some money doing it. I like Brown more knowing he’s got hustle and he’s not afraid to live his life as he, not finger wagging god-botherers, sees fit.

I’d also point out that since Sarah Palin posed in a swimsuit for a pageant 20 or so years ago Beck is being a little hypocritical here, since he orgasms whenever he interviews her.

Then we come to the daughter comments. Oh the horror of a father wanting his adult daughters to meet nice guys, get married, and get the hell out of his house. The deranged Beck, channeling his inner Charles Johnson, even went so far as to smear Brown with a “dead intern” joke. Brown’s daughters didn’t seem to mind his joking plea for suitors, however. Ayla Brown came out in support of her father. But Beck is hellbent on making something sordid out of a joke between a loving father and his daughters. Why? Just to smear another Republican?

In an odd coincidence, while Beck was implying Scott Brown had a strange sexual relationship with his daughters American Pravda Huffington Post ran this picture:

Scott Brown Daughters in Bikinis

Why did they take this photo from Ayla’s MySpace, of the family at a Hawaii themed birthday party, and post it? To imply Scott brown was a bad father of course. The left is remarkably prudish when it comes to conservatives. If I were more given to Beckism I’d point out that this seems to be a coordinated attack on Brown from different fronts designed to “neutralize” a threat. Then I’d look weepy for a second while I said to known kook (but excellent author) Andrew Napolitano “circles within circles, man.”

But there’s really no conspiracy here, just a petty little man who doesn’t like Republicans. His attacks on Brown are beyond tasteless. So awful are they in fact that you can find similar attacks coming from the same leftists Beck claims are a danger to the Republic. That makes you think doesn’t it?

Men don’t read Cosmo, Glenn, and they damn sure don’t want their adult daughters single forever while living at home. They do want to think about what they say. Beck has made a living attacking leftists, until now when he’s in essence siding with them against Scott Brown. But I guess Republicans are the real enemy, right Glenn?

11 thoughts on “Note to Glenn Beck: Men Don’t Read Cosmo or Want Their Adult Daughters Unmarried

  1. Isn’t Brown somewhat moderate on social issues like gay marriage and he only opposes late-term abortions? Is that what’s getting up Beck’s nose?

    I can’t believe the prudish attitude about the pics. I saw them and they were exactly as you described. Hardly porno and they were from the 80s for cripe’s sake. It’s not like he’s posing nude on the Senate floor.

  2. As an aside, I was flipping through channels and landed on the ladies of the View discussing Brown. Whenever I see the show, I usually make a hissing sound and turn the channel, but I thought it would be fun to listen in.

    They covered that he was pro gay marriage and Joy Behar said something like “Is he really Republican if he supports gay marriage?” What a twit. But I’m afraid it’s the big mouths like Beck and the far right that add to this misconception, so I can’t blame the leftists totally for being ignorant about this.

  3. Okay, I have to correct myself. I don’t know if he’s pro gay marriage, but he thinks it should be left up to the states to decide.

    I agree with Patrick that there’s a tinge of jealousy.

  4. You guys are right. Beck is jealous because Brown stole his thunder on his one year anniversary. Beck’s trying be king of the right. Mark Levin has a good take on him.

    Like I said if Beck wasn’t a strong anti-Communist I’d consider him pretty useless.

  5. Rob wrote:

    all this rugged eye candy is reserved for the wife (sorry ladies)

    I think it’s your modesty that I find most endearing (second only to your bulging muscles, of course.)

  6. “You guys are right. Beck is jealous because Brown stole his thunder on his one year anniversary. Beck’s trying be king of the right. Mark Levin has a good take on him.

    “Like I said if Beck wasn’t a strong anti-Communist I’d consider him pretty useless.”

    I wasn’t aware this was his one year anniversary too. I won’t say he’s useless, but the level of his lack of self-awareness here is stunning. Doesn’t he know how he must sound? Plus, he’s making himself a useful idiot of Arianna Huffington.

    They’re already spinning this as anger at the Democrats, not at health care, but as anger at the dems for not being progressive enough on a whole range of issues, and they are especially using it as an excuse to take aim at the banks and Wall Street, thinking that will get the nut roots rallying behind them again. They know that’s their last chance because they know they won’t be able to get away with making the health care bill more liberal than it already is. At least for now.

    And now here comes Beck with this nonsense. Barney Frank is acting more sensible than he is.

  7. “Am I the only one who gets the feeling that we’ll be seeing Brown in a future presidential race?”

    Maybe, but I hope not. Once he gives up that Massachusetts Senate seat, it might not be so easy for a Republican to win it back. I think he has to run for re-election to that seat in 2012.

  8. Patrick, I think 2012 would be too early for a presidential run anyway. We don’t need another guy to use his very first U.S. Senate term as a springboard to the presidency. But I commented on another blog that if he keeps his nose clean, I think Brown has the raw talent necessary to be a major player on the national stage. His victory speech was fantastic and his campaign was one for the history books. Now let’s see how he fares in Washington.

  9. Jenn-

    People are hungry for a leader though, and when they get on these tangents, image trumps all. He might not run for President, but you can bet he would be on the short list of anybody’s choice for VP. I hope he resists that for now. He is needed far more where he is.

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