White Supremacists Show their True Colors … Under their Frilly Pink Dresses

Update: My obituary to James Leshkavich can be found here.

Degenerate hillbilly Hudson Valley Freeman writes a lot of uninspired Faux-Rightist tripe about how unsafe the decaying outskirts of the liberal blighted state of New York is. Instead of blaming a creeping leftist agenda that has caused most decent people to flee the state for greener pastures, “Yankee James” as the inbred blogger refers to himself often blames “diversity” and the presence of Black and Latino populations for his misery.

and of course the Jews.

Par for the course and not especially interesting, until he posted this little gem about how brutal and horrible Kosher slaughtering is. He accompanies it with this video of a slaughter house:


After the video he posts his moral outrage:

If you eat any product containing meat that is kosher, this is what you
are contributing to — aside from lining the pockets of the bastards.

I’ll first point out that actually this isn’t Kosher, as the person who posted the YouTube video points out. This is evidence from a PETA investigation into inhumane and illegal practices in slaughterhouses. Yankee James is either a illiterate moron or being a tad disingenuous. But that’s not the relevant issue here, this is:

That cow suffered immensity, but are other cows having a better time of it? Is anal electrocution less barbaric? How about bashing it’s brains in? What if a machine were used to slit the cow’s throat? The abuse in the above came from employees following decidedly un-Kosher procedures, but even if they didn’t slitting a cows throat is what it is. This is nature, man eats meat and to get his meat, man kills.

What would Yankee James’ much lauded European ancestors say if they found him crying like a little Gaulish girl over a cow being killed? What would the noble Vikings that White Supremacists love to talk about so much say when they found these craven miscreants all misty eyed over a cow?

I have often put forward that White Supremacist groups were dangerous traitors who sided with Islamists and other anti-American groups in an effort to bring about the apocalyptic anarchy needed for them to form their new Whites only mini-state. I’ve warned people time and again to watch these seditious terrorists because they’re a threat to our country and our lives.

But maybe I’m wrong. Maybe White Supremacists are so severely effeminate that they are no longer dangerous. I mean, if watching a cow die torments them, then lynchings, murder and all the mayhem they are usually associate with is off the menu so to speak.

It’s a cow! That cow didn’t look happy, but neither does a deer when it takes a .30-30 to the shoulder. Are hunters brutal bastards now too? Fishing’s no picnic for the fish when it gets a hook in the mouth, or down it’s throat. Or once I caught one by the eye! Will Yankee James be weeping for the fish I brutally murdered?

If cows didn’t want people to eat them they wouldn’t be born delicious. Now I know Hitler was a vegetarian, and a lot of these cretin worship the black hearted bastard, but at least admit that crying for the dead cow isn’t the most manly position to take. At least admit that neo-Nazism is the violent Whites-only version of hippiedom. (The non-violent version is DailyKos) But don’t pretend “Kosher” meat is an affront to all that’s good and decent, just put on your meat is murder tee shirt and fess up to being a bitter racist hippie who hates this country and T-bone steaks.

Also you’ll noticed that you don’t see Yankee James casting a disapproving eye on Halal practices which are increasingly being introduced by stealth into the west, or the environmental damage caused by soybean farming, or the killing spree PETA has been on for years. Those things just don’t make the cut, no pun intended. Odd for someone worried about cruelty…

It’s almost as if, lacking anything substantive to say, he cobbled together some anti-semitic odds with some lefty ends and hoped it would pass unnoticed.

4 thoughts on “White Supremacists Show their True Colors … Under their Frilly Pink Dresses

  1. Pingback: University Update - West 8 - White Supremacists Show their True Colors … Under their Frilly Pink Dresses

  2. Pingback: University Update - YouTube - White Supremacists Show their True Colors … Under their Frilly Pink Dresses

  3. I have often put forward that White Supremacist groups were dangerous traitors who sided with Islamists and other anti-American groups in an effort to bring about the apocalyptic anarchy needed for them to form their new Whites only mini-state. I’ve warned people time and again to watch these seditious terrorists because they’re a threat to our country and our lives.

    Yeah, and you missed the fact that jews faced persecution because they actively helped muslims kill Whites in Europe. That is one reason they were booted out of Spain in 1491.

    Your post is so full of erroneous information it is simply laughable. Go cry on your Che tshirt a while, fucktard.

  4. What part of the post is erroneous? Cows dying shouldn’t bring a grown man to tears, especially one that just killed his wife.

    And by the way Spain was the last European country to have an official expulsion but they allowed Jews who coverted to Catholicism to stay. It was a move by the crown to consolidate power by becominga Catholic country. Read a book.

    And since Che hated Blacks and thought Europeans were superior, and was a effete Commie like yourself shouldn’t you be buying the Che tees?

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