“Wiccan Priest” And Author Stanley J. A. Modrzyk Threatens to Start Online Libel Campaign Aganist Me!

A man named Stanley J. A. Modrzyk is upset with me because of the appearance of a friend of his on Wikisposure and Absolute Zero, which I then reported on. Modrzyk claims that the appearance of Jerry Douglas Ray on Wikisposure is all a case of “mistaken identity” and since he was Ray’s priest at one time there’s simply no way Ray has been frequenting pedophile chat rooms and leaving disturbing comments on the Web, including that he may have molested his own relatives.

His explanation for his friend being witnessed palling around in pedophile chat rooms? Why, Ray’s email was hacked of course! No doubt by some devious pedophile who needed to hijack a random account to be active on pedophile forums while continuing to peruse several other forums Ray likes to frequent. You know, to make sure this frame up of poor Jerry Ray was complete.

I heard he was making a stink with some of the AZ people so I emailed him to ask if he had some proof that Ray was innocent. I am nothing if not conscientious.  He had none, but he did have plenty of venom to shoot at me because he believes I’m the originator of the Wikisposure page which clearly I am not. How much venom you ask? This much:

Click to enlarge.

For those of you not wanting click away from this riveting bit of Red Alerts administrata, here’s a transcription of his last email to me, angry caps and all:

 Dear Mr. Taylor,


Please do not be surprized if YOU are the next Pedophile listed on line. You will be
amazed at what a computer geek can do whit a bogus email account.

Oh, and it won’t be to do you any personal harm, it will be done just to prove to you how wrong you are….therefore it will not be subject to civil repercussons as there is no malice involved.

Just bide you time until YOUR Chirf of Police gets his email.

Very sincerely,
S.J. Modrzyk

ps: While you weren’t straight forward and didn’t call Jerry a registered sex offender, you said I needed to prove that he wasn’t….If you had done any serious investigation instead of just making everything up – which liars like you do just to feel important – you could have simply looked on the list and seen that his name was not on it as he is not and can not be proved to be one.

pps: I wish I could be there when you name hits the internet you Pedophile you 🙂

I’m not sure Mr. Modrzyk knows how defamation laws work. Telling me you’re going to purposefully spread a lie around the Internet about me designed to make people think I’m a pedophile but then saying “but you can’t sue me because this actually isn’t really malicious” will not hold up in court. But maybe he’ll be able to prove to a judge that his plan to steal my identity to commit crimes was just meant to “teach me a lesson” so he should be excused from being held accountable.

It should be noted that on the post I wrote about Jerry Douglas Ray aka “childdriver” I never claimed he was on a sex offender registry. I reported that Ray was identified in a Wikisposure investigation as active in pro-child rape forums and at the time of my article was recruiting families online to join his coven. I have continued to ask Stanley Modrzyk to provide evidence that Ray’s account was “hacked” and that this was all a case of mistaken identity. I additionally asked him why Ray himself, if this is all “lies,” hasn’t come forward.

Stanley Modrzyk’s answer is to threaten to steal my identity and frame me online. I’d find it odd if I hadn’t dealt with so many “Wiccan Clergy” in the past, who tend toward immaturity. While Wiccan covens are run basically in secret, the cottage industry of Wiccan “churches” has long been the gathering point for the detritus of New Agedom. I personally have never met anyone affiliated with an incorporated Wiccan religious organization who wasn’t an awful human being.

Modrzyk is also the author of the absolutely dreadful Turning of the Wheel, a book on Wicca so unimportant that no pagan I know ever heard of it or the author. Old Stanley also represents the First Temple of the Craft W.I.C.A. out of Chicago. They’re incorporated I see and run a brisk business teaching classes and doing handfastings and other Wiccan ceremonies. Unlike other Wiccan slanderers, Stan just might have enough money to make a lawsuit worth my while.

I will, as always, make our entire email exchange available to anyone requesting it. I’ll also of course make it available to the authorities since I personally take threats over the Internet very seriously.

I point this out because, as I have pointed out time and again, there’s a poison in the heart of Wicca these days. Stanley Modrzyk, who doesn’t understand that I am not the cause for his friend’s troubles, thinks that threatening to impersonate me online and trying to get me arrested is acceptable behavior. Think about that for a second. This is a man who gives spiritual support and advice to Wiccans and his idea of justice and helping others is to threaten to indulge in criminality.

Wiccans should be shocked by this. I, however, am not.

5 thoughts on ““Wiccan Priest” And Author Stanley J. A. Modrzyk Threatens to Start Online Libel Campaign Aganist Me!

  1. I am not shocked by this, but I am angered.

    How in the world can he give spiritual support and advice to ANYONE when he is spewing such hatred? And how does he know for sure that Jerry is not a pedophile? Did he investigate Jerry’s computer? Or is Stanley just another pedo sticking up for one of his own?

  2. I suspected the same thing Patty. He initiated contact with the other anti-pedo blogs so I assume that means he comes across them regularly. Aside from people who care about such things the only people who regularly frequent the “anti” sites are people nervous about what they uncover.

  3. So the brilliant Mr. Modrzyk believes no one can be a pedophile preying on children unless they’ve ALREADY been caught FIRST and put on a sex offender registry.

    I understand he is trying desperately to get law enforcement involved.

    I hope he does. Oh how I hope he does.

    Especially with all these emails he keeps sending around, not realizing all the extra information he’s giving us.

  4. Just an update, Jerry Douglas Ray was arrested on child pornography charges. He had videos of very young children being raped. He then subsequently committed suicide while he was on bail so that he didn’t have to deal with the legal consequences.

    I wonder what his “friend” has to say about that NOW.

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