Terror Denial on the Left in the Wake of the Glasgow Attack

While the attempted terror bombings on in the U.K. are still front page news the leftist enablers of Jihadism are scrambling to minimize the importance of the news. LGF has pointed out that DailyKos has said nothing about the bombings just days after disseminating Hamas propaganda.

D.U. posters are questioning the timing of these attacks.

Hot Air posted on Olbermann’s predictable, and unseemly, attempt to down play the importance of the London car bombs.

The Hill Chronicles rips John Edwards a new one over his bumper sticker comments.

All the while the true horror of what has happened, and what could have happened, is lost in the “liberal” echo chambers of the media and the Internet. These are not normal men we deal with, these are men possessed by the spirit of Jihad. They are dedicated to our destruction in a way the ennui filled “liberals” could never understand, they have a commitment to an ideology that the Kossacks try to emulate but can not. Listen to this eye witness account of one of the bombers, who was on fire, fighting the police after ramming the car into Glasgow:


Catch that? This man who will be described as a bungler and worse by the left fought off police while burning alive. He was on fire and punching police while yelling “Allah.” This should concern us. This is a fanatic, and there are people just like him here in this country. This is our enemy, people who allow their ideology to turn them into monsters. It is time we took these people seriously.

From the Daily mail:

One of the men soaked himself in petrol, set himself alight and ran into the main terminal area, carrying petrol cans.

The flames were extinguished by an airport worker, but even though the would-be terrorist’s clothes were practically burnt off him, he started fighting with police officers and passers-by.

Both men were eventually pinned down, handcuffed and led away.

Hot Air has more details. Ace takes on Larry Johnson’s description of these savages as “yuppie terrorists.” The Jawa’s are reporting another attack is imminent.

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