“Independent Left Journalist” White Washes Attack on Elie Wiesel

Robert Lindsay is a self-described “Independent Left Journalist” and member of the Anti-Republican Webring with a disturbing penchant for Nazi apologia. In the wake of the shocking attack on Elie Wiesel by a Neo-Nazi Holocaust denier, which also exposed the world to the ugly underbelly of Radical Left Jew hatred, Lindsay interviewed the founder of Ziopedia, the anti-Zionist website where Wiesel’s attacker proudly retold his story of terrorizing a senior citizen. Unsurprisingly, Lindsay’s interview presents a man who believes that “There is no such thing as a good Jew” as rational and unfairly judged.

Lindsay himself has some odd views on the assault:

“The reporting the incident was fairly hysterical, claiming that Wiesel was “assaulted” when he was accosted, and implying a threat of violence when Wiesel in fact was not injured and there is no evidence the accoster intended any harm to Wiesel.”

It would take some very complicated mental gymnastics indeed to claim that a man attempting to drag you to his hotel room, against your will, to “ask some questions” doesn’t carry with it a threat of violence. I’d suspect if I grabbed Lindsey and said “You’re coming with me, I’m going to get some answers from you!” he’d feel differently about the difference between being assaulted and accosted. Not to mention that by the letter of the law Wiesel was assaulted, but knowledge of the law, or respect for it, is not something we can expect from people like Lindsay or his new friend Andrew Winkler.

The interview is a must read for anyone still skeptical of the convergence of the Radical Left and their National Socialist cousins. Hat tip of course goes to the Jawas.

UPDATE: Also a member in good standing at the Anti-Republican Webring, a 9-11 truther. Are you surprised?