More Fake News From Wonkette!

The Blogonomicon, which I read as religiously as any servant of the Great Old Ones, posted a quick piece about the tizzy starting up on the left over a supposed N.R.A. backed graphic novel depicting, among other things, evil hippies. And who’s ever heard of evil hippies? The main source of the anti-comic book fretting is of course pseudo-Marxist propaganda net rag Wonkette, from which a good deal of leftist nonsense is spawned.

The problem is, as is pointed out on Boing Boing’s retelling (itself not sympathetic to the N.R.A.), is the story probably isn’t actually true.

Of course the damage has been done, and the “big bad N.R.A.” is back on the radical leftists radar as a target of their venom.

This isn’t the first time Wonkette has made up stories to smear their political opponents, or used fantasy-based conspiracy theories to paint others as threatening satanic figures unworthy of decent treatment. They’re also racists, like all white liberals, but that’s neither here nor there, just something I don’t want people to forget.

Anyway, my bets on the table, this is another scam by the evil hippies at wonkette.