Pat Buchanan: Hitler Was Right to Invade Poland (And the Jews Have it Coming)

Anti-Semitic parasite Pat Buchanan, who deflects criticism of his racist crankery by hiding behind his lack luster service to Ronald Reagan, has embarrassed the Conservative movement … again:

Addressing the Knesset on the 60th anniversary of Israel’s birth, Bush said those who say we should negotiate with Iran or Hamas are like the fools who said we should negotiate with Adolf Hitler.

“As Nazi tanks crossed into Poland in 1939, an American senator declared, ‘Lord, if only I could have talked to Hitler, all of this might have been avoided.’ We have an obligation to call this what it is — the false comfort of appeasement. …”

Again, Bush has made a hash of history.

Appeasement is the name given to what Neville Chamberlain did at Munich in September 1938. Rather than fight Germany in another great war — to keep 3.5 million Germans under a Czech rule they despised — he agreed to their peaceful transfer to German rule. With these Germans went the lands their ancestors had lived upon for centuries, German Bohemia, or the Sudetenland.

Chamberlain’s negotiated deal with Hitler averted a European war — at the expense of the Czech nation. That was appeasement.

German tanks, however, did not roll into Poland until a year later, Sept. 1, 1939. Why did the tanks roll? Because Poland refused to negotiate over Danzig, a Baltic port of 350,000 that was 95 percent German and had been taken from Germany at the Paris peace conference of 1919, in violation of Wilson’s 14 Points and his principle of self-determination.

Hitler had not wanted war with Poland. He had wanted an alliance with Poland in his anti-Comintern pact against Joseph Stalin.

But the Poles refused to negotiate. Why? Because they were a proud, defiant, heroic people and because Neville Chamberlain had insanely given an unsolicited war guarantee to Poland. If Hitler invaded, Chamberlain told the Poles, Britain would declare war on Germany.

From March to August 1939, Hitler tried to negotiate Danzig. But the Poles, confident in their British war guarantee, refused. So, Hitler cut his deal with Stalin, and the two invaded and divided Poland.

The cost of the war that came of a refusal to negotiate Danzig was millions of Polish dead, the Katyn massacre, Treblinka, Sobibor, Auschwitz, the annihilation of the Home Army in the Warsaw uprising of 1944, and 50 years of Nazi and Stalinist occupation, barbarism and terror.

In that same speech to the Knesset, Bush dismissed the idea we could ever successfully negotiate with Hamas, Hezbollah or Iran:

“Some seem to believe that we should negotiate with the terrorists and radicals, as if some ingenious argument will persuade them that they have been wrong all along. We have heard this foolish delusion before.”

O.K. so let me get this straight. Hitler was, in essence, right to invade Poland in conjunction with Stalin? Really?

The bloodshed and barbarity of the Communist and National Socialist rulers of Poland is ultimately the fault of the Polish who refused to knuckle under and let the “German” parts of Poland be returned to Germany?

This is a strange thesis from the author of State of Emergency: The Third World Invasion and Conquest of America. Strange because by his logic Mexico has legitimate claim to areas America purchased from Mexico after the Mexican war. By Pat’s estimation we should be negotiating with the Mexican government to return Texas and New Mexico before a war breaks out.

But Pat’s not really the kind of person who’d want the government to allow “Aztlan” forces to butcher Americans in their homes. His new analysis is aimed squarely at one target, his favorite target. Jews.

After all Pat’s breathless Townhall buffoonery is a response to President Bush’s speech at the Knesset. This is what set Buchanan, a “right wing populist” who is known to be “soft on Hitler” and to criticize Israel’s military and being “un-Christian,” into a frenzy of historical revisionism. Buchanan’s main point is that Israel, while being picked apart by rocket fire and terror blasts, is ultimately setting themselves for another holocaust that they themselves will be responsible for.

To Buchanan Israel is Poland, Hamas and Fatah are the Nazis and the Communists, and this time we can make the “right” (no pun intended) decision to watch as Israel is destroyed, its people enslaved and murdered. When Bush implies the American people would do more than watch our allies die horribly Buchanan cannot help but expose himself for what he is.

Pat Buchanan isn’t a Conservative, he’s a racist, an anti-Semite and an anti-American crank who hates diversity, change and American power. He longs for the old days when Whites ran the world (but took no responsibility for it), Mexicans stayed on their side of the Rio Grande and killing Jews was no big deal.

Isn’t it time for him take his Reform Party ball and hook up with David Duke? And he can take Ron Paul with him. I think I can speak for the majority of Republicans when I say Pat Buchanan isn’t welcome in our tent anymore. No one who defends Hitler is.

Gateway Pundit says shame on Townhall for publishing this tripe. One Jerusalem has more.

23 thoughts on “Pat Buchanan: Hitler Was Right to Invade Poland (And the Jews Have it Coming)

  1. FaÅ‚szywy obraz Hitlera w książce “Niepotrzebna Wojna”

    Patrick Buchanan daje fałszywy obraz Hitlera w książce „Hitler, Churchill i Niepotrzebna Wojna.” Mało kto nie zgadza się z opinią oceniającą Hitlera jako źródło hańby i katastrofy Niemiec, określanej jako „Gotterdammerung” czyli „przekleństwo boże.” Jego wiara w wyższość Niemiec oraz nieuctwo i brak doświadczenia jak też zdrowego rozsądku przyczyniły się do jego roli w historii. Autor Buchanan wydaje się być nieświadomy choroby Parkinson’a, na którą Hitler cierpiał, z powodu zatrucia gazem na froncie zachodnim, w czasie Pierwszej Wojny Światowej.

    W szpitalu polowym po leczeniu z zatrucia gazem i kilkutygodniowej ślepocie, Hitler zaraził się zapaleniem opon mózgowych i przeszedł ponowny okres ślepoty, oraz nabawił się stałego trzęsienia lewej ręki. Jego osobowość uległa zmianom, tak, że stał się bardziej przebiegły niż był dawniej. Od tego czasu Hitler, obawiał się wczesnej śmierci i z tego powodu, w swojej karierze politycznej bardzo śpieszył się. Fakt ten opisał profesor Kamil Dziewanowski w jego angielskiej książce „Wojna Za Wszelką Cenę” („War At Any Price), tłumaczonej na wiele języków.

    Hitler czuł się jedynym człowiekiem, który był zdolny zdobyć dla Niemiec Lebensraum, czyli przestrzeń życiową, na następne 1000 lat. Rząd Hitler,a przez cały okres jego władzy, głównie walczył o niemiecką „przestrzeń życiową.”

    Celem Hitlera był stopniowy podbój krajów zamieszkałych przez słowiańskie narody, które miały być zniewolone lub wymordowane, w celu przejęcia ich ziemi, przez członków „rasy niemieckiej.” Cele te miały być osiągane za pomocą szybkich napaści na słabsze państwa, nieprzygotowane do wojny, których zasoby miały przydać się w przygotowaniu następnych podbojów.

    Proces ten miał umożliwić niemiecki podbój ziem ornych na terenie blisko dwu trzecich kontynentu europejskiego, zamieszkałego przez Słowian. Ziemie te były położone na terenie Polski i Związku Sowieckiego i ich podbój miał być początkiem dominacji świata przez Niemcy.
    Hitler nie chciał przyjmować do wiadomości takich faktów, jak to, że USA miało największy przemysł stalowy na świecie i Stany Zjednoczone były w wyjątkowo dobrej sytuacji strategicznej położne między dwoma oceanami.

    Hitler miał nadzieję że ludność niemieckich Aryjczyków wzrośnie dwukrotnie za jego życia, dzięki wcześniejszym małżeństwom i powiększaniu się rodzin, podczas gdy upośledzeni Niemcy byli by sterylizowaniu. W czasie okupacji Niemcy uprowadzili z Polski blisko pół miliona dzieci o jasnych włosach i niebieskich oczach, w celu wychowania ich na „rasowych Niemców.”

    Hitler był przekonany, że mniejszość żydowska była szkodliwa dla niemieckiej czystości rasowej oraz dawała powód do konsolidacji sił rasistowskich w Niemczech, w czasie przygotowań do ekspansji terytorialnej. Hitler wierzył, że wojny o przestrzeń życiową są częścią nieuniknionej walki między rasami o przetrwanie najsprawniejszych. Jednocześnie Hitler był gotów pozwolić na zniszczenie Niemiec w walce o przestrzeń życiową, raczej niż żeby pozwolić na „wieczną hańbę” cofnięcia się Niemiec przed tą walką.

    Fakt, że Hitler był nieukiem nie zdolnym do dokonania podbojów przestrzeni życiowej pod jego dowództwem, jest widoczny na przykładzie, kiedy w więzieniu w Landsbergu, w Bawarii, Hitler dyktował Hess’owi swój program polityczny pod tytułem „Mein Kampf.” Wkrótce Hitler przekonał się, że nie wie, co ma dyktować. Wówczas Rudolf Hess uzyskał pomoc od swego profesora geopolityki i wydawcy pisma geopolitycznego, generała majora, Karla Hauhofera (urodzonego w 1869 roku, popełnił on samobójstwo w 1946 roku).

    Hauhoifer nauczał, że zniszczenie Związku Sowieckiego i podbój sowieckich i arabskich pól ropy naftowej i gazu ziemnego, ma podstawowe znaczenie, w celu wzmocnienia Niemiec, tak żeby mogły stopniowo, za pomocą szantażu, a nie wojny, przejąć kolonie Anglii i Francji. „Germańska Brytania” miał być młodszym partnerem kontynentalnej potęgi Niemiec nazistowskich. Z tego powodu Hitler traktował Brytyjczyków na polu bitwy i w czasie ucieczki w 1940 roku z Francji do Anglii bez porównania łagodniej, niż Polaków w 1939 roku, kiedy nakazał mordować masowo polską ludność cywilną.

    Hitler łudził się, że jego własna intuicja i wykłady Haushofera wystarczały, żeby on był główno- dowodzącym sił niemieckich. Hitler dowiedział się od Haushofera, że Niemcy przegrały Pierwszą Wojnę Światową z powodu braku żywności i żołnierza. Dlatego Niemcy musiały stworzyć przymierze z Japonią i Polską oraz innymi państwami, żeby móc zwyciężyć Związek Sowiecki atakami ze wschodu i z zachodu, bez walk na niemieckiej zachodniej granicy. W tym celu Hitler tworzył Pakt Anty-Kominternwski, do którego, według Buchanan’a, Polska powinna była przyłączyć się i w ten sposób jakoby uratować świat od „niepotrzebnej wojny.”

    Patrick Buychanan wydaje się zapominać o faktach wyżej wymienionych, oraz historii presji Hitlera na Polskę, w celu nakłonienia jej do przystąpienia do Paktu Anty-Komintrnowskiego, opisanych między innymi w książce „Dyplomata w Berlinie, 1933-1939” Józefa Lipskiego, polskiego ambasadora w Berlinie, w czasie rządów Hitlera.

    Strach Sowietów przed wojną na dwa fronty, jednocześnie przeciwko Niemcom i Japończykom, jest dobrze opisany przez Pawła Sudopłatowa, generała NKWD za czasów Berii, w książce pod tytułem „Specjalne Zadania” („Special Tasks”). Atak na Sowiety jednocześnie ze wschodu i z zachodu był uważany przez Hitlera i jego generałów za najlepszą strategię.

    Wówczas Polska była w beznadziejnej sytuacji między walką Hitlera o przestrzeń życiową Niemiec, podczas gdy Sowieci chcieli zemsty za niedawne polskie zwycięstwo nad Armią Czerwona w 1920 roku, kiedy upadły plany rewolucji światowej Lenina. Pamiętny jest rozkaz dowócy sowieckiego, Mikhaikła Tukhaczewsky’ego z dnia 4go lipca 1920 roku: „Na Zachód. po trupie „Białej” Polski, a drodze do rewolucji światowej.”

    Żądza zemsty Hitlera na Polsce była spowodowana nie tylko polską odmową przystąpienia do Paktu Anty-Kominternowskiego i przystąpienia do ataku na Sowiety, ale również dlatego, że Polska tarasowała dostęp Niemiec do Rosji. Polska decyzja walki obronnej wykoleiła strategię Hitlera i zmusiła go do zdrady Japonii, walczącej przeciwko Sowieckiej Armii Syberyjskiej od 1937 roku.

    Jaończycy uważali Hitlera za zdrajcę, na którym nie można polegać, ale potrzebowali go w zbliżającej się amerykańsko-japońskiej wojnie. Japonia złożyła oficjalny protest w Berlinie przeciwko Paktowi Ribbentrop-Mołotow oraz zaczęła pertraktacje z Sowietami z o zawieszenie broni, po ciężkich stratach w bitwie nad rzeką Kalką, niedaleko Kalkhim-Gol. Sowiecko-japońskie zawieszenie broni było podpisane 15 września, 1939 roku i weszło w życie 16go września. Następnego dnia, 17go września 1939 roku. Armia Czerwona wolna od walk przeciwko Japonii, przyłączyła się do niemieckiej inwazji na Polskę, rozpoczętej 1go września, 1939 roku.

    Książki angielskie autora o historii Polski:

    Jews in Poland – A Documentary History
    Hippocrene Books, January 1998; 432 pages
    ISBN: 0781806046

    Poland – An Illustrated History
    Hippocrene Books (2000 – First Printing; 2003 – Second Printing; 2008 – Third Printing);
    282 pages
    ISBN: 0-7818-0757-3

    Poland – A Historical Atlas
    Hippocrene Books, New York 1987 – First Printing; 1988 -Third Printing;
    320 pages
    ISBN: 0-87052-282-5

  2. By Prof. Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski,

    Buchanans false image of Hitler in to the “Unnecessary War”

    Patrick Buchanan presents a false picture of Hitler’s rationality and intentions in his book „Hitler, Churchill and the Unnecessary War.” There are few people that would question the opinion that Hitler was a disgrace for Germany, and brought calamity known as “Gotterdammerung,” to German people, by his foolish notions of German superiority, and his lack of education and command experience. Buchanan seems to be unaware of Hitler’s Parkinson’s Disease, which was contracted after his gas-poisoning on the western front during WWI.

    In a German military hospital, after difficult recovery and a bout of blindness, caused by the gas poisoning, Hitler contracted meningitis and suffered an other attack of blindness, and wound up with permanently trembling left hand, as well as, personality change, which made him more cunning than he was earlier. Hitler was from then on worried about his own longevity and during his political career he was a man in a hurry, which fact was well described by professor M. Kamil Dziewanowski in his book “War at Any Price.”

    Hitler thought that he was “Germany’s man of destiny” and that only he could accomplish his conquest of “Lebensraum” for the next German millennium. In fact the essence of the policies of the Hitler’s government, at all times, was the implementation of the doctrine of Lebensraum, or “German living space.”

    The aim of Hitler’s government was to size the lands inhabited by others, who were to be enslaved or exterminated and replaced by “racial Germans.” These aims were to be realized by a series of wars. Each time Germany was to launch a quick, victorious campaign against w weaker, unprepared, and isolated enemy, whose resources were to help prepare for the next war.

    This sequence was to lead to the conquest of the great agricultural lands of the Slavic two-thirds of Europe, and eventually to Germany’s hegemony over the entire world. These lands, located mainly in the Soviet Union and Poland, were to become German Lebensraum during Hitler’s lifetime. Hitler did not want to hear such warnings as that the American steel making capacity was the largest in the world and that USA, located between two oceans, enjoyed a uniquely strong and advantageous strategic position.

    Hitler hoped that the German “Aryan” population would double under his rule, thanks to earlier marriages and larger families, while Germans with hereditary defect were to be sterilized. In fact eventually, Hitler’s government kidnapped some one-half million blond children from occupied Poland to be brought up in Germany as “racial Germans.”

    Hitler believed that the Jewish minority was the main enemy of internal German racial purity and an important focus for consolidation at home in preparation for expansion abroad. Hitler felt that the wars for German Lebensraum represented an inevitable life-and-death struggle between races for the “survival of the fittest.” Hitler was willing to let Germany perish in his attempt to implement the doctrine of lebensraum, rather than turn back and be “disgraced forever.”

    The fact that Hitler lacked education and preparation for the task he set for Germany, under his rule, is evidenced during Hitler’s writing in prison in Bavaria of his “Mein Kampf” program. There Hitler was visited and given eight lengthy lectures on by major general, professor of geopolitics, as well as editor of “Zeitschrift fuer Geopolitik,” Karl Haushofer (1869-sicide in 1946). The cell mate of Hitler, Rudolf Hess, was a student of Haushofer and he arranged for his visits with Hitler in prison, in order to help Hitler formulate a strategy, for which task Hitler was not prepared either by schooling or experience.

    Hauhoffer taught Hitler that the defeat of the Soviet Union was of fundamental importance and that the control of the Soviet and Arab oil would put Germany in position to gradually acquire British and French colonies by blackmail. without fighting a war. “Germanic Britain” was also to be junior partner of continental German-Nazi power. This notion caused Hitler to treat “gently” the British on the battlefield and during escape to England from France in 1940, in comparison to the atrocities ordered by Hitler in Poland beginning in 1939.

    Hitler believed that his own intuition and eight lectures by Haushofer, qualified him to be the “Germany’s commander in chief.” Hitler learned from Haushofer that Germany lost WWI because of insufficient food and manpower and therefore should form a strategically and numerically superior anti-Soviet alliance of Germany, Japan, Poland and other countries in order to destroy the Soviet-Union in a simultaneous attacks from east and west, without having to fight on a western front. For this purpose Hitler formed the “Anti-Comintern Pact” which according to Buchanan, Poland should have joined and thereby “saved the world” from an “Unnecessary War.”

    Patrick Buchanan seams to be oblivious of all the facts mentioned above, and the real history of Hitler’s efforts to persuade Poland to join the Anti-Comintern Pact, which were described among others in the book “Diplomat in Berlin, 1933-1939” by Józef Lipski, Polish Ambassador to Germany during Hitler’s administration. Soviet fear of a two-front war, simultaneously against Germany and Japan, is well described by Pavel Sudoplatov, an NKVD general under Beria, in his book “Special Tasks.” The attack on the Soviet Union from east and west was “Hitler’s best case scenario” supported by the German military commanders.

    Poland was in hopeless situation being located within Hitler’s Lebensraum and considered a spoiler of grandiose Lenin’s plans for “Communist World Revolution,” because of the Polish spectacular victory over the Red Army, in the Polish-Soviet war of 1920. At that time the commander of the Red Army, Mikhail Tukhachevsky’s order of July 4, 1920 was: “To the West, over the corpse of “White” Poland, on the road to the worldwide conflagration.”

    Hitler’s fury against Poland was caused not only by Poland’s refusal to join in the German-Japanese attack on the Soviet Union; but also by being an obstacle to German access to the Soviet territory. Poland’s resolve to defend itself, actually derailed Hitler’s strategy and drove him to betray his Japanese allies who were fighting the Siberian Soviet army since 1937.

    Thus, the Japanese considered Hiller a traitor, never to be trusted again, but to be used in the coming Japanese-American war. Japan not only lodged a formal protest in Berlin against the “Ribbentrop – Molotov Pact,” but also started cease-fire negotiations with the Soviets after extremely heavy losses in the battle on the Kalka River at Kalkhim-Gol. A Soviet-Japanese cease-fire was signed on September 15, 1939, it was put in force the next day, on Sept. 16th and on September 17th 1939, the Red Army, freed of the hostilities against Japan, joined the Germans in the invasion of Poland.

    Note: Books by Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
    Jews in Poland – A Documentary History
    Hippocrene Books, January 1998; 432 pages
    ISBN: 0781806046
    Poland – An Illustrated History
    Hippocrene Books (2000 – First Printing; 2003 – Second Printing; 2008 – Third Printing);
    282 pages
    ISBN: 0-7818-0757-3
    Poland – A Historical Atlas
    Hippocrene Books, New York 1987 – First Printing; 1988 -Third Printing;
    320 pages
    ISBN: 0-87052-282-5

  3. Hitlers genocidal actions inspired by Berliners?

    When the Germans and especially the Prussians say, that Hitler spoke straight out of their hearts (“Der Fuerer hat von unseren herzen geschprochen”) one should inquire what was in the hearts of Prussian population of Berlin, when they listened to an Austrian born demagogue, who took great pride in his “musicality,” a term he used to describe his talent to feel what the crowd wanted to hear. Hitler as an Austrian and admirer of Polish victory over Lenin’s Bolshevik invasion of 1920, actually wanted an alliance with Poland and Japan in his obsession to attack the Soviet Union.

    However, the very reading the hearts of the Berliner’s, apparently radicalized Hitler’s attitude towards the Poles, especially when Poles refused to join his anti-Soviet alliance and did not yield to his demands to give up Gdańsk and other territories of the Prussian partition of Poland of a century earlier. In order to understand what Hitler found in the hearts of Berliners, let us look back into the history of the Kingdom of Prussia, and the ideology of its leadership.

    In the second half of the 19th century, Bismarck revived memories of the German genocide of the Balto-Slavic Prussians in the 13th century. As early as 1856, Prussian Chancellor Otto Bismarck (1815 – 1898), Berlin’s ambassador to the all-German Parliament in Frankfurt, wrote that the Polish minority must be exterminated. Bismarck’s anti-Catholic and anti-Polish policies were the basis for his “Kultur Kampf” program. Such ideas were a prelude to the genocides and mass murders of the 20th century – the century in which more people were killed that ever before in the entire history of mankind.

    Chancellor Bismarck repeatedly likened the Poles to wolves, which should be “shot to death whenever possible.” In 1861, he declared, “Hit the Poles till they despair of their very lives…if we are to survive, our only course is to exterminate them.” (Werner Richter, ‘Bismark’ New York: Putnam Press, 1964, page 101). Generally, Bismarck’s extremist attitude towards the Poles remains unknown in America. Thus, on March 5, 1990, during progress towards the unification of Germany, a headline of U.S. News & World report stated: “Finishing what Bismarck began.” It must have been written without the knowledge of Bismarck’s pronouncements such as those quoted above.

    Prussian hatred of everything Polish is well documented ever since the Hohenzollerns, the ancestors of German emperors, starting in 1525, for more than a century, on their knees, have paid tribute to the king of Poland and then started paying tribute to the king of Sweden. Kingdom of Prussia was created in 1701 with capital in Berlin, formally outside of fragmented Roman Empire of the German Nation.

    The move shaped the cradle of the modern German militarism. The name “Prussia” symbolized the continuity of German militaristic tradition by recalling the 13th century conquest and genocide of the Balto-Slavic Prussians by the armed monks of the Teutonic Order. However, the Kingdom of Prussia faced destruction during the Seven Years War (1758-1763).

    Berlin was occupied and burned by Russian army in 1760. Russia decided to destroy the new Kingdom of Prussia in order to prevent it from acquiring means to unify the 350 independent German principalities, into a united Germany, with capital in Berlin (for the first time ever). In exchange for Prussia and Silesia, Poland was to give Podolia to Russia. However, Polish citizens living in Podolia refused to agree to become subjects of the tsar.

    Poland’s refusal, saved the Kingdom of Prussia from destruction and permitted the Hohenzollerns of Berlin to return to their schemes for the partitioning of Poland after a new and weak-minded Tsar Peter III (1728-1762) became very accommodating to Prussia. The situation remained favorable to Berlin, after Peter III was assassinated with the connivance of his German wife, Catgherine II (1729-1796), who usurped the Russian throne by a coup d’etat on July 9, 1762.

    Berlin was then able to provoke a series of Polish-Russian wars: each war gave a chance to Berlin, for robbery of Polish land by annexation. Cultural and economic oppression by Prussia of the annexed Polish lands followed, until the times of Bismarck who formed his plans for the extermination of the Poles. Berliners had a strong anti-Polish tradition, with which they helped to inspire Hitler’s genocidal crimes against citizens of Poland.

    On April 24, 1939, when Hitler terminated his non-aggression pact with Poland, he was furious that Poland rejected his offer of friendship and alliance. Hitler made such an offer for the first time as early as August 5, 1935, when he declared, that good Polish-German relations were of primary importance to him. He wanted a military alliance with Poland and Japan against the Soviet Union, to which he did not have land access, because Poland’s territory constituted a physical barrier between Germany and the Soviets.

    Apparently Hitler’s “best case scenario” was to attack the Soviets with some 600 divisions: 220 German, 200 Japanese, 100 Polish and 80 of other nations, without having to fight on the western front. He hoped to mobilize in Poland some 10% of the population, or over three and half million men. When Poland refused, Hitler put in practice Bismarck’s plans and committed mass murder in Poland.

    Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
    Poland – An Illustrated History
    Hippocrene Books, New York
    (2000 – First Printing; 2003 – Second Printing; 2008 – Third Printing)
    Pages: 282
    Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
    Poland – A Historical Atlas
    Hippocrene Books, New York 1987
    First Printing; 1988 -Third Printing (Revised)
    pages: 320
    ISBN: 0-87052-282-5
    Historyczny Atlas Polski
    Baran i Suszczyński, Kraków 1995
    ISBN: 83-85845-54-2
    Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
    Jews in Poland – A Documentary History
    Hippocrene Books, New York 1998
    Pages: 432
    ISBN: 0781806046; ISBN: 0-7818-0757-3

  4. Anti-American or Anti-Israel? To be pro-Israel/Zionist is to be Anti-American. We have separation of church and state, but the Zionist regime treats muslims and christians as animals and frequently burns copies of the New Testament. Our country was created by immigrants, mostly European, and not based on a racial Ideology. Israel is for Jews only and non Jews may not vote. A “mixed marriage” is prohibited by law. Buchanan is correct to say that communism was a Jewish creation and killed countless more millions than Hitler. Yet this blogger defends Israel which was created by Bolsheviks thugs. The bottom line is we need to distance ourselves with Political Zionism and those who practice the racist, anti-Christ religion of Judaism. There is no “chosen people” and calling someone an antisemite does not win an argument.

  5. Sorry Steve but you’re wrong. There are Arab Muslims in the Kissnet how do you think they got in there?

    Christians I’ve actually met who have gone to Israel have been well treated, but their are Hasidic or Orthodox sects within Israel that are racists but that makes Israel racist only if the Klan and the Nation of Islam makes us racist.

    But you don’t care about that since you’re a Klanner yourself. But I’m curious as to why when Muslims have destroyed the churches in Gaza and kidnapped and raped Christina women on a regular basis, but it was Israe;l who armed and supported the Christian militias in Lebanon when Muslims were forming anti-Christian death squads you are calling Judaism as an “anti-Christ” religion.

    Are you retarded?

  6. Jewish collaboration with the Soviets provoked an outpouring of condemnation by the Polish people. They accused
    the Jews of conspiring with the Soviets to destroy Poland. When the newly-created Polish Army was relocated from
    Russia to the Middle East, thousands of Polish Jews, who had enlisted, deserted the army en masse. Though
    General Anders granted them all amnesty, it is not surprising that resentment within the army ranks grew – but
    not for reasons of anti-semetism. This desertion was a betrayal of Poland, on the very eve of battle. But with the
    establishment of the Jewish Ghettos, Polish opinion began to transform from one of hatred and anger to that of
    sympathy and deep compassion. Poles who had themselves been victims of German bestiality knew with what
    anguish the Jews suffered. They were witness to the horrors of the ghettos and the sentence imposed upon its’
    victims – slow starvation and the deportations to death camps. Many Poles felt compelled to act on the grounds of
    decency and humanitarianism, overlooking past resentments, betrayal, even anti-semetism, to come to the aid of
    the Jews. At great risk to their own lives, Polish men, women and children tossed bundles of food over the ghetto
    walls. Polish families opened their homes to Jews fleeing Nazi persecution. Many Poles even constructed secret
    bunkers beneath their basements, or erected fake wall partitions, for the purpose of hiding as many Jews as
    possible. Elaborate means were used to smuggle food, clothing and medical care to the Jews in hiding, so as not
    to arouse public suspicion.

    Poland was the only occupied country in which the Germans issued a decree warning that anyone helping the Jews
    would be executed. In house-to-house searches, the Nazis often found Jews hiding there, and shot them along
    with the Poles ( and their families ) who sheltered them. That the Germans even issued such a decree is
    indicative of the fact that Polish assistance to the Jews was widespread. Many Poles were so traumatized that
    they chose to remain neutral for fear of their lives. Our perception of them as passive or indifferent is unwarranted.
    Considering the circumstances theirs was not a decision influenced by anti-semetism. But even with the threat
    of discovery, and German reprisals, many Poles continued in their mission to shelter and hide Jews.

    German and Soviet propaganda distorted and magnified the facts in order to inflame Polish-Jewish hostilities
    Among the countless incidences staged by the Nazis was one in which Germans in Lodz destroyed a statue of the
    Polish patriot Kosciuszko, and blamed it on the Jews. The Germans forced a group of Jews to stand in front of the
    rubble and photographed it as “evidence”. Immediately thereafter, the Germans burned down a synagogue and
    accused the Poles for having done so in retaliation. In Warsaw, on Passover, the Germans staged a riot which
    lasted, ironically, for eight days. They recruited a thousand Polish youths to destroy Jewish homes and shops while
    German soldiers were nearby filming the entire onslaught. The sole objective of Nazi propaganda was to bring
    about Poland’s self-destruction by playing on Polish fears of being conquered by the Soviets. Moreover, the
    suspicion that Britain and the US had abandoned the Poles and was about to betray them to the Soviets were
    reasons enough for some Poles to collaborate with the Nazis. Any illusion of acquiring special protection or
    benefits by collaboration, quickly vanished, as the German terror on Polish underground continued unabated.

    The Polish Underground waged a continuous battle using counter propaganda of its own to demoralize and disrupt
    the German rank and file. More importantly, the Underground sought to influence Polish attitudes by instructing
    them to resist German propaganda and enticements to collaborate with them. The Nazis made numerous
    concessions to the Polish people including re-opening Polish theatres and museums, and elminating the
    requirement of passes for Poles using the trains. The Germans sometimes succeeded in luring members
    of the AK out of hiding, only to deport them to concentration camps, or execute them.

    While the majority of the Poles complied with the directives of the Polish Underground, others did not. Poland
    endured a siege of German terror and brutality that over time contributed to the increase in delinquency, especially
    in the youth. No morals or laws prevailed other than that which ensured Nazi supremacy. Every kind of depravity
    was encouraged by the Nazis to erode the moral fabric of Polish society. The Poles who collaborated with the
    Germans represented only a fraction of the Polish population.

    In the political sphere, the most rabid element was the ONR ( Oboz Narodowo Rady Kalny ), a radical-nationalist
    party which produced much of the Polish anti-semetic propaganda. They accused the Jews of starting the war,
    and claimed that the Jews were collaborating with the Nazis and the Soviets in order to destroy Poland. This
    political party was not represented in the Polish Underground State, nor in the Polish Government-in-exile, in

    Little or no attention has been given to the sacrifices made by heroic Poles – the men, and women who made
    daring attempts to shelter Jews, under extraordinary circumstances. Catholic nuns frequently sheltered Jewish
    children in their convents, teaching them Catholic prayers, and catechism, so that they could pass the scrutiny of
    German interrogation. Among the religious orders that gave assistance to the Jews were: the Sisters of Maria’s
    Family ( in Otwock, Pludy and several other Polish towns), the Ursuline Sisters ( in Warsaw-Powisle, among other
    provincial convents), the Franciscan Sisters, in Lasku, the Sisters of the Lady Immaculate ( in Warsaw, Szymanow,
    and Niepokalanow), the Sisters of Charity ( in the hospitals of Warsaw), and the Polish Relief Council in Otwock.

    At the start of the war, there were Poles who were anti-semetic but who had changed their outlook because of the
    Nazi atrocities committed against the Jews – men such as Stanislaw Piasecki, Adolf, Nowaczynski, Kozidkiewicz,
    Witold Rudnicki, among many others. There are thousands of Poles who risked their lives and died in the process
    of helping the Jews. Only a few of them have been documented and are honoured by Yad Vashem, in the
    Righteous Among Nations. None have gained so much attention as the selfless act of one individual, Father
    Maximillian Kolbe, a Franciscan monk. He was a Polish prisoner in Auschwitz, number 16670, who volunteered
    to die instead of the fifteen Jews selected for death by slow starvation. The first victims of the gas chambers at
    Auschwitz were 300 Poles and 700 Soviet POWs. Until 1942, Poles constituted 90% of the inmates of Stutthof.

    Jan Karski, a national hero of the Polish Underground, was the first to report the news of German atrocities to the
    Allied nations. He embarked on a gruelling mission through several occupied countries, transporting secret
    microfilm to the Polish Government-in-exile in London – on it was documented evidence of the crimes committed
    by the Germans – photographs, decrees, and statistics.

    The most elaborate covert operation in saving the Jews was an organization called Zegota. Although its officical
    name was Council for Aid to the Jews, it had to have been referred to in code in order to protect the organization
    from blackmailers and informers. Zegota members represented a wide cross-section of Polish society. It was
    an enormous network which overlapped with organizations in the Polish Underground State, Home Army, and
    a countless array of individual Poles from every profession and trade. All were devoted to helping the work of
    Zegota. The major scope of activity dealt with finding safe houses in which Jews could be hidden, the provision of
    food, clothing, and whenever possible, medical care. They produced thousands of fake documents, such as birth
    certificates, and passports, to conceal the true identity of the Jews. Many Jews were able to live on the Aryan side
    (outside the ghettos) because their features were not semetic. They were the lucky few. Many others whose
    appearance was obviously semetic, had to be hidden at all times, otherwise they would risk their death and the
    death of the Poles sheltering them. Because of this risk, many Poles had no choice but to refuse to help them.
    The largest source of aid to the Jews, which far surpassed Zegota, and the spontaneous efforts given randomly by
    groups or individuals, was the Polish Underground State. Its’ organization, along political, military and civilian
    divisions, was devoted to the restoration of Polands freedom and independence. Among its activities was the
    mission to provide the Jews with a means of escape and shelter from Nazi persecution.

    In 1940-41, the Polish government-in-exile and the Underground State were the first to report the news of the
    persecution of the Jews in Poland. Initially, the British government received the reports with a great deal of
    skepticism, believing that the Poles may have exaggerated. It was difficult for the British to comprehend how
    German Kultur could descend to such depths of depravity. Irregardless of British stonewalling, Polish interventions
    were immediately set into motion. Diplomatic meetings were held in Britain, and the U.S., resolutions were drawn up
    and submitted to the United Nations. Ambassador Papee made several visits to the Vatican, meeting with
    Secretary of State Cardinal Maglione, and Monsignor Tardem and Montini. He presented them with a memo from
    Prime Minister Sikorski, in which he discussed the persecution of the Poles and Jews under Nazi occupation, and
    requested the intervention of Pope Pius XII. Issues of the Black Book were also submitted. Papee also met with the
    General of the Jesuit Order, Father Wlodzmierz Ledochowski to discuss using the Church and its agencies to
    shelter Poles and Jews in Poland.

    The Polish Foreign Office published a White Book entitled, ” The German Occupation of Poland “, printed in
    English, French and Spanish. There were also two Black Books; Volume I ” The German Invasion of Poland ”
    described the September Campaign. Volume II, ” The German New Order in Poland ” described the German
    administration in Poland and the Soviet-German war of June 1941. It provided details concerning the fate of the
    Jews, German regulations, descriptions of German atrocities, the burning of synagogues, locations of burials and
    names of victims, confiscation of Jewish property, loss of freedom and rights, forced labor, ghettoes, and
    death camps. Included were 30 photographs illustrating in graphic detail, life in the ghetto, as well as copies
    of German decrees. This book was widely distributed in Great Britain and the US. Copies were sent to press
    agencies and newspapers around the world.

    Prime Minister Sikorski made several visits to the US as well as to London, and the Polish Embassy in Washington,
    D.C. A flurry of telegrams between London and Warsaw document the extent of Polish efforts in pressuring the
    Allies for military assistance. In 1941-42, Sikorski asked for an American declaration condemning German
    oppressive policies against the Poles and the Jews. The US was unresponsive. As time passed, the situation\
    grew more ominous, Sikorskis appeals became more frequent and urgent. Poles and Jews demanded that
    Britain execute Germans in reprisal for Nazi atrocities committed against the Polish nation. The British refused
    to intervene because it was not within the scope of their political objectives.

    The American Jewish Congress and the World Jewish Congress were receptive to Sikorskis arrival in the US,
    and expressed hope for the liberation of Poland, but they quickly resorted to a litany of accusations of Polands
    pre-war administration. They accused the Polish military of anti-semetism and referred to the periodical issued by
    the ONR, entitled ” Jestem Polakiem ” ( I am Polish), that was radically nationalistic. Its circulation lasted only from
    August 4, 1940 to May 15, 1941, at which time the Sikorski govenment called a stop to its publication, declaring it
    to be detrimental. Sikorski tried to assure the Allies that the governments position was strongly opposed to
    anti-semetism and considered it foreign to its government. He stated that ” the common suffering has created a
    community of spirit between Poles and Jews”

    The Jewish Morning Newspaper did acknowledge that the Sikorski government was moderate, but instead chose
    to focus entirely on the fact that a few of its members were National Democrats. Many criticisms were made
    purely on hearsay – as one by Jozef Tennenbaum, President of the American Federation of Polish Jews. He
    claimed that tens of thousands of Poles helped the Germans to exterminate the Jews – it is completely
    unsubstantiated. Jews were frequently at odds even with each other over the issue of anti-semetism. Rabbi Z.
    Babad, who represented the Polish Agudists in Great Britain, condemed the Jews who made irresponsible
    generalizations about Polish actions towards the Jews. He was a loyal supporter of the Sikorski government,
    and he criticized foreign Jews, especially Zionists, for interfering in Polish internal affairs. Ludwik Grosfeld, a
    Polish Jew, was appointed Minister of Treasury by Prime Minister Mikolajczyk. Grosfeld was severely criticized
    by the Jews who accused him of being an ” assimilationist ”

    After the Germans invaded Russia, the attacks on the Jews intensified. The Polish government countered German
    propaganda by issuing a Declaration, entitled, ” Instruction No. 2 “, dated June 23, 1941. It read as follows:

    ” The government lays great stress on the necessity of warning the nations not to give in to German
    baiters and not to adopt an active anti-Jewish attitude in the territories freed from Soviet occupation.
    This is imperative for reasons of principle and political ones such as actions would be bound to make
    it terribly difficult for the government to profit from the situation in the international field. ”

    On Jan 13, 1942, Sikorski attended an inter-allied conference of nine countries ( which had been occupied by
    Germany ), including delegates from Britain and the US. A resolution was made calling for the prosecution of
    Germans who violated international law by committing violent crimes against civilians. Britain and the US
    refused to sign it on the grounds that there was no verification that the reports were true.

    The Polish Underground reported on the increase in German killings. One of many memos read as follows:

    ” I inform that the news about the murder of several thousand Jews in eastern Galicia is true. Mass
    murder of Jews were also committed in the Wilno province, in Byelorussia, and in the Lublin province. In
    Wilno alone, about sixty thousand Jews were murdered…. Delegate, April 8, 1942 ”

  7. This Pat Buchaman is simply another American idiot that thinks he knows the history of the world better becuse he lives in the major super power Ill say a sarcastic joke ! If there’s ever a nation of traitors thats the US NATION !

    Regardless will they Goverment will do anything to save the world americans will always rebel and side up with the enemies becuse of their liberties A nation and country can fall becuse of it so its time Americans to start thinking responsibilly and grow up and not being so dumb !

  8. Pogonowski is a renowned author of books and articles about Poland and is particularly knowledgeable about the history of Jews in Poland. As reference material for this writing he has referred extensively to “Poland, Communism, Nationalism, Anti-Semitism” by Michael Checinski, “Poles, Jews, Communism– The Anatomy of Half-Truth 1939-1968” by Krystyna Kersten and “Pogrom of Jews in Kielce, July 4, 1946” by Bozena Szaynok. He also credits the Information Services of the Canadian Polish Congress for special materials and help.

    Part 1 of 5


    World War II was a war of hatred: institutionalized hatred, ethnic hatred, popularized hatred. Born of this hatred, monstrous actions taken by ordinary people resulted in, among other things, the mass-murder of millions of civilians. Long after the guns have been silenced, the spirit of animosities energized by World War II between peoples, between cultures, and between religious groups stays alive within some people’s hearts. World War II and its spirit of hatred will continue to live on until reconciliation between these groups is complete.

    Young people born a generation or two after the end of World War II generally have little natural interest in nursing animosities born of earlier eras. These animosities, in order to live on, have to be carefully cultivated in younger people by those who may feel their interests are served by doing so. Surprisingly, there have been systematic attempts by some to keep these animosities alive by devising mythological accounts of what happened preceding World War II, during the War, and in the aftermath of the War. Even more surprisingly, some of these mythologies have been advanced by people from groups who were victimized in the War, people who should have the strongest vested interest in the truth being propagated.
    There are many versions of these mythologies, but one in popular currency in mid-1990’s North America distils roughly to this: an outside force known as the Nazis forcibly gained control of Germany and under totalitarian military rule forced a policy of war and ethnic hatred and extermination on a frightened but generally unwilling German populace. According to this myth, the real story of genuine ethnic hatred can be found among Jewish people and gentiles who lived in Poland, whose alleged long-standing animosity pre-dated the War, and extends beyond the end of the War to this day. The myth-speakers claim that the Polish nation was the true anti-Jewish state, and that atrocities perpetrated on countless Jewish people on Polish soil in German-occupied Poland were carried out with great relish by a willing Polish populace that was tired of dealing with a Jewish sub-culture that had been already relegated to ghettos prior to the War. The existence of the myth of non-support by the German people of the actions of the Nazi regime even motivated the title and thesis of a recent doctoral dissertation turned into book by Daniel Jonah Goldhagen, “Hitler’s Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust” (New York: A.A. Knopf, 1996.) Goldhagen documents the involvement of ordinary Germans in carrying out what today are referred to as Nazi atrocities.

    As Goldhagen was clarifying the role of the Germans, others were perpetuating the myths. In April, 1996, propagation of the anti-Polish myth was advanced by the film “Shtetl,” shown on Public Television in the United States. The film falsely suggests Polish complicity in the Holocaust. Through its own baseless and malicious claims about Polish people, the film is unwittingly a study of the encouragement of ethnic hatred by Jewish people toward Polish gentiles. Israeli students in the film are shown making a series of claims, sometimes gleefully, about alleged Polish involvement in the Holocaust, including attempts to shift the blame for Nazi crimes from German people to Polish people. The students even mocked Polish rescue efforts, seemingly oblivious to the fact that the Germans punished Polish gentiles collectively for providing any form of assistance to Jewish people, or even for not turning them in.

    The film “Shtetl” focused negatively on the local Catholic church and priest several times. In actual well-documented fact, Polish gentiles helped Jewish people in Poland extensively during World War II. This assistance included the hiding of tens of thousands of Jewish people in the homes of Polish gentiles, which put the gentiles’ entire families at risk of death. Several thousand Polish gentiles, including men, women, and children, were burned alive or otherwise summarily executed for the crime of hiding or assisting Jews. As an example of local Catholic Church involvement, it is ironic that the wartime pastor of the very Catholic church that was featured in the film was murdered because he was assisting Jews. His name was Father Henryk Opiatowski of Bransk. Yet, Father Opiatowski was never mentioned in the film! In no other country during the war were people subjected to death in this way for providing assistance to Jewish people. These students of the Holocaust were certainly taught how anti-Semitism produced six million Jewish deaths in the Holocaust; apparently they did not also learn how anti-Polonism produced three million Polish gentile deaths during the occupation–the Polish aspect of the Holocaust. Since the students in the film Shtetl were not eyewitnesses to the horrors of the Holocaust, they may very well be a window into the way the Holocaust is being taught in some Jewish homes and schools. If the purpose of teaching about the Holocaust is to never forget how ethnic hatreds can be nurtured to the point of destroying a people (and it should be), then Holocaust teaching will fail if along the way it teaches young Jewish people to hate Polish people.

    There is another example of an obstacle to Jewish-Polish goodwill that is perhaps more significant and potentially longer-lasting in promoting ethnic hatred by Jewish people towards Polish people than the film Shtetl. It is an exhibit in the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C., that falsely presents events that occurred in Kielce, Poland in 1946 as part of the Holocaust. It refers to the clearly Soviet-staged violence in Kielce as a “Polish pogrom.” [The Museum has changed the text since this writing.] To many visitors of the Holocaust Museum, the exhibit by its very inclusion seems to suggest that after the end of World War II, a liberated Polish populace chose to continue Hitler’s work of exterminating Jewish people. The study you are now reading examines these events in Kielce, and shows that the suggestions of a Polish-led extension of the Holocaust are patently false. The Kielce Pogrom had nothing to do with the German-engineered Holocaust. It had everything to do with the Soviet-engineered strangulation of the Polish nation.
    Like all effective myths, those related to World War II have some elements of truth underlying them. In conjunction with the construction of these myths, though, actual facts and events have been distorted or misrepresented, and certainly the contexts within which they occurred have been falsely stated. Sadly, the distortions, misrepresentations and falsehoods are sometimes purposely and systematically advanced by those who feel a need to humiliate the Polish nation and members of the Polish ethnic group from around the world. Those who today seek to humiliate or destroy people because of their ethnic association are kindred spirits to those who sought to humiliate or destroy people because of their ethnic association in the World War II era. Let me say unequivocally: anti-Semitism in the World War II era or now is wrong and it is evil. On the flip side of the coin bearing the image of anti-Semitism is the image of anti-Polonism. The coin of anti-Semitism cannot be melted down and destroyed without also melting down and destroying anti-Polonism.

    I will state up front that I have a vested interest in the truth about World War II and its aftermath being clearly illuminated. I am a veteran of 64 months of imprisonment in Gestapo prisons, concentration camps, and death marches. My own ordeal, and the suffering and death of many of my Polish and Jewish friends and prison-mates, not to mention the sacrifices made by the young men who fought and died as soldiers, will have been rendered meaningless if the hatred of Jewish people by the Nazi leadership and various members of the German nation are simply replaced by hatred of Polish people by Jewish people, or vice-versa. Those who even today perpetuate myths and misconceptions about animosities associated with World War II and its aftermath are not merely bearing false witness–they are willing accomplices to the spirit of hatred of World War II, a frightening spirit embodied in its purest evil form by Adolf Hitler.

    I have seen, first hand, the disgusting, murderous results of ethnic hatred. I have devoted the latter part of my life to writing about the long-term coexistence of Polish Jews and gentiles within Poland, and am committed to trying to help diffuse animosities stemming from World War II. In this spirit of friendship and respect, I wrote and had published earlier this decade a documentary history entitled “Jews in Poland: The Rise of Jews as a Nation From Congressus Judaicus in Poland to the Knesset in Israel.” If World War II presented any lessons to the people of the world, it showed what can eventually happen if ethnic animosities are allowed to fester and grow.

    The study you are now reading is a quest for Polish-Jewish reconciliation. For it to be successful, those who would join this quest must have one thing in common: respect for the truth. As part of this quest, I will address how Jewish-Polish animosities have been cultivated in the aftermath of the War, and in particular how Soviet actions and Soviet-induced events and situations contributed to or drove the process of cultivating the animosities. In particular, I will take the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the Kielce Pogrom to discuss this event in detail and use it as a basis for discussion of the larger geopolitical situation. This study deals primarily with the results of Soviet-institutionalized hatred and the Soviet crime of provoking situations purposely designed to sour Polish-Jewish relations. In general, the public in Western countries knows very little about the specifics of these types of Soviet misdeeds.

    For this study, the book “Poland, Communism, Nationalism, Anti-Semitism” by Michael Checinski (New York: Karz-Cohl Publishing, 1982) is an important source of information for the Cold War period. I will use Checinski’s book as a resource to help illuminate the events and situations in the aftermath of World War II that relate to Polish-Jewish relations. Checinski’s book details the relations between Poles and Jews in the postwar “People’s” Republic of Poland and the damage done to these relations under the conditions created by the Soviets. Checinski was an insider of the Soviet-controlled terror apparatus. As a Jew who survived the Lodz Ghetto, Checinski was naturally very sensitive to Soviet policies which fomented and used anti-Semitic excesses in the satellite empire to serve Soviet purposes of the time. Checinski’s book shows Soviet methods used to bring the destruction of law and morality to Poland and other satellite states. I also draw heavily on material from a book by Krystyna Kersten, “Poles, Slavs, Communism: The Anatomy of Half-Truth 1939- 1968.” (Warsaw: Independent Publishing House, 1992) and also from “Pogrom of Jews in Kielce, July 4, 1946 by Bozena Szaynok (Warsaw: Bellona Publishing, 1992). Along the way, I will include some necessary background information relating to World War II. Overall, through this study I hope to help unravel some of the root causes and dynamics of Polish-Jewish relations after World War II, and how these ate strongly affecting Polish-Jewish relations even today.


    A “pogrom”, a Russian word that translates to “devastation, ” is defined as “an organized massacre, especially of Jews in Russia, such as 1881, 1903, and 1905.” (The New Lexicon Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language, 1989.) Anti-Jewish violence in Russia was usually started with ‘a false accusation that a ritual murder had been perpetrated on Christian children by local Jews. Violence directed against Jewish people that occurred on July 4, 1946, in the town of Kielce, referred to as the Kielce Pogrom, is aptly named for several reasons. For one, it was indeed organized. And as it will be explained in detail, it was organized by the Soviet-controlled terror apparatus in Poland, a captured country which was under Soviet occupation at the time. This pogrom, although not on Russian soil, was arranged by a totalitarian leadership centered in Russia and it was started with the same technique of planting a false accusation that a ritual murder had been perpetrated on Christian children. And as even the common dictionary definition shows, this is not the first time Russians have instigated this type of activity.

    In the Kielce Pogrom, an uprising occurred over the span of many hours that resulted in the death of 41 Polish citizens: 39 Jews, and two gentiles. It was a horrible crime, and regrettably, there was some complicity among a very small number of gentile Poles in this inexcusable violence. These Polish criminals, as will be pointed out, were tried and convicted for their crimes. The reports, however, of the involvement of a mob of 15,000 cheering Polish citizens are completely untrue. Also, the idea that the uprising was of a spontaneous nature is also untrue. As it will be shown in this study, this event was carefully provoked and staged by the Soviet occupiers at that time. This event was staged to achieve specific political purposes dictated by Moscow’s global strategy including Europe and the Middle East.


    Why would Soviets want to stage an uprising that would embarrass Poland? After all, didn’t both Poland and the Soviets fight alongside of Britain and the other allies in World War II? Didn’t Hitler’s German army invade both Poland and the Soviet Union, and isn’t “the enemy of my enemy my friend?”

    There is general public awareness that the United States and the Soviet Union were World War II partners in the Allied fight against Nazi Germany. Many fewer, however, are aware of the nearly two-year Nazi-Soviet partnership embodied in the German-Soviet Boundary and Friendship Treaty, which was signed on September 28, 1939. It divided all of Poland between Germany and the Soviet Union and contained secret provisions for the mutual extermination of potential Polish opponents of both Germany and the USSR. Both Germany and the USSR agreed to control their respective parts of Poland. This meant taking all necessary measures to contain and prevent the emergence of any potential Polish actions toward either Germany or the USSR, and then communicating with each other on the progress made toward the goals of the treaty. The treaty lasted until Germany invaded the Soviet Union in 1941. Soviet hostility toward Poland and the desire of the USSR to control as much Polish territory as it could continued beyond the German invasion of Poland.

    The Soviets implemented their part of the German-Soviet Boundary and Friendship Treaty by executing 21,857 members of the Polish leadership community, including many Jewish people. Katyn, in what is now Bielarus, contained the graves of 4443 such men and became a symbol of the mass execution of members of the upper echelon of Polish society in the Spring of 1940 At the same time Germany ran a parallel operation with the code name Aktion AB [Auserordentliche Befriedungsaktion, which translates to “extraordinary pacification”], culminating in the execution of about 20,000 Polish professionals.

    Because of the German-Soviet Treaty to divide Poland among themselves, the Eastern half of Poland was under Soviet, not German, rule from September, 1939 to mid-1941. During that time, there were many Jewish people who collaborated with the Soviet terror apparatus against the conquered Polish State. Among the many eyewitnesses to those events is the famed Polish courier Jan Karski, who was made an honorary citizen of Israel for his efforts to worn an unresponsive West about the fate of Poland and Polish Jewry. In February, 1940, Karski reported: “Jews are denouncing Poles to the secret police and are directing the work of the communist militia from behind the scenes. Unfortunately, one must say that these incidents are very frequent.” (Report to the Polish Government-in-Exile in London.)

    Hundreds of published accounts, including Jewish ones, confirm that Jews were involved in the roundups of Polish soldiers and officials (e.g., at Rozyszcze and Kowel), the jailing and executions of Poles (e.g., at Lwow and Czortkow), and in policing the deportation of Poles, in cattle cars, to the Gulag (e.g., from Gwozdziec). By the time the Germans attacked their erstwhile Soviet ally in mid-1941, over one million Poles had been deported to distant and probable deaths from towns like Bransk. All of this occurred before the Jewish Holocaust got underway. Naturally, these events had a significant impact on Polish attitudes, though that was not the only factor influencing them


    By mid-1941, Germany gained control of all of Poland and the Germans continued the establishment of Jewish ghettos that the Germans had started in 1939. Germans formed the Jewish ghettos by evicting hundreds of thousands of gentiles from their homes and then crowding many more Jewish families there than the space could reasonably accommodate. There were no Jewish ghettos in Poland before Germany started creating them in 1939. It is ironic that some people not well acquainted with the history of the ghettos have mistakenly thought that the ghettos were formed by a bigoted Polish population who spitefully wanted to segregate the Jewish population to selected areas. Instead, the real truth is that Polish people were unwillingly removed from their homes by the Germans to form the ghettos, and then the Polish people illegally aided the Jews by bringing them substantial amounts of food and other supplies.

    In terms of living conditions, the ghettos formed by the Germans bore a haunting similarity to the concentration camps that the Germans had been organizing since 1933. The Polish Armed Resistance reported that 500,000 Jews were crowded into the Warsaw Ghetto: 600 people per acre. Hunger, and unspeakably poor hygienic and sanitary conditions resulted in the spreading of tuberculosis and other contagious diseases. The Central Commission for Investigation of Crimes Against Polish People reported: “The isolated ghetto is restricted to internal trade, consisting of people’s private property, clothing, and household goods which are sold at low prices for extremely expensive food … There is no heating fuel in the ghetto … The health and sanitary conditions are beyond description–there is a monstrous hunger and poverty … Overcrowded streets are full of aimless, pale, and starving people … People die in the streets … An orphanage is being overcrowded with daily arrivals of newborn babies … The Germans’ plunder of once-affluent Jews continues … as well as the treatment of Jews in an exceptionally brutal manner …”

    Each ghetto had its own Jewish Council [Judenrat] which oversaw day-to-day affairs and a Jewish police force which carried out German orders to supply laborers and, as pointed out by Jewish historians such as Isaiah Trunk and Hannah Arendt, to round up Jews for deportation to death camps. Thus, relatively few Germans were needed for such “Aktions,” or official actions by the German government against the Jewish people. Nor did their success involve any type of cooperation from Polish gentiles. Because the system set up by the Germans did not rely on Polish police, even the opportunity for the Polish police to aid the German roundup of the Jews was marginal or non-existent, as pointed out by Raul Hilberg, the foremost Holocaust historian, in his important work, “Victims, Perpetrators, Bystanders.” Conditions in the Bransk ghetto have been described in Isaiah Trunk’s “Judenrat” (New York: Macmillan, 1972) and in “Bransk: Book of Memories” (New York: Shoulson Press, 1948).

    Polish gentiles certainly were not the masterminds who formed the neither ghettos nor collaborators with the Germans on the brutal treatment of the Jews. To the contrary, Polish gentiles sabotaged German plans for the starvation of ghetto inmates. The Polish gentiles made illegal deliveries of food to the ghettos–including about 250 tons of flour per day. Jozef Dabrowski and others were shot by the Germans for making such deliveries. By then the daily food ration in Warsaw was 184 calories for a Jew, 669 for a Polish gentile, and 2,613 for a German. Eighty percent of the food consumed in the ghetto was smuggled in by Polish gentiles. The supply of raw materials into the ghetto was forty times greater than that officially permitted by the Germans, according to the records of the Jewish Council of the Warsaw Ghetto. (I.C. Pogonowski, “Jews in Poland: A Documentary History, pp. 106-107.”)

    After Germany’s invasion of Russia, Adolf Hitler verbally ordered the “Final Solution of the Jewish question,” namely the extermination of eleven million European Jews. To work out and communicate the details of implementing the “Final Solution,” the Wannsee Conference was held in Berlin on January 20, 1942. At the conference, the leaders of the German civil service established the specific means by which the genocide was to be conducted. As a direct result of the conference, the Berlin government announced an invitation for bids from German industry to purchase equipment for an industrial process to exterminate eleven million European Jews.

    According to plans developed at the Conference, terrorized Jewish personnel were to be used in the extermination process. Also, the plans further directed that the extermination camps were to be isolated from the Polish population for maximum secrecy. For this reason, the camp guards were recruited from Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania and Ukraine. Despite German terror and German attempts to keep Poles in the dark about the Germans’ actions, radio broadcasts made by the Polish resistance regularly informed the West of German atrocities in Poland. (I.C. Pogonowski, “Jews in Poland: A Documentary History, New York: Hippocrene Books Inc., 1993, pp. 110, 119, 120, 121, 124, 125).

    Massive deportations from the Warsaw ghetto in the summer of 1942 (to the Treblinka death camp) were not carried out with the assistance of any Polish agency. Indeed, in German-occupied Poland, there was not even a vestige of a Polish government at that time. Instead, the deportations were organized by the Jewish police in coordination with the Judenrat and the occupying German forces. Horrifying descriptions of this Aktion are found in the diaries of Emanuel Ringelblum, the chronicler of the Warsaw ghetto, and elsewhere. These sad events are only a part, but a significant part, of the eventual roundup and execution by the Germans of a large proportion of Poland’s Jews in what later came to be referred to as the Holocaust.

    On April 19, 1943, a Jewish uprising began in the Warsaw Ghetto as Germans started the final liquidation of the Jews there. The massacre ended on May 8, 1943. Professor Marian Fuks later wrote: “It is absolutely certain fact that without help and active participation of the Polish resistance movement it would have not been possible at all to bring about the uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto.” (“The Bulletin of the Jewish Historical Institute in Poland,” July-December 1989, p. 44).

    It should go without saying that the German occupation and brutal control of Poland was not welcomed by the Polish people. Unfortunately, neither could the Polish people find solace in the eventual Soviet re-entry into Poland and their consequent program of brutal control. Upon Soviet re-entry into Poland in 1944, the Soviet terror apparatus was systematically liquidating the remnants of the Polish Home Army and any perceived Polish opponents of a Soviet takeover and control of Poland. It is an undeniable fact that many Jews, usually communist functionaries, were collaborating with the Soviets in denouncing, jailing, and executing Poles. (See for example, “Karta,” no. 15; Oswald Rufeisen’s account in Nechama Tec’s “In the Lion’s Den”; Wanda Lisowska’s 1946 account on conditions in Ejszyszki found in “Zeszyty Historyczne,” no. 36.) Poles suspected of having either collaborated with the Germans or of being anti-Semitic could be, and were, executed with impunity. For example, in Drohiczyn, nine Polish gentiles were murdered by local Jews because they were falsely suspected of killing a Jew, a crime in fact perpetrated by the Soviets (Warszawa: Archiwum Polski Podziemnej, Dokumenty, 1994).
    Tens of thousands of Polish gentiles were executed in repressions that affected the lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent Polish gentiles. The foregoing are not invented facts: Both Simon Wiesenthal and Stanislaw Krajewski, vice-chairperson of the Polish Council of Christians and Jews, among others, have publicly admitted their shame on this account. Under these types of wartime circumstances, where Jews were successfully encouraged to betray Polish gentiles to the Soviet authorities, animosities toward Jews in the general population were not a matter of anti-Semitism, but simply a matter of survival. Active Jewish collaboration and popular support for Soviet forces invading Poland occurred from the beginning of the War. In the book “Poles, Jew, Socialists–The Failure of an Ideal,” edited by Antony Polonsky, et al. (London: The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, 1996), Dov Levin writes “The Red Army entered Wilno [Poland] early on the morning of Tuesday, 19 September 1939, to an enthusiastic welcome by Wilno’s Jewish residents, in sharp contrast to the Polish population’s reserve and even hostility. Particular ardor was displayed by leftist groups and their youthful members, who converged on the Red Army tank columns bearing sincere greetings and flowers.”

    Despite these enormous obstacles, and the fact that Polish gentiles also were undergoing their own Holocaust which consumed several million victims, hundreds of thousands of Polish gentiles risked their lives to help Jews. In Warsaw alone, before the uprising of 1944, which resulted in its total destruction, some 15,000 Jews were being sheltered. Emanuel Ringelblum estimated that as many as 60,000 out of the city’s 700,000 Christian residents were involved in the rescue efforts. Assistance has been documented at more than 600 Catholic churches, monasteries, convents, and church-run orphanages throughout Poland. Poles form the largest group recognized by Yad Vashem as “Righteous Gentiles,” as many as 40% of all those recognized. Yad Vashem is a Jewish organization devoted to honoring those who saved Jews from the Holocaust.

    Just as there were some Jewish collaborators during World War II, small numbers of Polish gentiles also collaborated with the Germans. There is no justification or excuse for their actions, and neither was this conduct condoned or tolerated. With the active support of Polish public opinion, the Polish Underground passed and carried out many death sentences against anyone found collaborating with the Germans. It is regrettably true that collaborators, whether with the Nazis or the Soviets, whether Polish Jews or gentiles, were an effective force to contend with. But at the same time, they were tiny, marginal and unrepresentative groups in their respective communities.

    Simon Wiesenthal has advocated the following wise and balanced assessment of that tragic period which consumed millions of Jewish and Polish lives: “Then the war came. It is at times like these that the lower elements in society surface–the blackmailers who would betray Jews … On the other hand, the 30,000 or 40,000 Jews who survived, survived thanks to the help of the Poles. This I know.” During the five years of German occupation most of the efforts to shelter Jews ended tragically for the Jewish victims and their Christian friends.

    What do the leading Holocaust historians have to say about alleged Polish complicity in the Holocaust? Yisrael Gutman, director of research at the Yad Vashem Institute in Jerusalem and editor in chief of “The Encyclopedia of the Holocaust” (1990), has stated authoritatively: “All accusations against the Poles that they were responsible for the Final Solution are not even worth mentioning. Secondly, there is no validity at all in the contention that Polish attitudes were the reason for the siting [sic] of the death camps in Poland.” And again: “I want to be unequivocal about this. When it is said that Poles supposedly took part in the extermination of the Jews on the side of the Germans, that is not true. It has no foundation in fact. There was no such thing as Poles taking part in the extermination of the Jewish population.” Professor Gutman stated that the percentage of Poles who collaborated with the Germans was “infinitesimally small.” He said this in a conversation with Polish Ambassador Dowgiallo (Harvey Sarner, “From Science to Diplomacy: A Pole’s Experience in Israel,” Brunswick Press, 1995). Richard Pipes of Harvard University, wrote in the introduction to I.C. Pogonowski’s book, “Jews in Poland,” published on the fiftieth anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising: “It must never be mistakenly believed that the Holocaust was perpetrated by the Poles. Nor must it be ignored that three million Poles perished at German hands.” Szymon Datner, longtime director of Warsaw’s Jewish Historical Institute, has been equally blunt: “Poles are not responsible for the crimes of the Holocaust.”

    Gaza i jakoby upadek neokonserwtyzmu

    Ostatnim gwoździem do trumny ideologii i ruchu neo-konserwatywnego może być napad na tereny Gazy przez Izrael w 2009 roku. Napad ten jest uważany za ostateczną i całkowitą klęskę polityki USA na Bliskim Wschodzie, kierowanej przez neo-konserwatystów, przez ponad dziesięć lat.

    Podobnie jest z ich propagandą przedstawiającą parlamentarny system w Iraku, jako rzecz korzystną dla Izraela i jakoby dla USA oraz stabilizacji całego regionu i początku nowej ery taniego paliwa. Tymczasem w rzeczywistości rząd Bush’a przyczynił się do wzmocnienia przymierza między Iranem i Hezbollah w Libanie oraz między Iranem i Hamasem na terenie Gazy.

    Ideologię neo-konserwatyzmu stworzyli w Nowym Jorku trockiści nawróceni na skrajny syjonizm w miarę powolnego upadku komunizmu. Zachowali oni jednak koncept „wojny permanentnej,” tym razem w celu szerzenia ich wersji demokracji, a nie szerzenia komunizmu, jak tego chciał Leon Trocki.

    Dzięki poparciu fundamentalistów-protestantów w USA omamionych przez neo-konsrwatystów, partia republikańska z trudem wygrała wybory prezydenckie i musiała uczynić to drogą sądową a nie większością głosów. Iran jest jedynym państwem, które wzrosło w siły w ciągu ostatnich ośmiu lat dzięki polityce neo-konserwatystów pod wodzą Bush’a.

    Pierwszy oficjalny manifest ruchu neokonserwatywnego powstał w Jerozolimie, w 1996 roku pod tytułem „A Clean Break” („Prawdziwy Początek?”) w partii Likud, która miała początki w przedwojennej Polsce, w żydowskim faszystowskim Bejtarze. Manifest zalecał rządzenie na terenach zamieszkałych przez Arabów w Palestynie za pomocą „żelaznej ręki,” niszczenie oporu Palestyńczyków oraz znalezienie Araba, podobnie uległego jak były samorządy w gettach pod okupacją niemiecką.

    Manifest nawoływał do ataków z powietrza na Syrię jak i do porozumienia z Turcją i Jordanią oraz usunięcie od władzy Saddam’a Hussein’a, jakoby „zagrażającemu istnieniu Izraela.” Wówczas nie wspominano wiele o Iranie, który z kolei obecnie jakoby „zagraża istnieniu Izraela.”

    Syn jednego z przywódców Bejtaru, Douglas J. Feith, propagował napad na Irak z pomocą „Scooter” Libby’ego, prawej ręki wiceprezydenta Dick’a Chenney’a oraz takich planistów jak pracownicy American Enterprise Institute w Waszyngtonie, gdzie latami był zatrudniony Radek Sikorski, a szczególnie lobby Izraela: „American Israel Public Affairs Committee.”

    Hasło „Iran jest śmiertelnym zagrożeniem” ogłosiło pismo The Washingon Post 1go lutego, 2002 oraz nawoływało do zmiany reżymu w Iraku i Afganistanu, żeby wziąć Iran w „dwa ognie,” tak żeby jednocześnie „dać wolność Irakijczykom i zdobyć dla USA respekt w całym świecie arabskim.”

    Tak więc brutalny napad sił Izraela na tereny Gazy jest uważany za gwóźdź do trumny doktryny neokonserwatyzmu przez takich ludzi, jak specjalista od spraw Bliskiego Wschodu, profesor Juan Cole, który przypomina jak w 2003 roku parlament turecki zabronił wojskom USA najazdu na Irak z terenów Turcji, a obecnie jak demonstranci tureccy protestują przeciwka bombardowaniu ludności Gazy przez Izrael. Podobne masowe demonstracje mają miejsce w Jordanii i w Iraku.

    Turecki premier Erdogan oskarżył Izrael o „popełnianie zbrodni, które doprowadzą do zniszczenia Izraela” i przyjął z honorami przywódcę Hamasu, Khalid’a Mashal’a na co Izrael grozi odwołaniem swego ambasadora z Ankary. Tymczasem premier Iraku Nouri Al-Maliki i jego religijni sojusznicy w tradycji przyjaźni z Iranem, nawołują, żeby wszystkie państwa Islamu zerwały stosunki dyplomatyczne i handlowe z Izraelem.

    Po klęsce napadu Izraela na Liban w 2006 roku wpływy Iranu na Hezbollah wzrosły podczas gdy organizacja ta na nowo uzbrojona, pełni rolę „obrony narodowej” w południowym Libanie i ma sprzymierzeńców w Iraku. Natomiast w propagandzie Izraela, Hamas na teranie Gazy jest przyczółkiem Iranu nad Morzem Śródziemnym, co według strategii neokonserwatytów miało być zupełnie niemożliwe.

    Mur Szarona zrabował Palestyńczykom tereny rolnicze, a jego ewakuacja terenów Gazy pozostawiła tereny te odizolowane od świata jako getto bez portu, lotniska i wystarczającej żywności w ramach polityki uniemożliwiania pokoju Izraela z Palestyńczykami, tak żeby syjoniści mieli okazję do dalszej ekspansji kosztem Arabów. Napad Izraela na tereny Gazy wywołał masowe protesty również w stolicy Libanu. Hezbollah ma duże wpływy w Iraku.

    Lobby Izraela zafascynowane swoimi syjonistycznymi mrzonkami jak i nawoływaniem do napadu USA na Irak, doprowadziło do zwycięstwa większości Szyitów w Iraku pod wodzą, w Iranie urodzonego, Ajatoli Sistani, którego orientacja polityczna jest bliska przywództwu republiki islamskiej w Teheranie. Tymczasem media w USA nadają komunikaty głównie według ekstremistów rządzących w Izraelu, gdzie dwie trzecie Żydów pragnie pokoju i podstawowo zgadza się z coroczną rezolucją ONZ w sprawie granic z 1967 roku.

    Profesor Juan Cole wielokrotnie zeznawał przed komisjami senatu USA przeciwko polityce neokojnserwatystów-syjonistów w rządzie Bush’a. Obecnie, z pesymizmem pisze on, że polityka ta nie skończyła się z końcem kadencji Bush’a i prawdopodobnie nadal będzie zagrażać pokojowi świata i interesom Amerykanów w czasie kadencji prezydenta Barack’a Obamy.

  9. Kaliningrad and the Shield missiles in Poland

    Dr James Gordon Prather makes a surprising statement that USA is “committed to come to Lithuania’s or Poland’s assistance, militarily, if either decided to blockade or absorbs the Province of Kaliningrad of the Russian Federation” (“Regime Change Rationales,”, July 26, 2008). Dr. Prather usually well informed articles on the Treaty of Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and his criticism on Bush’s policy in the Persian Gulf and on the subject of Bush’s attacks on the “Peace Pipeline” Iran-Pakistan-India-China for natural gas are very logical and usually do not include such a glaring blunder, as the speculation about the possibility of Poland’s decision, to annex the Province of Kaliningrad of the Russian Federation.

    One should remember that in the Province of Kaliningrad the Soviets deposited most of their nuclear and rocket arsenal, which they evacuated from East Germany and Poland. The Province of Kaliningrad of the Russian Federation represents today by far greater military strength and fire power than Poland and Lithuania put together.

    Charles Reese argues logically in his article written on the same day under title: “Pull the Plug on the War State.” He states that placing “[Bush’s] anti-missile system in the Czech Republic and in Poland… represents a threat to [Russia’s] security… President Bush’s lame excuse that the system is designed to protect Europe from Iranian missiles is no doubt another deliberate lie…It does not make any sense at all,” especially considering that a missile flight time from Poland to Moscow is only about four minutes.

    This very fact could be enough justification for Russia to turn moist of Poland into radioactive territory while destroying the missile launching pads in Poland. The threat to turn Poland into nuclear wasteland because of the installation of the Shied is very similar to the NATO plans, for a radioactive barrier between Russia and Western Europe, in case the Soviets would attack NATO with their superior armored forces during the 1970ties. Then the United States planned to turn Poland into a radioactive barrier. This threat frightened Polish colonel Richard Kukliński. Trying to save Poland from disaster the colonel risked his life and transferred to the US intelligence thousands of strategic documents of the Warsaw Pact, in order to prevent the possible destruction of Poland because of a surprise attack on the Western Europe by the Soviet Union.

    One should remember that the Soviets rockets in Cuba in 1962 were located twice as far as from Washington in comparison to the distance from Poland to Moscow. Then, the government of the United States did every thing possible, to remove the Soviet threat. Mr. Reese is right when he states, that the project of US missiles in Poland, may revive the Cold War. Poland, in the thinking of the neocons, may be a sacrificial peon on the world chessboard, in a ploy that might give a chance of check-mate Russia in Bush’s nuclear arms race for the world domination. Despite all the anti-Polish propaganda Poles are not suicidal. They know, that they cannot hope for any mercy from the Russians, especially, when Russian control and command centers, would be threatened by the American missiles, located on the Polish soil.

  10. Solomon Morel, barbaric torturer now hiding out in Israel.

    Poland is demanding that Israel extradite for trial a Jewish man accused of brutal tortures and mass killings in a Soviet concentration camp.

    Solomon Morel, 86, was commandant of a death camp at Swietochlowice, Poland after World War II. The camp’s population included many innocent Polish men, women, and children of German descent whose homes, businesses and belongings had been seized by Jewish communist authorities. The victims were then herded into numerous concentration camps, one at Swietochlowice.

    Morel was indicted in 1994 by a Polish court and ordered to face charges of “crimes against humanity.” Among the crimes the Jewish commandant allegedly committed: murders by bashing the heads of babies against stone walls; bludgeoning inmates to death with stools and clubs; inflicting extreme pain by forcing objects up inmates’ anus; forcing women and children to parade around nude in subfreezing temperatures; making inmates eat human feces; and starving people to death.

    Upon his indictment, Solomon Morel, assisted by the Israeli government, fled to Tel Aviv, Israel where he has been hiding out. American television’s 60 Minutes program tracked him down and located Morel in that city. His whereabouts are known to the Israeli authorities.

    Up to 80,000 people are believed to have died as a result of torture, deprivation, and starvation in post-World War II concentration camps, all of which were headed by Jewish commandants.

    According to a report in London’s The Telegraph, newspaper (January 2, 2005) and in John Sack’s investigative book, An Eye for An Eye, “Stalin deliberately picked Jews as camp commandants in the knowledge they would show little mercy to the inmates.”

    The Polish public prosecutor leading the Morel case, Eva Kok, insisted that the claims could not be “swept under the carpet.” She added: “The Israelis are extremely efficient in pursuing people they have accused of such crimes—and they must accept that other nations want to do the same.”

  11. This is a wildly inappropriate critique of Mr. Buchanan’s book. It’s as if Mr. Rob Taylor didn’t bother to read the book very carefully; or read it with such bias against the author that he couldn’t get his head straight.

    He says, “O.K. so let me get this straight. Hitler was, in essence, right to invade Poland in conjunction with Stalin? Really?” But that’s NOT what Buchanan said at all. Anywhere in his book.

    Buchanan’s thesis is that British policy unwisely gave an unconditional guarantee to Poland that it could not possibly enforce, thereby extending the conflict west at a time when most historical evidence suggests Hitler’s ambitions were directed east. Buchanan does not excuse Hitler’s conduct during the war. In fact, he makes no anti-semitic comments whatsoever in the book.

    Mr. Taylor says, “The bloodshed and barbarity of the Communist and National Socialist rulers of Poland is ultimately the fault of the Polish who refused to knuckle under and let the “German” parts of Poland be returned to Germany?”

    Wait a second, Mr. Taylor. That’s not what Mr. Buchanan wrote. He only said that after the British guarantee to Poland, the Polish government obstinately refused to negotiate any border revisions with the German government, confident of western aid. The comment Mr. Taylor attributes to Mr. Buchanan in fact was a quotation in Buchanan’s book attributed to Churchill’s History of the Second World War in which Churchill made some unkind references to the tragic character of the Polish nation. Buchanan is critical of Churchill’s attack on the Polish national character.

    The rest of this review is beneath contempt.

    I think Buchanan’s book is an interesting contribution to historical record. It’s not politically correct. It’s not meant to be. It’s a hard headed realistic perspective on British policy prior to and during world war II. One does not have to accept it or agree with it. But to label the author racist for offering a novel interpretation is outrageous.

  12. Buchanan’s book is Nazi apologia that puts the blame on National Socialist and Communist aggression on those who wanted to stand against it. Go post some pro-Palestine comments somewhere fascist.

  13. Pingback: Applesauce » Pat Buchanan, inveterate Hitler apologist, seems finally to have gone too far

  14. “Because Hitler wanted to end the war in 1940, almost two years before the trains began to roll to the camps.”

    “But those mean British and Poles MADE me fight them, and then I just HAD to put millions of Jews in camps and enslave them and gas them and execute them and burn their bodies…(face begins to quiver)… OK, so I had already built those camps, but they were going to be much nicer until they all started PICKING on me (getting all blubbery like Glenn Beck)..I didn’t WANT to commit genocide! I didn’t WANT to try an conquer and subjugate Europe! Why would I want to do THAT? You think I’m CRAZY? You think I’m STUPID?

  15. Pat Buchannan is typical crypto Nazi German idiot not knowing basic history about Europe, Poland and Germany. Attack on Poland by Hitler was a planed revenge
    when Poland refused to cooperate w Hitler to invade Soviet Union, which was the broad Hitler plan with Japan and Italy. Japan told Hitler that without Poland he will be not able to defeat Soviet Union. So, Hitler changed the plan to invade Poland first with cooperation with Soviet Union, which was totally ruled by Jewish communists, who already developed there first concentration camps and killed millions of people Russians, Poles and Ukrainians. (A. Solzenitsyn, Nobel Prize winner estimated 100 million people, double than victims of II World War.)
    Germans, Jewish and Russians there are most evil brutal and cheating nations on the world. The main wars in Europe were developed by evil Germans throughout the centuries with the all the times victims of Poles. Drank nach Osten.

  16. —-The latest fad of ad nauseum WWII revisionism and PC retreads aside
    —are you noticing? ‘Populist’ Pat is pitching cover for the gargantuan
    Red China fold down, sellout and dumb-down that’s underway right before
    our eyes? It’s TRUE. Every time he addresses Far East issues he’s forever tut-tutting the PRC’s staggering –indeed,record shattering -legacy of genocide –in ‘peacetime’. Check it out. FACT IS —‘isolationist’ Pat
    is STILL very much in the pocket of the long discredited Skull ‘n Bones
    “Grand dad made the family fortune in China opium—” denial, enabling,
    enmeshment and cynical oppurtunism school of Asian policy —a la the
    Delanos, Roosevelts, Harrimans Luces, Nixons and Kissingers.
    Check out how Nixon with Buchanan at his side, didn’t flinch over
    throwing South Korea and Taiwan BOTH on the table for MAO back
    in 72. —TRUE –TRUE —TRUE.

    SO —as America is being set-up for yet another batch of anachronistic,
    seen-to-death PC WWII retreads —from a Hollywood that’s made BILLIONS upon BILLIONS catering to the franchise slum denial needs
    of history’s –MOST– aweosomely genocidal regime —ACROSS the
    Pacific —consider this: the 60th Anniversary of the epic, urgently
    relevant KOREAN WAR is once again ‘mysteriously overlooked’….

  17. [quote]this time we can make the “right” (no pun intended) decision to watch as Israel is destroyed, its people enslaved and murdered.[/quote]

    And you’re calling Buchanan the revisionist? America didn’t budge to help the Allies for two long years, where millions of Allied troops got slaughtered and the war was nearly lost (France was occupied, and Britain and Russia were on the verge of defeat).

    In fact, America only really joined the war on D-Day, 1944, when the tides had turned and the Red Army was marching, unstoppably, to Berlin. Why? Not to help defeat the Nazis, those were doomed anyway. Rather to take the relatively ill-defended Western Front and expand its sphere of influence while the Soviet Union took down the Nazis.

  18. Right, we entered the war after japan attacked us. We declared war on Japan and then Germany declared war on us. We’re it not for America Germany would have taken Britain and moved it’s armies on Russia who would then fight a revitalized German army AND Japan, who had already handed Russia their asses before.

  19. Buchanan’s ‘revisionism’ of the ever more anachronistic WWII
    —much like Hollywood’s ad nauseum, seen-to-death/done-to-death
    PC WWII ‘revisionism’ —-is REALLY about pitching diversionary
    cover, guilt-trips and relativism for the looming handover of power and legitimacy to history’s –MOST– awesomely genocidal regime —-ACROSS the Pacific (70 million exterminated in ‘peacetime’ -unoutted, unmentioned
    unanswered for -FACT-)

    If you’re not pewking yet -consider this: while millions continue to
    suffer and die, the 60th Anniversary of the staggeringly, eerily relevant
    —indeed, STILL unfolding KOREAN WAR was, once again, ‘mysteriously overlooked’…



  20. Pingback: Sarah Palin is Pat Buchanan in Drag? : Jenn Q. Public

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