Pro-Chavez Rally Scheduled for Wednesday in NYC!

The Troops Out Now Coalition has stopped pretending to be an anti-war group and are now actively supporting communist dictatorships abroad:

STAND in SOLIDARITY with the Bolivarian Revolution!

Tell the Bush Administration: HANDS OFF Venezuela!

Demonstration in Solidarity with Venezuela at the
Venezuelan Consulate
51st between Madison & 5th Ave.

4:00 P.M. – 6:30 P.M.

A hostile campaign against the Venezuelan government under the name of “Free Expression” has been opened up by the opposition forces in Venezuela and its allies abroad, particularly in the United States after the announcement that the broadcasting license of Radio Caracas Television (RCTV) would not be renewed once it expired on May 27, 2007.

The Venezuelan government’s decision is a legal and legitimate one based on their constitution which guarantees and regulates the access and use of airwaves for the benefit of the general public. RCTV broke these laws and consequently lost its license. It has not been silenced, for it can continue broadcasting by cable, satellite and Internet!

RCTV has consistently worked against the interests of the majority of Venezuelan people. Its programming has been sexist, racist and pejorative. Most importantly, it actively participated in the 2002 coup against President Chavez.

After he was reinstated to office by millions of Venezuelans, RCTV prohibited its reporters to broadcast ANY of this information, therefore denying its audience vital information about their democratically elected government. According to an article in the Houston Chronicle, that action in the USA “would not have lasted more than a few minutes with the FCC”. RCTV was not closed then and had been broadcasting until this past May 27!

Join us on Wednesday, June 20 to stand in solidarity with the people of Venezuela and to demand an end to the Bush Administrationi’s destabilization campaign against Venezuela.

Called by the Troops Out Now Coalition
for more information, call 212-633-6646

Endorsers: Alberto Lovera Bolivarian Circle, Cuba Solidarity NY, Women’s Fightback Network, New York Committee to Free the Five; the International Action Center

Troops Out Now Coalition

This is what they’re rallying for.

Ramsey Clark’s International Action Center, a terrorism supporting Marxist-Leninist comintern cell, is also supporting the rally. Not surprising since the IAC is the invisible hand that pulls the Troops Out Now Coalition’s strings. From a IAC communique:

We the undersigned repudiate the role overt or covert, of the United States government and media in the campaign of destabilization of the legitimate government of Venezuela and would like to confirm our support for democratically elected President of Venezuela, Honorable Hugo Chávez Frías and the Bolivarian Revolution.

A hostile campaign against the Venezuelan government under the name of “Free Expression” has been opened up by the opposition forces in Venezuela and its allies abroad, particularly in the United States after the announcement that the broadcasting license of Radio Caracas Television (RCTV) would not be renewed once it expired on May 27, 2007.

The Venezuelan government’s decision is a legal and legitimate one based on their constitution which guarantees and regulates the access and use of airwaves for the benefit of the general public. RCTV broke these laws and consequently lost its license. It has not been silenced, for it can continue broadcasting by cable, satellite and Internet!

RCTV has consistently worked against the interests of the majority of Venezuelan people. Its programming has been sexist, racist and pejorative. Most importantly, it actively participated in the 2002 coup against President Chavez. After he was reinstated to office by millions of Venezuelans, RCTV prohibited its reporters to broadcast ANY of this information, therefore denying its audience vital information about their democratically elected government. According to an article in the Houston Chronicle, that action in the USA “would not have lasted more than a few minutes with the FCC”. RCTV was not closed then and had been broadcasting until this past May 27!

They don’t mention of course that the “honorable” Chavez is as we speak seizing private farms, and stockpiling weapons for an invasion of his neighbors.

The U.A.C. is trying to put together a quick counter rally. Join them and confront these communist agents and their ideology of hatred for freedom.

h/t Pamela Hall of U.A.C.