Racist Sheridan Folger Makes the Conservative vs Republican Distinction Clear

I admit that I will basically follow anyone on Twitter who follows me first, which is how I came to follow Sheridan Folger of the site Let’s Get This Right. After following him i promptly forgot about him, as I simply scroll through any Tweets I receive on Twitterfox to see if the titles catch my interest.

Early this morning Sheridan had a Tweet that definitely caught my eye. It was entitled Inner City Congo Blog and though I was heading to bed after being up all night working on a project I just knew I should check it out before it was lost in a sea of Tweets and I wasn’t disappointed.

Here’s what Folger, who describes himself as “Father,Veteran,Conservative, Limited Gov’t, Free markets, national security, fiscal & social conservative,traditional values, Republican, pro-life” on his Twitter page thinks is not only acceptable to allow on his Ning site supposedly dedicated to Republican values but thought it was so awesome he wanted all of his Twitter followers to see:


If you don’t want to waste time with the “Reverend Circa 53’s” blog I’ll give you some highlights.

The good Reverend on the State Sovereignty Movement:

 “It’s a solution to battle the negative negro influence on the country and it’s cities, and crime and disease and poverty”

He goes on:

“The point of this blog will be to enlighten and inform the people that are having their lives rearranged because of inner city slum/ghetto dwelling negoes”

Perhaps Sheridan should read up on Republican history because he is not a Republican.The Republican Party has always held the classical liberal values of individual rights, rule of law and protection of the individual from the tyranny of the majority. Conservative is a catch all phrase that includes everything from Republicans to seditious racists like Sheridan Folger and his friend/alter ego Reverend Circa 53 who couldn’t be bothered to care about the rights of individuals as they squeal indignant at the rest of us for not being troglodytes.

I’m not one for purges, but get out of my party Folger, and take your cretin with you.

8 thoughts on “Racist Sheridan Folger Makes the Conservative vs Republican Distinction Clear

  1. Wow. I actually checked out his site when I first saw your post, but I’m just getting back to leave a comment (I’m addicted to cellphone surfing – it’s so much easier than hassling with the computer and finding time slip away as I play while my responsibilities go neglected lol). This guy is an arrogant ass. He really is. This is the kind of person you’d LOVE to gather all the intel on so you can ask what his excuse is since he’s not a “negoe”. WTF is a “negoe”, anyway? A negative ho? Or a garden tool that doesn’t work? /:)

  2. I am curious who are you?

    And can you actually prove your accusations?

    I have never encountered any racism with Mr. Folger at all.

    In fact, I have seen him work for and support a whole host of black candidates so this accusation is VERY surprising and sounds very bogus.

    Sheridan has supported Allen West, Dr. Marian Thorpe, Antoine Members, Barb Davis White, Ken Blackwell, etc.

    So what is he supposed to be some closet racist?

    I think you need to get your facts straight. You are making some very heavy accusations that will likely land you in legal trouble.

  3. Sheridan Folger tweeted the blog post in question. Does supporting Black candidates mean Whites can promote blogs titled “Inner City Congo Blog” which talks about the negative influence of Detroit’s “Negroes” on America? Really?

    Are you claiming I’m lying? That’s the only legal trouble I could get in. Much like racists, pedophiles and bad mothers you seem to think that rather than debate an issue (your position being that I should forgive some douche for promoting that racist post because you claim he supported Blacks in the past I assume) you can simply imply you’ll sue me and I’ll curl up in a ball and wilt like the delicate flower you and Sheridan seem to be.

    And are you claiming that my ad block for a dating site is more offensive then promoting a White nationalists blog? It can’t be since you’re using my comments to promote your site.

    Unless you’re a hypocrite.

  4. Oh, and how many recalls is Ruger up to now? Maybe you should pay more attention to production and less time being offended on Mademoiselle Folger’s behalf.

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