Video of “Peaceful” Occupy Oakland Goons Running Wild

The worst part of this video – which Occupiers uploaded themselves because they’re proud of it – starts about halfway through. They burn an American flag on the steps of city hall and are dispersed. When police move to put out the still burning flag the cameraman and his friends laugh and joke about the cops “stepping on the flag” and disrespecting it. Then the douche uploads the video with the following description:

Who leaves their door unlocked in Oakland ?!
Another example of the incompetence of the local government in the 510 .
The cop stomping on the flag is such a great metaphor for how the police were acting all day , with their ruthless beatings of unarmed civilians ,exercising their supposed free speech & and right to assemble . I wish someone lit a copy of the constitution on fire ,so the cops could stomp all over that too , with their fat swollen hooves .

The real metaphor here is how sheep-like and out of touch with reality these children of privilege are. They go on a crime spree in which they attacked police with bricks and burning flares, destroyed other people’s property (what about their rights?) and then claim it was the police moving in to stop the mayhem who were out of control? And we’re supposed to believe that? Do they believe the First Amendment gives them the right to destroy other people’s property and injure people?

Leaving a door unlocked is an invitation to criminality? If I accidentally leave my front door unlocked while running an errand these people think it’s OK to come in and destroy the place? This is your best and brightest, lefties? Long after the last OWS protest these people will be running the streets with these same backward morals, and many will be living next to you.

In a related note I have stocked up on thousands of rounds of ammunition and am in the market of a couple of extra handguns. Anyone got any suggestions? I’m partial to snub nosed double actions and single actions, and I like utility.

2 thoughts on “Video of “Peaceful” Occupy Oakland Goons Running Wild

  1. and flag burning moron’s (although protected speech), show the rest of the nation what babies they are, and will doom their “movement” to failure. Thanks for showing your colors.

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