Stay Classy Jersey Democrats, and Get Out of My State


The above is the councilman for Jersey City’s Ward C. His name is Steven Lipski and he’s even created a charter school in his area. He’s also a well known belligerent hippy who is abusive and unruly when in his cups.

For example, he was just arrested at a Grateful Dead tribute show after peeing on concertgoers from a balcony. You read that correctly, he pissed on people:

Lipski was arrested Friday night for urinating on a crowd of concertgoers from the balcony of a Washington nightclub. Lipski was attending the club to hear a Grateful Dead tribute band.

According to sources quoted by the New York Daily News, Lipski was “very drunk” but this wasn’t the first time Lipski had caused a ruckus at the venue: “We’ve dealt with this man before,” the source added. “He’s never peed on anybody, but he gets really belligerent and drunk.”

Lipski, who is serving his second term in office was charged with simple assault. As well as serving as a Jersey City Councilman, Lipski was previously a mayoral candidate as well.

Here in South Carolina, I was surprised to see that in my subdivision there were several families from the Motherland fleeing the out of control taxes, crime and degeneration of my home state. Of course most of them are still Democrats and are trying to turn my beautiful new home into cheaper version of that cesspool by the shore. Lipski is an example of what’s wrong with Jersey. A drunken belligerent hippy not only allowed a seat in local government but allowed to interact with children at the charter school he helped start and everyone thinks that’s just fine.

For having his junk out in public he should be put on a sex offender list. But even that won’t stop the Jersey Dems from claiming he’s a “wonderful person” who does good work. He’ll probably get re-elected.

No wonder everyone with a brain is fleeing that sinking ship called New Jersey. The problem is most of them are screwing up the rest of the country by electing Jersey style Democrats to office in my beloved Red States.

Go back where you came from, Vinnie!


Gateway Pundit has more.

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