Tarso Luis Ramos: Only Bigots Accuse Latinos of Being Racists

At least that’s what he’s getting at in his article which claims that the stories of Latino gangs attempting to ethnically cleanse their neighborhoods of Black Americans are propagated by bigots who hate immigrants:

Predictably, white supremacist and other anti-immigrant forces have exploited the “race war” and “ethnic cleansing” frames for their own purposes. In late March, African American Minuteman Ted Hayes led a “civil rights march to stop ethnic cleansing of U.S. black citizens by illegal aliens” on the anniversary of a massive 2006 immigrant rights march. Hayes told some 200 supporters assembled before City Hall that, 40 years after winning civil rights legislation, “Here we are again in the streets of America fighting, marching for our civil rights—this time not from the racists down South but from people who are foreigners illegally within the borders of the United States of America.”

Such anti-immigrant rhetoric overlaps with problematic post-911 notions of national security, in which Latino immigration has been recharacterized as a terrorism threat. When asked who benefits from this framing, Noreen McClendon answers, “Follow the money.” She’s referring to Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa’s efforts to maintain and expand federal funding for local law enforcement, which these days flows from a national security spigot. In February, L.A. played host to an international conference on gangs and, that same month, announced both a most-wanted list of 11 gangs and plans for another crackdown of the kind that has helped make the LAPD notorious for racial profiling and corruption. Capt. Ray Peavy, who heads L.A. County’s Homicide Bureau, recently told the L.A. Times that the solution to gang violence is “the same thing you do about cockroaches or insects; you get someone in there to do whatever they can do to get rid of those creatures.”

Read the whole thing, and what you’ll find is the left wing blue print for how to divert attention from a growing problem that no one on the left wants to deal with. I predicted I’d be called a bigot for caring about the plight of my fellow Black Americans, and indeed Ramos’ article says just that.