The Truth About Hamas: Rare Video Shows Hamas Barbarity Aimed at Palestinians

Video by an Arab Christian exposing the sheer evil of Hamas through a collection of videos. The first clip is the most powerful, it shows Hamas gunmen murdering people at a wedding while unaware they are being filmed. The wedding guests crime? Dancing and singing.

I’ll warn you now, the images are not for the feint of heart:


h/t Atlas Shrugs

7 thoughts on “The Truth About Hamas: Rare Video Shows Hamas Barbarity Aimed at Palestinians

  1. This is what the far left desires Israel to have peace with? Without preconditions that they end this horrible, barbaric behavior like this?

  2. mah29001,

    you said,
    This is what the far left desires Israel to have peace with? Without preconditions that they end this horrible, barbaric behavior like this?

    I think that’s because the left lives in a dream world.

  3. This shows an incident that did occur – Hamas did break up a wedding party in northern Gaza in August 2007 – but no one was murdered.

    According to a Reuters report of August 11, 2007, 20 people were injured and four were arrested for questioning. The Jerusalem Post reported on August 13, 2007 that five guests were detained “for several hours”, but there was no killing.

    They were detained not for singing and dancing, but because they were leading members of Fatah. The breaking up of the wedding party occurred at a time of heightened tension between Hamas and Fatah, when Hamas had banned fireworks, celebratory gunfire and overly noisy gatherings.

  4. You can see people firing weapons INTO the crowd. Why would you excuse this?

    You can see them beating a member of the wedding party and destroying the wedding.

    I guess you’ll believe Hamas over your own eyes.

    But even if what you said was true are you saying that would be alreight with you? Hamas breaking up a wedding and injuring people because they were in an opposing political party? Are you serious?

  5. We know that NO ONE was killed, despite your attempts to convince us otherwise.
    You have attempted to sell a fight between factions as an assassination, but I get it, you were probably watching a clip of Israeli soldiers matching in a family of 100 or so individuals into a house, THEN shelling it.

    Now, that is the truth!

    So you know, just like we citizens of the world, woke up and spoke out against South Africa’s apartheid regime, how we listened to Mandela (who was also called a terrorist, and who by the way has likened the Palestinians’ struggle to his people’s) we are speaking out against the Nazi-style executions Israeli has been engaging in.

    I want to thank you, and the guys you support in Israel, because if you hadn’t shown us how inhuman and barbaric you are,shooting at civilians waving white flags, killing over 1,000 people in order to stop rockets, which you didn’t stop, we’d all be believing Hamas are the barbarians!

  6. If you care so much about South Africa why aren’t you speaking out against the regime there now?

    And by you guys do you mean people from Jersey who moved to South Carolina?

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