Degenerate Jew Hater Pat Buchanan Claims Israel Launched a “Blitzkrieg” on Gaza

He also repeated the Islamist generated provably false smear that Gaza is a “concentration camp” run by Israelis. Here’s a transcript from Newsbusters:

DAVID SHUSTER: A lot of people have criticized Israel for its “disproportionate response.” And yet, after 9-11, the United States went into Afghanistan and killed a lot of people–some would argue a lot more than were killed with 9-11. What’s the difference?

PAT BUCHANAN: Well, the difference is, in my judgment, Afghanistan, that was–al Qaeda was responsible for bringing down those towers. If the Afghans had dealt with them, given us Osama Bin Laden, then we would not have gone in. We had a justification. That was an act of war. The Israelis have been hit for six months with these little rockets that didn’t kill anybody. It was outrageous, cruel and stupid, and they triggered a blitzkrieg against the Palestinians in Gaza, which in my judgment is an Israeli concentration camp, where a million-and-a-half people are locked up, cannot come out or go in. They’ve been controlling food, electricity, fuel. And the innocent people in Gaza are the ones suffering.

SHUSTER: Concentration camp? Doesn’t that diminish the significance of the real concentration camps?

BUCHANAN: I’m not talking about a death camp. I’m talking about what the British had in concentration camps in South Africa, and what the Spanish had in Cuba, and what others have had where they bring all these people, lock ’em in there, and treat them with great cruelty, and a humanitarian disaster, despite what Tzipi Livni says.

So Buchanan thinks( like a typical lefty) that Israel should wait until Hamas develops the ability to kill mass numbers of Jews before responding.

And back pedaling aside, why would a supposedly smart man (though having read his work I find reports of his intelligence greatly exaggerated) use such loaded language concerning Israeli actions? Where would he get such an idea I wonder?

This is not Pat’s first foray into anti-Semitism. Nor is it the first time he’s sided with enemies of freedom and decency. Pat buchanan isn’t a “Conservative,” he’s a Confederate, desperately seeking allies to overthrow our Republic. MSNBC is happy to let this Moby make the rest of us look like cartoon characters, and it’s time that we cut this dead weight lose and send a message once and for all that the Right stands with Israel, and against Islamic Imperialism.

Gateway Pundit has more.

8 thoughts on “Degenerate Jew Hater Pat Buchanan Claims Israel Launched a “Blitzkrieg” on Gaza

  1. How much time do you think Pat Buchanan spends trolling Daily Kos and Democratic Underground? Maybe Kos will “reach across the aisle” and invite Pat to headline the YearlyKos convention – he’d fit right in.

  2. Rob Taylor

    Pat Buchanan has made me lose any shred of respect I once had for him by doing this. Israel is in a fight for its life against the same enemy the we are at war with, Islam-o-Fascism. Hamas and Al Qeada are allies and have pretty much the same ideology. The Israeli people deserve our support and to compare their act of self defense to the Nazis is just stupid offensive.

  3. I never could stand Pat Buchanan and my dad would spit fire when his name was brought up.

    Damien – “The Israeli people deserve our support and to compare their act of self defense to the Nazis is just stupid offensive.” I agree wholeheartedly! It’s also disgusting and disturbing!

  4. Pat Buchanan is the ultimate fraud of what a Conservative should look like. It’s people like him that make Rightists look bad, to be able to give ammo to Leftists to promote the myth of the closeness between white supremacists and the Right, when really, white supremacists and neo-Nazis have more in common with the far left.

  5. you guys are suffering from collective delusion. Israel is illegally occupying Palestinian territory, illegally colonizing Palestinian land, illegally restricting the freedom of movement and economic development of the occupied territories. Israel is NOT a normal country exerting its rights to self defense. Israel is an oppressive regime committing crimes against humanity. Everyone who denies this is delusional!!!!

  6. firihenaa: How many times did you have to repeat this to yourself before you were able to believe it and follow your terrorist friends? Or are you one of those who was raised to believe all Islamic lies and never grew the balls/ovaries to question the inconsistencies? If you can see the evidence before you that contradicts all the Hamas are saying, you are not only in denial. You are an imbecile, as well.

  7. “you guys are suffering from collective delusion. Israel is illegally occupying Palestinian territory, illegally colonizing Palestinian land, illegally restricting the freedom of movement and economic development of the occupied territories. Israel is NOT a normal country exerting its rights to self defense. Israel is an oppressive regime committing crimes against humanity. Everyone who denies this is delusional!!!!”

    So I guess you would embrace Hamas, which indoctrinates Palestinians in a Nazi-style fashion along with Fatah as “liberators”? You embrace the genocidal Fatah-Hamas terrorist network. Fatah itself is well allied with another genocidal government-North Korea as its dictator Kim Jong-Il celebrates close ties with Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority government.

  8. firhenna must not know what Illegal means. Nor crimes against humanity. I don’t see his panties in a bunch when Muslim countries trade in African slaves, burn suspected Witches and exterminate Christians.

    Another Jew hating miscreant.

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