“Earth Friend Jen” Jennifer Moss Shows Plain Women Everywhere How to Get Attention

Jen Moss some Hippy Whore

So I was watching the O’Reilly Factor when Kimberly Guilfoyle and Lis Wiehl (author of Face of Betrayal) discussed Jennifer Moss in the “Is it Legal” segment. Jen (or sometimes Gennifer) Moss is a plain, nondescript hippy promoting some nebulous cause no one seems sure about who has discovered how to make news. She runs around nude or semi-nude.

Jen Moss Needs Attention Bad

She’s apparently been doing this for some time. Threats of arrests in several different states have done nothing to to deter her exhibitionism which is to draw attention to either hemp thongs or the healing power of water according to her. I assume it’s actually to draw attention away from her average looks and dull personality. But a semi-nude 5 or 6 is still a traffic getter so enjoy:

I was going to make a point about our culture producing narcissists who can’t deal with not being constantly stroked and paid attention to, but frankly this is just hippy slutdom, amusing in its inability to be considered sexually arousing by anyone but the most desperate. It’s not so much titillating as sad, an unintended performance art piece designed to be a metaphor for the callowness and self-indulgence of a civilization in decline. Call me jaded but I just don’t find this chick at all alluring or interesting. But I’m sure someone will be willing to tell me I’m wrong in the comments just as Fox and dozens of newspapers have seen fit to give her the attention she wants and doesn’t deserve. But listen to her tripe first then tell me how “hot” she is:

Should I have put this in Victimless Crime Files?

9 thoughts on ““Earth Friend Jen” Jennifer Moss Shows Plain Women Everywhere How to Get Attention

  1. Call me a prude, but if I were out and about with my kids, I’d be pretty pissed off if someone like this was wondering around naked or wearing pasties and a thong. Attractive or no.

  2. BelchSpeak, ROFL

    So… I just got around to watching that video… wow. (Note that I couldn’t even muster a big WOW. Or even a Wow.)

    I’m sorry, but please put some clothes on if you want to talk politics and be taken seriously. Seriously.

  3. I can’t believe in the 21st century people are still offended by the human body.
    BelchSpeak, with that name I doubt she’d want you to hit that. You probably have a big beer gut and smell.

  4. yeah and it’s all these people with such “morals”, (mostly jealousy I say) that are afraid their kids might see a natural naked human being, that has this country looking so stupid and prude. Is it any wonder we have such a high rate of sex crimes? Many of the women that cry “wolf” that little johnny and suzy might get a peek of a nipple (oh my gosh!) were probably once were the town hoes themselves…. hypocrites!

  5. Are you retarded? You’re saying that we have a high rate of sex crimes because parents don’t want whores running naked in the streets?

    You do know that their are higher sexual assualt rapes in Europe?

    And you are minimizing rape and sexual exploitation by linking it to societal norms and not tot he psychopathology of the perpetrators. That makes you far worse than this hippie.

    I don’t get why you think it’s “natural” for people to go nude when NO society in history went completely nude and even tribes that live in humid jungles now wear various articles designed to promote decorum. You think this skank is hot and want to support her, meh. I;ve seen hotter in the strip clubs, which is where naked drug users who want attention belong.

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