P.A.C.A. is Pissing Off the Right People

As I’ve said before I’m involved with Pagans Against Child Abuse which has done some great work on a number of campaigns to help keep children safe. The intrepid leader of P.A.C.A. just recently received an angry email from someone who clearly had his nefarious online perversions curtailed by her good work:

u r responsible for allowing children to be molested and killed, how do u sleep at night worthless whore? u should have everything that happened to children happen to u instead, i hope u burn in hell forever for your crimes
against children u degenerate animal

The email was sent through one of those “untraceable” email services which I won’t promote here and in an example of laughter inducing melodrama had the subject line “the blood of children is on your head u degenerate animal” which is also quite creepy when you think about it.

DodiaFae points out that this is typical behavior from web perverts:

It’s safe to assume that this email was sent by an RSOLer (Reform Sex Offender Laws activist… they’re trying to abolish the SOR – sex offender registry) or a pro-pedophile activist (they’re trying to abolish age of consent laws, the SOR, and get the government to force parents and schools to groom children for them with their version of “sex education”). Transferring blame for what they do is a very common tactic used by such individuals so that they don’t have to take responsibility for it. They will often blame the victim, the victim’s parents, or anyone else who seems to be a convenient target. Even many of those claiming to be “reformed” and “no longer a threat” will blame others in the same breath.

Normally, an RSOLer or pro-pedophile activist will go through an anonymizer site to post harassing messages to anti sites (sites created for the specific purpose of spreading awareness of, and/or fighting pedophilia). This person went a step further and used an anonymous email service to send a disparaging email with a thinly veiled threat. It’s a person that managed to get my gmail address, but didn’t have the nerve to sign their name (online or otherwise) to the email or use their own email address.

Of course while he’s doing that he’s not molesting children so I count this as a victory. Aside from raising awareness the “anti” sites make the perverts more fearful of grooming children online and distract them from such activities by drawing them into a conflict with adults rather than a “relationship” with children. This is no small feat.

As for the implied threat … I am not surprised to see that someone given to raping children spends time making anonymous threats to women. Civil commitment of sex offenders looks better with each passing day.

6 thoughts on “P.A.C.A. is Pissing Off the Right People

  1. Rob Taylor,

    Good work! Everyone of those kiddie rapists that ends up behind bars will be one less sicko free to harm innocent children. You are doing an excellent job!

  2. Just plain creepy when someone who does SO much work to get the information out there ends up being threatened and victimized.

    I Love and Support PACA and DF. She’s been an amazing help to the Pagan Community as well as on my own site by checking out our members lists and letting us know when we have ‘unsavory’ characters on the site.

  3. You should turn this into the Internet agency who deals with such threats…can’t remember the name of it right now, but am sure you know which one. They may know who is sending this just from their MO in the way they write.,

    It does have a positive effect though. If your efforts weren’t making a difference, you would not have been singled out to target.

    Love ya Hon.

  4. ShaamAnsu, are you referring to the FBI Internet Crimes Division? Or Wikisposure? It’s been reported to the FBI already, if for no other reason than for documentation purposes.

    *HUGS* Thanks for the encouragement. 🙂

  5. Don’t worry, I get death threats daily and I just blog about regular things for the most part!

    Thanks for your invite to “visit here” and I have read around a bit and decided that your blog is a good breath of fresh air. Since my own beliefs are Pagan….but politically are pretty Conservative…AND I’m a single mother….I tend to not identify with any particular group. Thanks for providing another “outlier outlet” in a much needed storm of “the same”.

    I am happy to see someone who takes Child Crimes so seriously. I agree wholeheartedly that all possibilities of “rehabilitation” and “second chances” are GONE when a child is involved.

    I think our laws regarding child abuse/sex crimes are MUCH too liberal and I don’t believe that Pedophiles have “served their time” and deserve a normal life. The people are them are in danger every second of their “illness” just like if they were sleeping around with the AIDS virus.

    These people do, indeed have an “illness”…..but that doesn’t mean that they should be allowed to infect and destroy innocent lives because of it. While I’m sure it’s possible to rehabilitate SOME of these people, it is only a matter of their own personal self control, not a matter of being “cured” and that is a risk that is MUCH too dangerous when the victim is an innocent child.

    A sex offender who has “served their time” is basically just a pitt bull on a chain. They are under control….they’re docile…they’re friendly….but they’re STILL a pitt bull deep down and can morph into the murderous beast in a second.

    I thank you for providing a blog that calls attention to crimes against children and strips off all the political niceties that “protect” these people.

    Anyway….ignore the threats like I do and just keep sending your message. At least you’re fighting a fairly ‘winning’ cause. Most people want children to be safe and protected….you’re hardly in the minority. But there ARE a lot of people who turn a blind eye and dismiss things that could have helped to protect a child from the crime in the first place.

    Awareness really IS most important.

  6. “But there ARE a lot of people who turn a blind eye and dismiss things that could have helped to protect a child from the crime in the first place.”

    You know I’m just working on a post about that very thing. There’s a Pagan who was against PACA and now is arguing with me about Islam (don’t ask) but basically this person thinks I’m “like a fundie” for wanting to protect children.

    But welcome Lady Raine and feel free to poke about here. I’m a fan of your blog too.

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