Major General Craig Campbell: Sarah Palin “Awesome” Commander-in-Chief of Alaska National Guard

All the nay-sayers who claim Sarah Palin has no leadership experience can suck on this clip for a while, where The Adjutant General of Alaska Major General Craig Campbell schools the media on not only how wrong they are about her leadership, but how they don’t even seem to know what the National Guard does.


Campbell’s no lightweight but I expect hundreds of unemployed bloggers to use their vast leadership experience leading smear campaigns for Media Matters to claim he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

Via Beldar Blog on a tip from Jenn Q. Public.

12 thoughts on “Major General Craig Campbell: Sarah Palin “Awesome” Commander-in-Chief of Alaska National Guard

  1. General Campbell is kissing up after receiving his unprecedented and undeserved promotion to three-star rank. He is no leader but a self proclaimed politician. Palin should reconsider this insult to the men and women of the National Guard. This is just a good example of politics pure and simple. They deserve each other—in HELL.

  2. General Campbell is kissing up after receiving his unprecedented and undeserved promotion to three-star rank. He is no leader but a self proclaimed politician. Palin should reconsider this insult to the men and women of the National Guard. This is just a good example of politics pure and simple. They deserve each other—in HELL.

  3. Palin and Campbell deserve each other. They are both self serving hypocrites and strictly out for themselves. Campbell panders to Palin like he’s her lover and she thrives on the attention. Do people honestly believe they care about the Guardsmen? If you do, you are living in a dream world as they would cut their own mother’s throat for power. Alaska Guard and Governemement are both corrupt.

  4. . Campbell panders to Palin like he’s her lover and she thrives on the attention. Do people honestly believe they care about the Guardsmen? If you do, you are living in a dream world as they would cut their own mother’s throat for power. Alaska Guard and the Alaska Government deserve so much better than these egomaniacs.

  5. Would the Alaska State Government please investigate the Generals in the Alaska Guard? What are you afraid of? Are you afraid that I be right about the poison and corrupt situation and that it could involve some very important people. Stand up and quit being cowards!!!

  6. I’m sure they don’t read Red Alerts. Does that mean that I am wasting my time telling the truth? I wish I could help that family get justice for their Alaska Guard son who is being retaliated against by this despicable General. General Campbell is a self serving politician and a narcissis–kind of like Sarah Palin. They don’t serve Alaska or the Guard but themselves.

  7. I am so disillusioned at our Government both local, and national and of course the leaders of the Alaska National Guard. Our freedoms are being snatched away from us one corrupt day at a time. Money rules, honesty is a joke, power overcomes truth. Justice plays 2nd fiddle to money, power, and psychological control of a passive society.

  8. I am still fighting for justice for my Alaska Guard son who served two tours in Afghanistan with great honor and bravery. I have covered a lot of territory in this quest and no one seems to get it–from the state house to the Generals. They obviously could care less about justice and integrity for their soldiers. Believe me, I am not finished. This will be exposed in the media liberal and conservative. I know there is a cover up and some investigative reporting willl reveal it.

  9. There is a cover up but no one will confront it because of fear of retaliation. These 2 Generals covered up for 4 of their cronies who did despicable acts and then promoted them. Sarah Palin knows and it falls on deaf ears in the State House. There’s more but it’s all covered up.

  10. Hey, he is my grandfather and i’m really hurt that you guys are saying these things about him…:(

  11. Sorry about that. It’s unfortunate that he did this to himself. You have my sympathy.

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