A.N.S.W.E.R. Set to Protest Defeat of Jihad in Africa!

Being a target of A.N.S.W.E.R.’s spam driven t-shirt selling campaign , I receive all sorts of updates as to what the “peace activists” at the World Worker Party front group are up to. Typical of the hateful revolution these aging radicals preach, their newest outrage centers on America’s assistance to the Somalian government, the internationally recognized Somalian government, in driving out the Islamic Court Union forces which was primarily made up of foreign fighters, many from America and England. If there was a just cause for American intervention, it would be helping a U.N. recognized government drive out Jihadists who have, among other things killed people for watching soccer games on television, banned dancing and threatened to kill people who don’t pray five times a day.

This is especially true if some of these same barbarians actually came from America!

Since A.N.S.W.E.R. seeks to fight “for the oppressed” support for action against the Arabization of Somalia should be wide spread. Black Christians and Animists, not to mention Marxists, were being forced into subservient roles to Fundamentalist Muslims, many who were not from Africa at all. Isn’t this sort of colonialism racist? Isn’t it wrong?

Not according to A.N.S.W.E.R., and their supporters. Here’s their take on Somalia:

“Yesterday, the Bush administration and the Pentagon carried out aerial bombings in Somalia. This is a brazen act of aggression against a sovereign country. Bush and the generals arrogate to themselves the right to carry out unilateral armed attacks anywhere on the globe. The war in Iraq is one front in a global war to assert and maintain U.S. military domination. Congress is remaining silent again in the face of a new act of aggression.”

This from the people who supported the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. If it was unclear to anyone that the W.W.P. and the it’s front groups like A.N.S.W.E.R. were in bed with Islamic Imperialism, especially where it’s victims are Black like in Somalia and Darfur, this should absolutely prove it. Radical Islam is, in the violent fever dream of the neo-Communist, the solution to the “freedom” problem. People like Ramsey Clark believe that the crushing of Western Civilization, necessary to sweep in the dictatorship of the Proletariat, can never happen with the just the support of angry coeds and a few aging hippies, but see the vile Wahabist cult spawned for the unimaginable evil of a fellow carnage lover as the only force able, in their lifetime, to utterly destroy the world as we know it.

Any attempt to curtail the forces of disorder are considered by these radicals a step backward from the “glorious revolution” they seek. They don’t care how many Africans are beheaded, raped, shot or forced to convert to a religion that preaches Arab superiority over Blacks. What they care about is weakening America and the free world, and they’re willing to use the blood of Africa to do it.