DailyKos or DailyKampf: Degenerate Kossack Cheers on Israeli Deaths

The cretin in question, “beezling,” is a weepy emo-douche who attended the discredited New School Law Program in San Fransisco (where he learned to hate Jews I take it.)  He proudly organized for his Lord and Savior Barack Obama, even offering fellow Obamunists the opportunity to sleep on his hash resin stained couch when they traveled the country registering where they don’t live to steal the elections.

You can follow his Twitter account or his blog and see he’s sunk to comical depths of stereotypical leftist hatred for America and Western Civilization. But in his new DailyKos post he’s outdone himself by asking the question every modern so-called “Liberal” asks themselves at some point: is it wrong to be happy when Jews are killed by Hamas?

Behold the mind of the typical leftist!

Don’t misunderstand – I find any death unfortunate, and combat-related deaths to be especially tragic. I lost a high-school classmate in Iraq. While I support the Palestinians in their struggle for liberation, I acknowledge the will of parties on both sides to cease hostilities and I hope they reach a solution to the violence as soon as possible.

That being said, when I heard on the news today that an Israeli soldier had been killed, I was surprised by my initial reaction: “Well, good.”

This reaction surprised me, (Edit. Note: Not me) and I considered it for a bit, trying to decide if I was some horrible bastard or if there was a more rational explanation, perhaps one relying on nigh-Vulcan logic (I say Vulcan as opposed to human – it cannot be humane to feel anything but sadness at such an unnecessary death).

I try to be a fair person. The comparison between Israeli military strength and Gaza’s defensive capability is laughable. Israel claims it killed around 30 Hamas fighters today; twice that number of children were just reported killed thus far in the conflict on CNN.

If Alex was a fair person he’d respect the right of Jews in the Middle East to live free of terror, he’d denounce a group of barbarians who have just legalized crucifixion and he’d admit that Hamas using children as human shields is evil and largely responsible for those innocents’ deaths. If Alex was a fair person he’d admit that the I.D.F. goes out of its way to warn civilians away from bombing targets, a practice they have a history of using, and it is the death cultists who won’t allow them to leave.

He goes on to use a Chicago Tribune article to prove that Israel started the hostilities. The paragraph he sites is this:

The outbreak of violence across the border began Nov. 4, when Israeli forces crossed into the Gaza Strip to destroy what the army said was a tunnel dug by Hamas to seize an Israeli soldier in a cross-border raid. Six gunmen were killed, and militants responded with volleys of mortars and rockets into Israel.

His response to this paragraph is telling of how “fair” a person he is:

There. Bang. Israel conducts a cross-border raid in November. Then Hamas starts firing rockets again. Then Israel invades, complaining that Hamas violated the cease-fire with rocket attacks. 507 in Gaza dead thus far.

FOUR in Israel have been killed. Two of those four were Arab-Israelis. Arab housing in Israel is not required to meet the same rigorous safety demands of Israeli housing, which is designed to help withstand rocket attacks.

In other words Hamas should be allowed to dig snatch tunnels into Israel and kill any Jew they can grab, but closing that tunnel is a violation of the cease-fire. Sounds fair. Also notice how he doesn’t cite his blood libel about how Arabs in Israel are living in shanty towns that won’t stand up to rocket fire. But even if that were the case who, Alex, is launching those rockets?

Alex Brant-Zawadzki is a typical leftist (not a Liberal by any means) who is cheering on a group whose ultimate goal is the overthrow of Western Civilization itself.  A nihilist who is allied with Islamic Imperialism, he rejoices at the death of Jews because he hates them. He is the ultimate product of the New Left and it will be only a matter of time before he takes to the streets to assault and kill Jews or anyone else who doesn’t share his neo-Marxist views. If he hasn’t already.

34 thoughts on “DailyKos or DailyKampf: Degenerate Kossack Cheers on Israeli Deaths

  1. Rob Taylor,

    The Palestinian Israeli conflict is one that should have ended long ago. If only the world had allowed Israel’s government to do its job, instead of pressuring it into a bunch of futile peace deals with people who want to kill them.

  2. Rob seems to be confused – the Jewish religion and the Israeli military are two seperate entities.

    Israel is supposed to be a democracy, not a theocracy – so how does opposing its military aggression make someone an anti-semite?

  3. Rejoicing in the death of Jews is anti-Semitic. Pretending the Israelis are evil aggressors is anti-Semitic. Most of all supporting a group whose charter calls for the destruction of Jews world-wide (as Hamas does) is anti-Semitic.

  4. Where is this alleged “rejoicing”? Any views regarding Israel are just that – views regarding Israel, not regarding the entire Jewish faith. I don’t see any evidence that beezling supports Hamas – just as Israel does not represent all Jews, Hamas does not represent all Palestinians.

    Supporting the idea that Palestinians deserve, like all of us, the right to live in peace and freedom – not to be held prisoner behind an apartheid wall and closed borders. Is it anti-semitic to think that Israel should obey international law and stop the collective punishment of the 1.5 million people in Gaza? Is it anti-semitic to feel the borders should be opened and the people allowed food, medicine, oil and electricity?

    Anti-semitism is simply an ugly term you throw at people who want Israel to be held to account. It’s mud-slinging to avoid the issues.

    I bet you were one the people who said “Iraq has violated UN Security Council Resolution 1441 – we need to show them they cant do that”. Yet you change your tune when it comes to Israel, who has violated more UNSC resolutions than any country in history, whose treatment of the Palestinian population is a clear violation of the 4th Geneva Convention.

    There is world of difference between opposition to Israel and anti-semitism.

  5. His post is called “Why Do I Find Israeli Troop Deaths Satisfying?” Are you serious?

    Hamas fired over 100 rockets into Israel before Israel’s Nov. 4th action. The peaceful Palestinians have sat by and done nothing while Hamas tortured and killed Fatah members, raped Christians and legalized crucifixion. I’ll say that again, crucifixion is a legal punishment in Hamas run lands.Isn’t Hamas breaking international laws?

    Why haven’t you mentioned that Egypt has closed it’s borders to the Palestinians? Why don’t you mention the fact that Israel is taking care of Palestinian wounded, that they have let hundreds of tons of aid through and that Hamas has armed itself with Iranian and Russian arms largely because of Israel and the world turning a blind eye to the “aid” being used as a cover for arms smuggling?

    In other words, you claim that you aren’t a bigot but you’re ignoring any facts that challenge your assumption that Israelis are bloodthirsty monsters, and you’re white washing what is a hate fueled death cult that has the extermination of Jews world wide, even here in America, as a key part of their charter. Why should I not think you hate Jews?

  6. It was NOT called “Why I Find Israeli Troop Deaths Satisfying”

    I don’t expect you to appreciate the difference

  7. Alex Brant-Zawadzki,

    The Israelis are just defending themselves against people who want them dead. And by the way, the jihadists want to destroy us and our way of life as well, so don’t talk about the Palestinians as victims! If the the Palestinian authority was interested in peaceful coexistence, this conflict would have ended a long time ago. Most likely it never would have started. If they really wanted to peaceful coexistence with Israel, in a separated state, they could have used Martin Luther King slash Ghandi style non violent protest, and if enough of them committed themselves, they’d have their state. Israel is a democracy, its a constitutional republic, the Palestinian authority is neither.

  8. I sent you a link, Rob. Looks like they are at it again parading dead corpses of children around. What was it last time? The body of a single dead female child being carted around for days with claims of her being dozens of different children.

    Let’s also not forget that woman who posed for several different images of homes that were blown up (later to discover it was Hamas attacks blamed on Israel) with captions that those were all her houses, changing her name each time to make her look like a different victim of Israel.

    THEN we had the doctored AP photos. Those obviously fake images with photo shopped explosions and smoke pillars in places that didn’t even get hit.

    Once again, however, the liberals will fall for it like they did before, and when any dishonesty is again exposed, it will be “persecution”.

    So, let me see if I get this right: Hamas can attack Israel but Israel can’t fight back (notice the captions that use the word “offensive” in regards to Israel’s DEFENSE??). Al Queda can attack the US but we can’t fight back. Well, there you have it. Can’t get more black and white, crystal clear than that. Islamic extremists are the choice of liberals and bloggers like DailyKos for domination of the world.

  9. American Viking

    The DailyKos is run by a bunch of people who don’t understand how the world really works. The hate the very people they should be allied with in the fight against Islam-o-fascism. Wait until the Jihadists win, then all leftists including the DailyKos will see who their friends really were.

  10. There is a clear line between the people in this thread that seek the simplest answer and the rest of us. Kudos to Alex for having a nuanced perspective in the face of “black-and-white” moralizers who are convinced, perhaps through years of input from similarly simple minds, that one side can be completely right.

    Grow up.

  11. I take it growing up means supporting an organization that crucifies political opponents?

    What you’re describing isn’t maturity or “nuance” it is moral relativism. Hamas launched at least 100 rockets PRIOR to Israel’s Nov 4th actions. Logically it is they who broke the cease fire but in your zeal to blame Jews you pretend there is some sort of moral equivalence between the two.

    I suppose you also take such “nuance” to the Lesbian gang rape case I’ve just blogged about. After all it can’t be only the rapists fault that they’re rapists. Or perhaps the pedophiles aren’t entirely to blame for child rape.

    It is truly the mark of a simple mind to see complexity where there is none. Hamas is being condemned even by Muslims, even by Palestinians. But you care little for the plight of the people that must live under the thumb of these killers. Where’s your nuanced commentary when Christians in Gaza had their churches burned? When Internet cafes were bombed?

    You had none because you believe that all Middle Easterners deserve to live in the fear and poverty the Imperialist Islamists cause. I believe that Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness are the birthright of every man woman and child. You call that simple I call you racist, classists and provincial.

  12. Moral relativism is not my argument in the slightest, it actually seems to be the only defense for your intractable position.

    I admire your steadfast determination to take a side and stick with it, rather than evaluate your own position in the hopes of improvement. I figure you’ve probably felt the same way about this issue ever since you first heard about it, which shows that you haven’t learned anything. I’m not saying your wrong, I’m saying you can’t claim to know that you’re right.

    “In religion and politics, people’s beliefs and convictions are in almost every case gotten at second-hand, and without examination.” -Mark Twain

  13. “It is truly the mark of a simple mind to see complexity where there is none.”

    When I read that out loud I laughed so hard the people in my office looked at me like I was nuts.

    My opinion about the situation is too complex for you to understand. Suffice to say I am not a racist, I empathize with both sides. Let it be clear that while I do not agree with Alex’s reaction, I give him credit for having the courage to admit to an emotion he is not proud of.

    I am not a classist, unless you mean classist against the elites, because the government of Israel and the leaders of Hamas definitely fall under that category and are the cause of suffering for the unempowered.

    A provincial person wouldn’t spend hours, days researching issues such as this in an attempt to better understand them. In fact, you are provincial, because you haven’t spent more than a minute of critical thinking on this subject.

    Seriously, without an attempt to understand each side (not agree, but understand) you can’t claim to know anything about this crisis. Why don’t you do some research.

  14. Rob,

    Unfortunately, the conflict is very complex. It’s impossible to take one side and remain objective in the conflict. So let’s get this out of the way:

    You, Rob, are not objective.

    Now, I am not what you would call a typical liberal. I’m pretty damned close to the middle. However, I cannot condone the mass murder of hundreds of children. The reason I can’t condone it is because of the level of intelligence that the IDF had of where the ammunition and weapons caches were, where senior Hamas officials were, and where their underground tunnels and bunkers were. The strike could have been precise. No, if you know anything about the conflict and its history, this wasn’t just about safety, it was about sending a message to the entire Muslim world.

    Don’t get me wrong, I want Hamas gone. But you must understand what Hamas gave to Palestine. They gave them security, schools, clean water, electricity, and food, to name a few things. If you, Rob, can provide them a better option, you may very well solve this problem yourself. But that’s right, you can’t think of one or provide one yourself.

    No one is saying to support Hamas. But in the Middle Eastern conviction of “an eye for an eye” did you really expect Israel to suffer no losses? Did you think that, in their mass sloppy bombing and killing of children, that they wouldn’t receive similar “punishment” from Hamas?

    Time for a reality check, Rob. Israel, as much as I love it and have dozens of Israeli friends (hell, before this I was going to take a trip there) is the outcast in the region. Do you know the history of the region? If you do, I hope you don’t take it from the Bible or any other religious work.

    I take no side in this. War isn’t going to solve anything over there. It’s their culture. Their clashing cultures and religions aren’t going to be and CAN’T be defeated with bombs.

    Neither side is doing things right. You can’t condemn one and forgive the other.

  15. Lysol-Since you’re so evolved and can “understand” each side tell explain to me why Hamas crucifies people as a punishment, and explain why that is irrelevant to your understanding of that situation.

    Explain to me why the Christian population in the Palestinian territories has been virtually exterminated and why that shouldn’t factor into our view of the conflict.

    Explain to me how Muslims can historically lay claim to any land since Islam comes into being in the late 600s. Don’t the Christians, Pagans, Jews and other groups there have a more valid historical claim to the land?

    Explain why it’s acceptable for Hamas to fire rockets into Israel. There are many Mexicans who believe the southwest was “stolen” from them (despite the fact we paid Mexico for the land) if they began lobbing rockets into San Diego would that be acceptable?

    “I’m not saying you’re wrong, just that you can’t say you’re right”-that’s undergrad philosophy nonsense. In a world where everyone is equally right and wrong you limit your ability to function both rationally and effectively. By your logic a poor person who decides to mug you isn’t really wrong, thus if you defended yourself you wouldn’t be right. You’re right in that your view goes beyond moral relativism and become nihilism. By your standards nations, races and people should simply allow others to predate them, and people viewing that predation have right to help or support either.

    Your philosophy may sound great in Starbucks, but how about when you and a female friend are attacked by a rapist? Will you fight to defend her, even doing more damage to him than he planned, or tell her later that in that situation there was no clear right or wrong?

  16. Gavin-I guess you and Lysol share the same network.

    But you claim I’m not objective then blurt out propaganda which is simply untrue. You claim IDF Intelligence would know this or that but that’s silly. It’s a view of Intel as all-knowing based largely on movies.

    You talk about what Hamas gave to Palestine. With whose money? Our. And they also tortured Fatah members to death, are exterminating Palestinian Christians and by the gods man they crucify people. What they’ve given Gaza is barbarism, fear and war.

    Not being a Christian myself I have little interest in the Bible, but as a Pagan I’m very concerned with the rise of Islamic Imperialism. I’ve studied plenty of history there (enough to know Muslims stole the land, including the kaba, from the Pagans by the way) and though my Masters is not in Middle Eastern history I’m comfortable saying I likely know more about the region, and Islam, than you.

    Israel has a right to stop Hamas from arming themselves and launching rockets into their country, and they have a moral responsibility to the people of the cities within Hamas’ range to stop the constant barrage. It may not be “hip” to say it but it is true, and if Colorado was receiving rockets from a nearby state you’d be demanding your government protect you as forcefully as Israel is now.

  17. 1. Hamas having backwards, archaic methods of execution is such a small side issue that it doesn’t deserve attention. What a superficial argument.

    2. The Christians in Palestine are in crisis right now, but as recently as 2006 they were, by their own admission not under persecution. That is, until the Pope stirred up the old negative feelings with his incendiary comments. Check out the current events section: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_Christian

    3. Who has a legitimate claim to the land is an intractable argument when every civilization that has dominated the region has decimated the previous population’s holy sites. Nobody has a better claim to it than those who currently live there, regardless of creed.

    4. I never said Hamas firing rockets was acceptable. It’s deplorable, and also the main reason why this conflict never really ends.

    5. It’s interesting to see that you didn’t make it out of the first week of your undergrad philosophy class before dropping it because you thought it was bullshit. Says a lot about you. I never argued for moral relativity; both sides are wrong. That’s not moral relativity, it’s comprehension.

    6. I’m a libertarian, so if I have to shoot down the “poor person robbing me” in wording I will, but you should know the answer already. Again, I don’t think violence is warranted on either side.

    7. If you had stayed in that class, you would know that nihilism is more than a Big Lebowski quote. Nietzsche is perhaps the most misunderstood philosopher of modern times, not something I would expect you to understand. Suffice to say you don’t understand the word.

    8. The rape scenario is beyond ridiculous. Proof that you don’t interact with anybody in real life that has a remotely different opinion than your own, because if you did you wouldn’t label everyone who points out flaws in your argument in the same fashion.

    9. I can teach you the stuff you don’t know, or at least point out some good books, but you wouldn’t listen to me or read them anyways. It’s sad, because everybody I discuss this issue with has the ability to change my mind about the situation, because I am open-minded to a fault. But you repeat arguments made by conservative talking heads, making it hard to take anything you say seriously. See above Mark Twain quote.

  18. Rob,

    My knowledge of IDF comes from my friends who are in the IDF and their knowledge of what goes on (which is VERY different from what we read in available publications). In essence, I have a more direct knowledge of what goes on there. You, on the other hand, have what you read.

    I was explaining to you why Hamas was able to take control of Gaza and why the people there support it. Not about the heinous things they do. Save your argumentative fallacies for someone who doesn’t know how to debate.

    As someone who has extensively studied the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, in spare time, in school, and on a personal level meeting with Israelis and Palestinians to hear and understand their sentiments, I’m going to have to disagree that you know more, especially if your views are skewed by your feelings towards Paganism. Your audacity to assume such a thing is an insult to your own intelligence, Rob, not mine.

    Yes, Israel has a right to protect themselves and even be proactive about it. However, that doesn’t mean they should go and kill women and children knowingly. Your state-state war analogy makes little, if any, sense. Sorry.

    Rob, all I would like to see is for you to see that BOTH sides are committing heinous and atrocious acts. Hamas provoked Israel, Israel responded in a way that was completely unnecessary. In the end, the level of which Israel responded is going to hurt their place in the region. They are making more enemies and aren’t scaring off larger countries like their nemesis, Iran.

    Tell me Rob, do you think Islam is a violent religion?

  19. Since you and Gavin are the same person (or at least sharing the same computer) I’ll address you both.

    I have a Degree in Comparative Religion (Go Bloomfield!) and Masters in Liberal Arts from Wesleyan. What’s your masters in?

    The fact that Hamas crucifies political opponents (not criminals) is not irrelevant to judging them.

    No educated person would cite Wikipedia as a source and expect to be taken seriously.

    I’ve actually taken many Philosophy courses, one shy of having a minor in it in fact. It’s more interesting that you need to insult others rather than address their points. It is the very definition of moral relativism to claim Israel and Hamas are morally equivalent. Israeli doctors are caring for Palestinian wounded as we speak; Hamas is taking the humanitarian aid meant for the Gazans to treat their fighters. How can you claim they are equals?

    I’ve never seen “The Big Lebaowski” but I have read Nietzsche. You however have decided to throw his name in because when you looked up Nihilism on Goggle his name was in the Wikipedia entry. But why don’t you enlighten us all as to what Nietzsche would have advised Israel to do?

    “The rape scenario is beyond ridiculous. Proof that you don’t interact with anybody in real life that has a remotely different opinion than your own, because if you did you wouldn’t label everyone who points out flaws in your argument in the same fashion.” I’m not sure what this means. I didn’t attack you merely asked how your view on the Israeli actions would play out in an individual situation. You are either purposefully misreading the question or oversensitive. I’ll assume you won’t answer.

    I’m sure you have loads to teach people. You sound so educated.

    My views aren’t “skewed” by feeling about Paganism. I am a Pagan and my religion does provide me with guidance as to morality. Muslims routinely burn Witches today so if your point is that it would be unlikely I’d side with people who still condone burning me at the stake then perhaps you have a point. But it is no insult to accurately describe the lands of Muslims as lands taken by force from pagan tribes, and the Kaba was in fact a Pagan shrine prior to it becoming a center of worship for Muslims. Even very sympathetic scholars of Islam will tell you that. How is the truth an insult?

    If my “state-state” analogy is so silly, then give an alternative. What do you think Israel should do, aside be driven into the sea that is?

    And yes, Islam is an extremely violent religion. the 4000+ terror attacks by Muslims in over a dozen countries since 9/11 attest to that, as does the Jihad against Buddhists, the slave trade in the Muslim world that goes on even now, the genocide in Darfur and the protests of Israel that have been going on were people call the genocide of the Jews. But the reality is that because Muslims believe Mohammad was the perfect man, and he was a warlord, Islam has a built in pre-disposition toward war. Just as Christians have a built in pre-disposition toward weakness and martyrdom based on Christ’s example.

    And how is it some dick who I am graciously allowing to promote his crappy band in my comments cannot drum up the civility to not make these petty personal attacks? What a sense of entitlement.

  20. Wow. Impossible to argue with someone who has it both ways.

    And the band doesn’t suck. Thank you for being a gracious host, I’ll leave you to talk with people you agree with. I did take some of your comments to heart, but after sizing you up it doesn’t appear there’s much hope for dialogue.

    Really, though. Look up thought-terminating cliches, because you are one.

  21. Speaking of cliches, Rob, this guy is a typical concern troll, complete with sock puppets and condescending faux magnanimity. His posts are a yawn fest – hopefully he wasn’t lying when he said he’d leave.

  22. Rob,

    You’ve confused Islam with fundamentalism. I’m glad I got you to prove that.

    Islam is quite a beautiful religion. Like all religions, it has its fundamentalists. Do I judge the entire Christian faith on the Westborough Baptist Church? Nope. It’s not fair to do the same to them.

    Having a masters is indeed something to be proud of, but is not something that gives you the right to treat others in a pejorative manner. That’s just straight up arrogance.

    It’s sad a dialogue couldn’t be opened. I suppose that goes both ways, but it really sounds like all you wanted to do was talk with people who agree with you. Sure, it’s much easier and comfortable to do that, but how can you possibly expect to not become myopic in doing so?

    Does Paganism teach you to only see negative things? You’re really making it look as if you just want to wipe Muslims off the face of the earth.

    As for what Israel should do… That requires a lot of discussion. Their place in the region is quite precarious (obviously) and… unique. They are a small country and the entire population is an army. They are surrounded by civilizations that would have them dead. Yet, as small as they are, they are for more technologically advanced and have much stronger weapons than their enemies.

    The only way for Israel to proactively defend itself is for them to obliterate every single population that is against them. Obviously, that’s not attainable. Because of that, they have to be on a constant defensive. That is the nature of the beast. They may be safe in the region someday, but only time will tell that. What they are doing in Gaza is a message. It’s an attempt to tell their Muslim world, “Don’t mess with us, this is what happens.” Clearly, that strategy works amazingly against fundamentalist cultures.

    Israel needs to win support. Their PR campaign is failing miserably. I truly believe that if more large powers in the world gave them the kind of support America does, things would calm down more over there.

    What do you think?

  23. Jenn Q. Public…

    Way to be a typical troll. Have fun trying to be an internet tough-guy. Yeah, you’re on that level. Feel free to troll elsewhere.

  24. Gavin that’s asinine. What you’re doing is making a distinction that is false. There are MUSLIMS that either are wish to be more modern or but there has never been an Islamic reformation. The four schools of Sunni Muslim jurisprudence all agree in three key points that make it impossible to attain peace with Muslim theocracies or even Muslim organizations that adhere to their religion. 1) Monodominance of Islam 2) All Muslims must strive to live under Sharia 3) Non-Muslims are not just wrong, they are impure and a slave to Allah.

    The Westboro Baptist church is a cult made up entirely of one left leaning family (who supported Castro and Saddam by the way, and the leader was a fundraiser for Gore) but Islamic murders of gays aren’t the exception. You can’t judge Christians by Westboro because there is only one Westboro, but there are dozens of Lashkar-e-Taiba’s in almost every country that has a large Muslim population. Additionally while there are no pogroms against gays in Christian countries there have been attacks on Jewish communities by Muslims in almost all European countries. Explain if Fundamentalism is basically the same for both why that is?

    “Dialogue.” When you came here under tow different names insulting me you consider it dialog, when I respond you lament that I don’t want to listen, even when I engaged you in debate that you refuse to answer. You’re not interested in dialog, just unjustified condescension.

    And I’m not lording my Masters over anyone YOU asked me what my education was and I responded. Again, you’re oversensitive.

    “Paganism” teaches me to see things as they are, not as I want them to be. I would recommend to you a book called The Masks of Odin which though written by a theosophist has the best translation of the Havamal I’ve seen. In the Havamal Odin lays out, in poetic form, advice for people to live good lives and one of the most important pieces of advice(in my opinion) is to call evil evil. Hamas must be judged by their actions, not through the process of some dialectic social scientists like to teach because they tend to be lazy. Hamas launches rockets which land randomly into Israel, Israel calls building they are going to target to tell people there to leave. Any man should be able to see the difference between the two but post-modernism (or really post-post-modernism) in academia has stripped many of the ability to be able to make simple distinctions. As a Pagan I am anything but post-modern, and proudly so.

    Your answer to what Israel should do boils down into mincing about. If you were king of Israel and several of your towns had populations under constant threat of random rocket what steps would you take to protect your subjects? Would you tell them things were complex and there are no good answers, so have fun dodging rockets or would you do what you had to do to stop the rockets? Jews will not win a PR campaign in this world, where 1/4th of Americans believe Jews in league with the space lizard run Illuminati are responsible for everything bad, and good PR doesn’t stop rocket fire, so what your solution amounts to is to turn the other cheek Christian style until Hamas gets better with the rockets and wipes out the Jews.

    And watch how you talk to my old lady. You’re the one trolling here with sock puppet. It’s you who should feel free to take your thin skin back to DKos.

  25. Gavin said,

    Jenn Q. Public…

    Way to be a typical troll. Have fun trying to be an internet tough-guy. Yeah, you’re on that level. Feel free to troll elsewhere.

    What are you, five? Your comment boils down to, “I’m rubber and you’re glue. Anything you say bounces off me and sticks to you.” Time to grow up, sweetie.

    And by the way, I’ve published a fair number of guest posts on Red Alerts so I’m obviously no troll. But call me “troll” all you want – maybe your sock puppet will show up to back you up.

  26. Let’s get this straight. Whoever Lysol is, they have no relation to me. Some of your comments towards me should be directed toward them, but in your crazy conspiracy-oriented mind, you seem to believe we are one person.

    Watch how I talk to your old lady? What the hell are you going to do, tough guy? Your old lady (ironic you’d call her that, by the way) went ahead and tried to insult the intelligence of someone else in an effort to make your arguments seem valid. That, Rob, is an internet forum troll by definition.

    The more you talk, Rob, the more I realize what kind of person you are. Let me guess, you think Liberals are “lefties” and are whiny people who are afraid to take aggressive stances on things. What I’m getting at is you judge an entire population based on its extremist segments. Really, that’s all you’re doing. I don’t think I’ve ever conversed with someone as polarized as you. It sounds like you’re picking and choosing what you read and it’s only further confirming your beliefs to you. That is, clearly, myopic.

    Israel fighting a war with the entire Middle East is a better option then? That’s a war they can’t win, save for employing their entire nuclear arsenal and, instead of dodging missiles, trying to dodge nuclear fallout. No, your view of how they should handle things is archaic and, at best, will only make the fighting worse.

    Anyways, you two seem perfect for each other. Like Lysol, I’m done arguing with recalcitrant people who are so myopic they can’t see past their own nose.

    And I’m sure you’ll talk to each other and laugh and comment on how those lefties ran off because they couldn’t hack a dialogue. Or you’ll use what we said to further confirm to yourselves your skewed beliefs.

    Cheers, hope you two learn to open your minds a little bit.

  27. Let’s get this straight. I can see you I.P. address when you post comments. It would be quite the coincedence that you and Lysol posted the same points at the same time from the same I.P. on the same blog post wouldn’t it?

    It’s not “ironic” that I call my old lady my old lady. That isn’t what irony is. And explain how calling you a concern troll is insulting your intelligence.

    Also this isn’t an Internet forum, so no one here is a forum troll.

    Liberals are “lefties” by definition.

    I don’t think myopic means what you think it means.

    And blah blah. I see you want to address none of my points just crawl off and sulk. Fine by me.

  28. ROFL! Oh, this is entertaining. Lysol with the spam in the website address and the mirror image, double personality it created to back it up. You and Jenn are hilarious! I loved this, “What are you, five? Your comment boils down to, ‘I’m rubber and you’re glue. Anything you say bounces off me and sticks to you.’ Time to grow up, sweetie.” Awesome, Jenn.

    Really, do you know why it’s so entertaining? People like this post thousands of words and dozens of comments that completely contradict not only their own testimony but fact, as well. The more they try to sound intelligent and get one up on others, the more ignorant they reveal themselves to be. That’s why I take great pleasure engaging people like this when I have time. Everyone who reads their words gets a great laugh and they just keep right on posting, oblivious to the joke they have become. It’s funny how people can argue so vehemently for points that are so far away from fact and reality they wouldn’t even be noted in the Onion.

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