Jihad Supporting “Liberals” want Second Amendment Rights Repealed!

Junaid Afeef, a Lawyer and “activist” who just over a year ago was accusing the I.C.E. of murdering a detainee in their custody (even though her death was ruled a suicide) wrote an article for anti-Zionist, anti-American “think tank” The Institute for Social Policy and Understanding declaring that Americans needed to have their guns taken away, to ensure that terrorism wouldn’t strike at our shores.

His outrageous article seems to suppose that a disarmed populace would be safer then an armed one. He puts forward the usual stats of number of deaths a year, (which include the hundreds of shootings which were justified such as self-defense, police involved, etc) and trys to terrify readers into believing terrorists would launch urban warfare in our cities unless we rounded up the guns now.

He doesn’t mention how the Second Amendment keeps us safe. For example, he doesn’t mention the impossibility of a Muslim occupation of inner cities here like there is in France, largely because rioters and looters take their lives in their hands in America when plying their barbaric trade. He fails to mention why, if Jihadist are afoot, civilians would need to arm themselves, why citizens need to be ready to defend not just themselves but their fellows Americans who will be targeted by a corrupt culture of radicalism that will mirror the vile Jihadists of Europe.

Mr. Afeef, perhaps with a romantic vision of an Islamic revolution coloring his perceptions, seeks to turn America into a target rich environment where radicals of any stripe could attack civilians at will with no need to be concerned that their actions would lead to their own deaths. This fear of an armed populace is, in all honesty, the only reason most murders and rapists don’t commit their crimes constantly but rather wait for the opportune victim (someone who cannot defend themselves) to sate their blood lust.

There are many in my family who remember the days of the Klan, and those who do all own guns, just in case some hooded figures appear one dark night with the intent to harm them. I too own guns, not just because of the Klan, but also the Jihadist who may come one day, angry over some cartoon or song, and seek to harm me. My ability to defend myself and my loved ones bothers Mr. Afeef, the question is why?

I believe I know.

H/T Jawa Report