The Supporters Ron Paul Doesn’t Want You to See

The “grassroots” can be a scary place, especially when by grassroots you’re referring to the radical left-libertarian fringe of anti-American, anti-government rabble that make up the various “patriot” movements. Often racist, always paranoid and living in a Internet-based fantasy world that seems less like a political ideology and more like an online role playing game, this dangerous collection of conspiracy theorists, abductees and neo-Nazis are the foot troops marching in support of the political campaign’s wild eyed “revolutionaries” like supposed Republican Ron Paul.

It is in these left-libertarian political groups and web sites, what Michelle Malkin rightly refers to as Libertarian fever swamps, where otherwise “liberal” Americans meet and mingle with anti-American White Nationalist groups and forge alliances that should shock any real Libertarian. For that reason Ron Paul’s campaign has tried to keep media attention away from some of his more unseemly associations and supporters, and his current 9-11 firestorm has distracted many from investigating his neo-Nazi roots, but not every one luckily. One DailyKos diarist has unearthed some of Paul’s outrageous racist ramblings which should change any reasonable Republican’s mind about supporting Paul.

There are many who will embrace his racist bile. Here’s a list of White Supremacist/racist sites I’ve found actively shilling for “the taxpayer’s best friend”: is a site run by traitor and Irish hater David Duke.

Frank Weltner of Jew Watch has one of his YouTube video diaries dedicated to celebrating Paul’s victory over “Zionist agent” Rudy at the Republican debate:


Vanguard News Network has a link to Prison Planet video of Paul. Certainly not the first or last time White Supremacists will link to Alex Jones (or Ron Paul).

“Paleo-Conservative” Pat Buchanan has an essay supporting Paul’s contention that we brought 9-11 on ourselves. Interestingly Buchanan’s essay is cross posted on David Duke’s site, a man he vigorously defended from Republican criticism in the past. Birds of a feather I guess.

The Civic Platform loves Ron Paul. I wasn’t going to include them, but after I recently referred to them in another post a little bird told me they’ve been running around the forums claiming I’d have no content without “attacking” them. Sorry boys, but this will only be the fifth post about you out of a total of 471 posts. I’m glad to start paying more attention to you if you want.

You get the idea, a vote for Paul is a vote for crypto-fascism, “Libertarian Socialism” and White Nationalism. Paul’s supporters are a looking glass view of the kind of world Paul wants to create, where racist ideologies and rank anti-Semitism are given respectability. Paul isn’t a Republican or a Libertarian; he’s a Fascist using anti-government rhetoric to build his brave new world.

11 thoughts on “The Supporters Ron Paul Doesn’t Want You to See

  1. Democracy: rule of the people is by definition willed of the people, so “spreading freedom” is just liberal-neocon non-sense.

    We are spreading tyranny, and calling it freedom, both here and abroad.
    Ayn Rand kikeservatives such as yourself deluted of all ties to kith and kin, just a mongrel savage (you want equality, all is only equal in savagery) with no loyalty to this country but loyalty to money; the only thing you can be attached to tragically is money: the most intellectual cause you can fight for is capitalism; tell the goyim that loyalty to their kith and kin is either “socialism” “racism” or “anti-semitism”.

    But like all jews and jew-wannabes, your kind are of impure mongrel blood in favor of deluting the hated pure. But our existance is not a sin, not from the Bible anyway, it is what the founding fathers (who were our literal bloodfathers: anglo-saxon, or western cro-magnid man) called “”our prosperity”, and they wouldn’t call everyone on earth just a bombing away from becoming an American, they would not call a newly-landed Pakistani an American.

  2. Being a non-“bi-racial” Goy is not an original sin. The WWII holocaust or the Roman destruction of Jerusalem, or the banishment of the money-changers from the temple or Isabella and Ferdinand’s court, all these placed on the heads of today’s American goy are not our original sin. The people who would have you believe this are demons.

  3. I’d respond if you’re comment made any sense. Not being a Jew or christian myself I don’t believe in the theological concept of “original sin” nor did I mention it. I suppose you’re saying that Jews are trying to make you and I feel guilty about Jesus and the money changers, the expulsion in Spain the Roman conquest and the holocaust. I don’t feel guilty for those things and have never had a Jew say I should.

    Of couse, my post wasn’t really about Jews though, was it? It was about Ron Paul’s unseemly associations. The man who would be Presidnet reaching out to people who have openly declared their intention to destroy America, if that isn’t blogworthy, nothing is.

    Why this got you into a name calling mood is beyond me. Is it that you support Paul, or as I suspect this is more about your desire to for negative attention? Am I your new stand in father? Will you be yelling and cursing at me because I don’t pay enough attention to you? Will you be spewing venom here, at 2:00 in the morning, because you’re real father won’t have anything to do with you?

    Blame Jews and “mongrel savages” and anyone else you can think of for your anger, but isn’t the truth that your just some bitter unemployed loser who links to a blog with two posts on it (you couldn’t even finish that, you’re mother was right about you) who lives alone and will die alone. Isn’t it the truth that your anger stems from the realization that you’re not important? Not just to me, but to anybody. Aren’t you angry with me because I seem to you to be a little more important to others?

    Have a nice night.

  4. The comments in Ron Paul’s newsletter that you’re referring to have been disavowed by Ron Paul long ago. They were not written by him and his philosophy clearly does not support such things. Even the New York Times piece reported that the comments in his newsletter were obviously not written by him.

    There are some wackos amongst Ron Paul’s supporters, but there are wackos amongst every candidates supporters. But to say that they are the typical Ron Paul supporter is absolutely untrue. The typical Ron Paul supporter is a person who believes in the limited government as described by the founding fathers and laid out in the constitution. It is this that has made him popular.

  5. I stopped reading at “Michelle Malkin rightly refers.”

    Talk about a bigoted wacko.

  6. Your biased diatribe only supports Ron Paul and his message of freedom. People like myself like to weigh both sides of a debate. Your pejoritive analysis will incline most to investigate Ron Paul which , no doubt, will lead to a new or continued supporters of his campaign.

    Your intentions may be honest but your method is flawed.

    Please continue to exercise your inalienable rights. I , for one, am not offended.


  7. Whites trying to destroy their own race by attacking the only candidate that wants to improve the nation and protect their dignity. What else is new?

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