Peaceful Muslim College Professor Assaults Two People at United Voices for America Rally

The beatings will continue until we infidels admit Islam is a religion of peace. I just got this press release from Americans Against Hate:

Tallahassee, FL) Investigative journalist and Chairman of Americans Against Hate Joe Kaufman and Florida Security Council cameraman J. Mark Campbell were assaulted, earlier today, by a member of United Voices for America (UVA), a Florida Muslim lobby group.

UVA was in Tallahassee for its second annual event, entitled “Muslim Capitol Day.”

According to the lieutenant in charge, the perpetrator of the attacks, Bassem Alhalabi, was charged with “simple battery” for each incident. The two assaults happened on two separate occasions, both on the same day.

Alhalabi is a professor at Florida Atlantic University (FAU), a director and co-founder of the Islamic Center of Boca Raton (ICBR), and a former associate of convicted terrorist Sami al-Arian.

In June 2003, Alhalabi was found guilty of illegally shipping a $13,000 military-grade thermal imaging device to Syria.

United Voices for America (UVA) is headed by Ahmed Bedier, the former Executive Director of CAIR-Tampa and the former “unofficial spokesman” for Sami al-Arian. Bedier was present, during the attack on Campbell.

In May 2007, Rafiq Sabir, a member of Alhalabi’s Islamic center was convicted of material support for al-Qaeda.

United Voices for America is a known front for CAIR and a distributor of pro-terrorist, far-left propaganda. It is unsurprising that this group of miscreants would include violent thugs.

The thug in question is an associate professor of engineering at F.A.U. which is worrisome given his predilection for militant Islamism and terrorism.

Americans Against Hate are promising to release video of the assault.

Lancet: Jews Cause Muslims to Abuse Women

Palestinian Child Brides

Of course the new Lancet study phrases it a different way but in essence the organization that once released an Iraqi causality count that was almost triple the actual number of deaths has yet again used their supposed scientific findings to advance pro-Jihadist anti-Western agi-prop that only the most dedicated anti-Semite could pretend to believe. Like maybe the men posing as women who write Jezebel who had their own little anti-Jew screed going recently.

But perhaps Phyllis Chesler explains the new Lancet study best:

First, let’s follow the money. This study was funded by the Palestinian National Authority as well as by the Core Funding Group at the University of Minnesota. The Palestinian Authority is not a disinterested party. But even worse: The data was collected by the Palestinian Central Bureau. These are the people who told the world that Israeli soldiers shot young Mohammed al-Dura, committed a massacre in Jenin, and purposely attacked Palestinian civilians (who just happened to be jihadists dressed in civilian clothing or hostage-civilians behind whom the jihadists hid).

Second, let’s note that the study has a political goal which trumps any objective academic or feminist goal. (These researchers claim to have a “feminist” perspective). In my view, this study wishes to present Palestinian men as victims, even when those men are battering their wives. And, it wishes to present Palestinian cultural barbarism, which includes severe child abuse, as also related to the alleged Israeli occupation.

Third, therefore, the study has purposely omitted the violence, including femicide, which is routinely perpetrated against daughters and sisters in “occupied Palestine” and has, instead, chosen to focus only on husband-wife violence and only on couples who are currently married. The honor murders of daughters and sisters by their parents and brothers is a well known phenomenon in Gaza and on the West Bank.


Fourth, if one is completely serious about violence against women, the researchers would have factored in the role of Hamas, which has “occupied” Gaza both militarily and religiously. Since they have done so, more and more (previously modern) women have been forced to veil; more child marriages as well as arranged marriages are now taking place.

And of course the study doesn’t explain why the Grand Mufti of Palestine was Hitler’s very best friend (even having himself declared Aryan) and supported the pro-Nazi revolution in non-Jewish Syria. Nor does it explain why there is a Muslim perpetrated genocide in Sudan which targets women for slavery and rape, why the Saudis have sentenced a rape victim to prison and 100 lashes, the propensity of Muslims for rape of non-Muslims in Europe or why the man who invented Bridges TV chopped his wife’s head off in Buffalo New York.

By the way she was one of four wives he had and he’s claiming he was “emotionally abused” by the victim which justifies him killing her. Sounds like he was raised to really respect women.

But I suppose given time Lancet researchers, funded by C.A.I.R. no doubt, could find a way to assign the ultimate responsibility for those atrocities to Jews as well. After all, Lancet is the best peer-reviewed journal money can buy.

U.N. General Assembly Chief Says Homosexuality is Unacceptable

My friend Damien sent this story to me and I have no idea how I missed it. The new General Assembly chief of the United Nations is a Libyan Muslim named Ali Abdussalam Treki who shares many of the basic Muslim values Islam has taught for centuries uninterrupted by an Enlightenment of Reformation. One of those values is that Homosexuality is a crime that needs to be severely punished:

From The Last Crusade:

Ali Abussalam, the newly-installed president of the United Nations General Assembly, Ali Abdussalam Treki, said yesterday that homosexuality is “not really acceptable” and that homosexual acts should be treated as crimes.

Treki, who is the Libyan secretary of African Union Affairs, opened the 64th session of the United Nations General Assembly Friday with a press conference.

One question concerned the UN resolution which calls for the universal decriminalisation of homosexuality.

In reply, the new UN chief said: “That matter is very sensitive, very touchy. As a Muslim, I am not in favour of it . . . it is not accepted by the majority of countries. My opinion is not in favour of this matter at all. I think it’s not really acceptable by our religion, our tradition.”

Attempting to clarify his remarks, Treki added: “It is not acceptable in the majority of the world. And there are some countries that allow that, thinking it is a kind of democracy . . . I think it is not.”

Queers for Palestine may want to examine that statement before their next protest. Homosexuals are routinely executed by Muslim governments around the world, including by Hamas which Queers for Palestine support politically and rumor has it financially. The Infidel Blogger Alliance points out that more than 4000 gays have been executed in Iran alone since 1979. The number when you include all the Muslim countries that execute gays is probably closer to 40,000 but no one really knows for sure.

So far Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) has been the only politician I’ve seen come out strongly to condemn this madness. Via GOProud:

“The anti-gay bigotry spewed by this Qaddafi shill demonstrates once again that the UN has been hijacked by advocates of hate and intolerance.

“Likewise, the leadership of the UN Development Program is held by the Iranian regime, which denies the presence of gays in Iran even as it murders them and other innocent citizens.

“We must ensure that billions annually in U.S. taxpayer dollars no longer foot the bill for the UN’s anti-freedom agenda without significant reform.

“Congress must demand better by enacting pending legislation that would leverage our contributions to the UN to produce sweeping, meaningful reform of that body.”

Isn’t it time to pull out of the United Nations, at least until it becomes something more than an international  facilitator of Islamism?

Religion of Peace in America Link Round-Up

It seems like the Religion of Peace has been on a tear this last couple of weeks, which is strange since I thought Obama and the left would use soft power to make Muslims love us. By soft power I of course mean supporting Jew haters in their attempts to circumvent their country’s constitution, allowing Russia to dictate our European military strategy, and of course, demonizing the right. However, it seems like the followers of Mohammad aren’t really impressed by American lefties’ outreach and are currently running amok:

Najibullah Zazi was planning a WMD attack in New York on 9/11 before he was busted. He is in fact an Al-Qaeda adherent. Police are still looking for additional suspects that went to ground when Zazi was arrested.

As an aside, the Imam arrested for tipping off Zazi to government surveillance is a known pervert.

A 19-year-old Jordanian illegal alien has been arrested for plotting to bomb a sky scraper in Dallas. He too was an Al-Qaeda adherent loyal to Islam and “sheik Usama.”

A man named Micheal C. Finton, who “idolized” American Taliban John Walker Lindh, was arrested for plotting to blow up a courthouse and kill Rep. Aaron Schock in Springfield, Illinois. From Fox:

Michael C. Finton, 29, who also went by the name Talib Islam and idolized American born Taliban soldier John Walker Lindh, was arrested Wednesday in Springfield, Ill., after federal officials said he attempted to set off explosives in a van outside a federal courthouse in the Illinois capital.


Finton had been closely monitored by federal agents including in the months leading up to his arrest, according to a federal affidavit in his case. It said an FBI agent who posed as an al-Qaida operative presented Finton on Wednesday with a van containing materials he described as explosive but which actually were harmless.

The two men parked the van at the courthouse and close to the office of U.S. Rep. Aaron Schock, R-Ill., which Finton allegedly hoped also would be damaged. They then drove a short distance to where Finton twice used a cell phone to try to detonate the explosives, the affidavit said. He was arrested immediately.

The D.O.J. has released a statement that Daniel Boyd a.k.a “Saifullah” Hysen Sherifi, and Zakariya Boyd, aka “Zak” have been indicted for conspiring to murder military personnel at Quantico. Boyd had recruited at least a half dozen people to go on Jihad with him.

A grateful Kosovar Muslim living in New York was just arrested for plotting to kill U.S. troops.

A suicide bomber in Somalia is thought to have come from Seattle.

The Muslim march on Washington was led by a man who claims Jews control America.

It almost looks like there’s a pattern developing. The fact is that Islamic Imperialism cannot be remedied with conciliatory gestures, as in the Arabized Islamic world this is seen as a sign of weakness. Muslims must be dealt with from a position of strength, and those forces who are demanding a reformation within Islam (and they do exist) must be given our support and those who seek to destroy the West must be given nothing but bombs and bullets. We must convince the Islamic world that the West is too strong to be subjugated.

Even if it isn’t true.