Rachel Maddow Inspired Communist Phones Death Threat into Freedomworks Office

Tabitha Hale posted this death threat phoned in by some deranged hausfrau who claims the left is organizing, arming and ready to “fight you to the death,” referring of course to we people who don’t want to pay high taxes for entitlements aimed at lazy, shiftless White liberals. Of course, it’s we on the right that are dangerous.

Listen here.

My response to the left. We can do this:

GOProud on The Democrats Betrayal of Gays in the Health Care Bill

Surprise! Democrats threw gays under the bus for their communist power grab. It’s almost as if Marxists think homosexuality is a product of decadent Capitalism and will disappear in their new utopia.

From GOProud:

(Washington, D.C.) – Late last night, the Democratic controlled House of Representatives passed their healthcare “reform” bill by a razor-thin margin. “All of the Democratic special interests got their pay off in the healthcare bill passed by the House last night,” said Jimmy LaSalvia, Executive Director of GOProud – the only national organization representing gay conservatives and their allies. “While the rest of the Democratic caucus was busy horse-trading for their constituency, gay Democrats in the House do what they do best – sit down, shut up and vote.”

All three of the openly gay House Democrats – Barney Frank (D-MA), Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) and Jared Polis (D-CO) – voted for the Democrats’ healthcare legislation that seeks to expand the scope of government run healthcare. “The Democrats’ dirty little secret is that efforts to expand government-run healthcare will expand discrimination and make quality, affordable healthcare even less available to gay and lesbian families all across the country,” continued LaSalvia. “Instead of making domestic-partner benefits more available, this legislation will make them less available. Instead of empowering gay families to have more control over their healthcare decisions, this legislation will put more power in the hands of a federal government that denies any recognition for gay couples. Instead of supporting tax equity for domestic partners, they supported tax increases on gay families.”

“You would think that openly gay Democrats would have fought for some measure of equality for gay families during the debate, but sadly they did not. It is clear their allegiance is to Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama and the DNC – not to gay and lesbian families,” concluded LaSalvia.

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Surprise! “Elite, Progressive” Boarding School in Germany was a Rape and Torture Factory

Since “progressive” really means Marxist and Marxism teaches submission to authority and the abolition of private property, this should come as no surprise. Our bodies are the most important piece of property we own, and our sovereignty over our lives is our most precious right. Marxism denies both these facts and thus attracts people who don’t respect your person or your autonomy:

The Odenwaldschule school board admitted to the paper that teachers had abused wards at the school for years. School director Margarita Kaufmann  told the newspaper, “As far as I am concerned, it is a fact that sexual abuse occurred here at least since 1971.”

According to accounts by former pupils, teachers at the school in Heppenheim woke them by stroking their genitals, forced them to perform oral sex, and were made into “sex slaves” for whole weekends.

Teachers also beat their wards, provided them with drugs and alcohol, and did not intervene when several pupils sexually abused a girl.

The way the school was structured encouraged an unhealthy lack of boundaries:

The Odenwaldschule was established in 1910 with a holistic ethos of raising a child according to its own individual desires, rather than through discipline and drill. The 225 pupils currently attending (200 as boarders) live in so-called ‘families,’ with their class teacher as a kind of ‘family head’ who lives in an adjacent room. A boarder’s place at the school currently costs €2,220 a month.

Now that’s progressive.

Update: Some Paulnut says this is all a ploy by me to try to get America to invade Germany because I’m a Jew loving “neo-con.”

P.E.T.A Fights for the Right of Rabid Raccoons to Maul Your Family (P.E.T.A. Also Kills Animals)

Angry Raccoon

This story is near to my heart because I was once almost mauled by a rabid raccoon while on one of my day long rambles through the suburbs of New Jersey. I was only saved from a series of painful rabies shots by my penchant for unusual clothing, including 17 inch leather boots which I thought were quite dashing. They also proved to be raccoon proof which has solidified my preference for tall leather boots ever since.  It’s a long story but suffice to say the parks and pathways of New Jersey are not a great place to run into a foaming at the mouth animal, and if you do running across the nearest deep stream will buy you enough time to make your escape.

So when Tennessee Republican Steve King let his Twitter followers know that he ended up putting down a raccoon that kept trying to claw its way into his house I understood that he had to do what he had to do to protect his family. A raccoon is about the size of a medium sized dog and weighs in around 40 pounds. That’s a lot of teeth and claws coming your way if things go wrong. So I personally think King was in the right.

P.E.T.A. disagrees:

He (King) told Roll Call that he was on a Feb. 9 conference call when the raccoon returned.

King grabbed the Desert Eagle — “It’s the one I had handy,” he told HOH — and went after the raccoon, which fled. But King caught up, fired and killed the creature.

“We can’t have an animal that might be sick, might be rabid, out there,” King said, adding that his granddaughters often play in the area where he spotted the raccoon. “That’s just what has to happen when you live out here in the country.”

Problem is, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) late this morning has criticized King, with spokesman Jaime Zalac saying King should not have dispatched “a small animal seeking warmth in another blizzard,” a second Roll Call piece relates.

“I would hope he’s not on any (House) committees that make decisions regarding cruel and unusual punishment. Decent people would call animal control for help, not get on Twitter to boast about having a really, really big gun,” Zalac said.

This from an organization that routinely kills animals they take in for their supposed adoption program. Public records show that P.E.T.A. found homes for only 1 out of every 300 animals it’s “no kill” shelter takes in. P.E.T.A. itself admits to killing some 95.8% of the animals they got their hands on in 2008. None of those animals were potentially rabid.

More importantly this response shows that far from being nature lovers P.E.T.A. and their supporters are disconnected from the very natural world they claim to love. Raccoons are dangerous, only people who haven’t seen one think otherwise. Nature is struggle, an endless cycle of beauty and violence that makes life possible and the disconnect from natural law creates people like the Jaime Zalac who have no idea how nature works. People like Zalac believe man has tamed nature but in reality we hide from it, huddling behind a flimsy barricade called civilization that can only offer us temporary shelter.

Raccoons shelter from blizzards in the wild all the time, they don’t need to come into your house. It is unusual behavior which may indicate that the creature is rabid. P.E.T.A. thinks in that situation you should throw caution to the wind and allow your family to be mauled. People who truly love nature know better.

h/t N.R.A.

Newsday Only Has 35 Online Subscribers!

How’s that pay for content model working out James Dolan?

In late October, Newsday, the Long Island daily that the Dolans bought for $650 million, put its web site, newsday.com, behind a pay wall. The paper was one of the first non-business newspapers to take the plunge by putting up a pay wall, so in media circles it has been followed with interest. Could its fate be a sign of what others, including The New York Times, might expect?

So, three months later, how many people have signed up to pay $5 a week, or $260 a year, to get unfettered access to newsday.com?

The answer: 35 people.

The article goes on to point out that newspaper subscribers and people with Optimum cable get a free account so it’s not as if only 35 people visit the website. It’s just that only 35 people are willing to pay to do so. That’s less people that subscribe by email to Red Alerts. The quote that makes the piece:

“We’re the freebie newsletter that comes with your HBO,” sniffed one Newsday reporter.

Don’t flatter yourself.

Could it be that websites are best utilized as ways to advertise goods and products and not as products in their own right? Nah. That’s too simple an explanation.

h/t Drudge